I have to go to work so I may not be able to reply fully but let me say. I didn't say this. Read my sentence I said.
"Treating Dems like obstacles."
I'm saying instead of building your coalition. Saying they are in your way doesn't make people want to join you.
Imagine when the Red Soxs won the World Series and people in Boston were happy. Instead of calling out fans who weren't baseball fans during the bad times calling them out as fair weather posers, you said yeah! You should come to a game next season or explain the history of all the close seasons.
That makes the person want pay closer attention and learn more.
That right there is why Bernie keeps losing and that is the same campaign message as 2016.
That a part of the Dems are an obstacle that needs to die. You guys say coalition but don't know what that term means.Bernie backed candidates keep getting beat cause he wasn't galvanizing people to vote in general. But to vote for him. Stop with the you aren't a real XYZ and talk about why your policy helps on day to day issues. That's why universal healthcare polls well. Stop going after moderate Dems(unless they suck) and take the fight straight to the Republicans where Dems have given up.
Bernie the unwavering maybe a good quality to some but it might mean he can't see where he's just not right.
Dems are a spectrum. You can win slices and and pockets who aren't necessarily alike cause they are willing to compromise but if you stake out that if you aren't for this, you aren't a progressive people will just keep their positions and not compromise.
This isn't a sport. We're not playing a game. I've offered you a lot of tangibles to work with here and inform on why I've concluded that moderate voters stunt the party moving further left:
1. The big reason Biden won yesterday was the dropouts and endorsements. Not Bernie hurting anyone's feelings.
2. Biden's gaffes will be capitalized on by Republicans and outside interference groups; this is a real problem acknowledged by our intelligence community.
3. Boomers vote for moderates over progressives. Younger generations vote for Progressives over moderates.
I'm sorry if my wording was harsh, but it's just what the data says. Dems are a spectrum and the spectrum of voters who block progressives while pumping up the moderates are the oldest voters in the mix. As those voters leave the voting pool, the younger generations that support progressives will gain more and more influence. You don't have to like it for it to be true. And I will continue to treat those voters as if they're obstacles for as long as they cost us opportunities to advance a more progressive agenda.
And me saying that, doesn't make it Bernie's campaign message. The internet isn't reality right? Go listen to what Bernie says instead of conflating what I say on a message board with what Bernie's campaign has been saying.