A twist huh![]()
I missed the part where Julie explained it. But any fan vote to help a houseguest right now, DX 100% wins.It’s a power from America
They’re predicting Alyssa, because Jessica got it after Cody left, and Bay got it after Swaggy left, but I don’t think the fans like Alyssa and Christian as a couple that much. I think it will be Tiff.
Man, that's some real talk.Some quotes from Tiff, and X from tonight.
Xavier to himself- Get it together. It had to be done. You are not just playing for yourself, you are playing for Danielle, you are playing for David, Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, Swaggy. You are playing for all of those people who wished they were in the situation you are in.
Tiff 5 minutes later talking to X: I'm afraid I'm gonna leave this house and all I'm gonna have is the 6...cause Idk how they're gonna feel like....she could have her own game.....
Tiffany about the others like Claire finding out about the Cookout: I don't want them to get home and be like we never had a chance.
Tiffany "I know we're doing the right thing, but I don't know if we're playing the game right."
Tiffany: I don't even know if I'm playing the game right.
Xavier: Truthfully every season there's a big dominant alliance.
Tiffany: That's very true, but if they did what we did, and we were at home watching, we would have an issue.
Xavier: If they did what we did, it's something that literally happens every season.
Tiffany: I really fukkin love Claire. I love Baby D. Some of the people outside the 6 I feel closer to than the 6, and my game would be totally different. But I still think through what our mission is, when they watch it back, they will understand that it wasn't malicious.
X: We're doing something that may never be able to happen again based on how it's perceived.
Tiff: Very true
Man, that's some real talk.
One of my homegirls, who put me onto this show, hates this season.
She won't say, but it's because of the Cookout.
But she's one of those "I don't see racism unless it's the KKK" types and is married to a white dude.
When I pointed out how on every season I've watched (5), a black person was put up and kicked out immediately and how there was blatant racism from white HGs and favoritism from production (I'm a producer/editor) going on, she scoffed and made excuses.
I heard BB Facebook is on fire and the white folks on there are irate.
Haha, you think?Sounds like your homegirl is pretty White identified, no offense.
and they should be. They should realize this how Black folks felt for years upon years, but they won't.
Racists were so smug and giddy to tell people that Black people were not that intelligent to play and succeed at the game.
Haha, you think?
Wow, I didn't know white fans were telling black fans shyt like this for years. Although, the brotha on this channel was pointing out that historically the show and its fans have been on some racist shyt since for a while.
But yea, I was almost about to drop this shyt after the few seasons I've been watched because the passive and blatant racism was too much.