Gaffes didn’t sink Bush Jr. Trump. or Biden.
Maybe it’s time to admit it only plays to caricature the politician on SNL but not to make them unpopular. The economy and wars will always tell the tell.
Bush and Trump got past their gaffes because of exactly what I just explained, the Republicans dgaf. Hillary had suppressed turnout with a similar record (to Biden probably better) minus the "this person is mentally fading" gaffes. I'm not talking about SNL here. I'm talking about a man who confused his sister and wife in a victory speech. Casual observers don't look at that and go "this guy is fit to be president" and while the Dems have played nice about, the Republicans won't. The meme people won't. And that ish took an effect on Hillary.
VP wise, it’s wide open except for winning back a some of the younger progressives by grooming them as his replacement in four years.
Yeah, it's wide open...when they make a good choice, I'll give them credit for that. Not a second before that though. They blew the VP pick last time.
I didn’t vote for Bernie in 2016 and wouldn’t in 2020 unless he was the nom. The reason was because he ran the exact same campaign. The whole reason I liked Warren cause she could slow walk the moderates to a more progressive stance cause she wasn’t a known quantity. Bernie was DOA on converting moderates.
No, he didn't run the same campaign. But he certainly didn't target moderates. He went for a new type of strategy and it bared results with younger voters across the spectrum but failed with the most reliable swath of the electorate. I'm back to where I was last time, a real progressive is in trouble until the boomers die out. But none of this changes the main reason Biden made that last minute comeback, Pete and Amy dropped out to endorse him. Beto endorse him last minute too. He got over millions of dollars in free media over one weekend headed into Super Tuesday. Bernie wasn't beating that and a pivot even slightly closer to center to appease moderates would have failed as miserably for him as it did for Warren.