The Republicans already planned for this. The packing of judges and the fact they hold the Senate with the bible belt and Midwest.The long term end game for the Democratic Party is consistent one party rule. Use demographics to win this election, win 2024,2028,2032,2036,2040,2044 etc. To keep any progressive policies alive this is the key. Also to undo the judicial system by setting up liberal judges nation wide and have a supermajority in the Supreme Court.
Being an obstructionist party, like they were under Obama, is their true default position. Leading a country isn't their thing anymore. They know the population overall isn't with them but the Dems can't get a 60 vote majority to basically shut them up and have a true mandate. The second the Dems pass another progressive style Obamacare policy, the Republicans are counting on their base to give them back that 48-52ish stalemate.
Republicans are a state's rights party in its final form.
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