It’s funny, I just watched this finale and it dawned on me why people are having a hard time with Kim’s actions:
We’re doing it to ourselves.
We as an audience have been taught that Jim is Saul, and Saul = X
We’ve had all the signs of Kim’s issues since day one, but we fail to see them because....we’ll, she’s Kim, not Jimmie, and she’s not going to be like = X
Yet here she is and they are finally making it plain just how vindictive and spiteful and repressed she is as a character.
We have been trained that if a woman in TV or Film isn’t sexy and dangerous, or sexy and manipulative or whatever sexual innuendos they tag on her to remind you how she’ll use her sexuality to manipulate her prey.....that they most likely aren’t all those adjectives with the sex part removed.
Vince been playing with our emotions y’all.