I don't think the "he ignore specific black policies" hurts Bernie honestly. He was never getting older black voters in the south. it's not happening. That specific vote is connected to the institution of the Dem party. Bernie is not connected to the institution of the Democratic party. It's why Clyburn is able to mobilize. Bernie is up against Obama nostalgia. Latinos do not have an institutional connection to the party. His margin is so slim with Warren in the race. Bernie does better with us in MI, cali and NY. Here's what I said back in December and looks like it happened...One thing I believe hurts the left AND Dems is the Abolish ICE shyt while looking like the perception is that they ignore specific black policies .
The Obama aura worked with Biden voters. But deep down, they felt like Biden understood them more than Bernie
My prediction is that Bernie's going to have the most delegates after the first three states then go on to lose the south and the discourse from professional class liberals will be Bernie didn’t do enough "woke" stuff to win over southern black voters... even though the person that beat him is crime bill Joe Biden.
I don’t think some people on here and on Twitter have any conception of the institutions and networks that drives voting across demographics -- including black voters in the south
Btw CNN already previewed their Michigan attacks on Bernie. They were talking about how the Green New Deal wants to ban combustion engines by 2030...We got sucked into these detailed plans because of Warren’s position in the race. We're not out of it but the margins lol