What I hate about the Right as well as respect about them on some level is they never get tired about pushing their agenda and pushing for the things they want. Win or lose. There's a defeatist attitude on the left (even I have the urge to feel that way today) that I think is problematic for us. It's harder for us because we are fighting against a giant mainstream media machine, but the point is that the Rs never get too beat down and defeated when they lose and they still keep showing up and voting for the people they want and the policies they want. We should keep doing the same.1. fukk you
2. He still might have a delegate lead coming out of Super Tuesday, so why drop out? Seriously, that would be terrible optics for the progressive movement. People are still willing to fight and it’s honestly not over. At the very least we can push for Biden to adopt SOME sort of policy we could be excited about. We have to continue trying to push these people to the left.
The ultimate underlying movement towards anti-establishment politics isn't going away anytime soon (on the left or the right).