
May 23, 2012
Apparently the switched places behind him without him noticing.

I'm talking about in the larger picture. Gaffes aren't a defining trait. Parody is supposed to create an image of who the person is. Biden is a lot of gaffes and old malarkey. He's also a fighter and a genuinely good dude who lost his wife and son.

Yeah, he's out of touch with just how evil the Republicans have gotten but if you wipe them out in the Senate and House, it won't matter.

The internet isn't real life. You guys gotta realize this now. No amount of Tio Bernie, super bernio, or DBZ memes is going to work on people who aren't already disposed to him.

Biden will lose if he doesn't acknowledge his weakness with younger voters and just relies on older voters but I don't think he will.

I too am speaking about the larger picture fam. Biden's gaffes reflect an old confused man and sometimes an old aggressive man. When we speak on "feelings over policy" those optics can be brutal. What I'm saying is that those optics will be exacerbated by a mass push from both typical Republicans and from the troll farms that our intelligence community literally reports had an impact on the electorate.

The internet isn't real life. The intelligence report we received is though. Biden's gaffes are real. If you think you can just plow through and rationalize around them without addressing the problem, you're setting up for another failure. Hillary was a much stronger candidate and lost. Biden has a weaker record and way more gaffes. Take this seriously.

That right there is why Bernie keeps losing and that is the same campaign message as 2016.

Wait for Boomers to die has never been Bernie's message. Not only that, but how is the bold statement not an objective reality? Look at the splits my dude, Boomers and Gen X went to moderates while the younger gens overwhelmingly voted for progressives. This, just like you denying Biden's gaffes will have any impact on the race, is just you rationalizing around inconvenient truths.

That a part of the Dems are an obstacle that needs to die. You guys say coalition but don't know what that term means.Bernie backed candidates keep getting beat cause he wasn't galvanizing people to vote in general. But to vote for him. Stop with the you aren't a real XYZ and talk about why your policy helps on day to day issues. That's why universal healthcare polls well. Stop going after moderate Dems(unless they suck) and take the fight straight to the Republicans where Dems have given up.

You've completely obfuscated and dodged the material discussion. We started at what the reason was for Biden beating Bernie yesterday. Objectively there's an Occam's razor here. Bernie polled ahead until Amy, Pete and Beto endorsed Biden. That simple.

And no, we're gonna keep going after moderates when they suck and forcing them to move left to win. That's how M4A smoked the exit polls, we ignored the moderates and kept plowing that issue home. We also tend to speak on objective realities but get treated like we're attacking. Henry Cuellar barely survived a bid from a 26 year old...that's because he'd been voting with Trump 75% of the time despite being in a blue district. Even in eke'ing out his win, we should look at what happens to his voting record from here to look for the material benefits of targeting moderates from a left moving strategy.

Bernie the unwavering maybe a good quality to some but it might mean he can't see where he's just not right.

Dems are a spectrum. You can win slices and and pockets who aren't necessarily alike cause they are willing to compromise but if you stake out that if you aren't for this, you aren't a progressive people will just keep their positions and not compromise.

When I say real progressive, the only implication is that Biden isn't one. Would you like to debate Joe Biden's progressive bonafides with me? No one said anything about not compromising, I've actually historically spoken about pushing further left as a negotiation tact for when the time to compromise comes. The time to compromise however, is not during the primary. I'm not speaking on pushing a progressive to win one election, I'm speaking on pushing a progressive agenda that moves the politics of this country left. Even in electoral losses, we're seeing politics move left...the exit polls on Socialism as a term and on Universal Healthcare bare that out. Plus Bernie still would have murked Super Tuesday if not for multiple drop outs, endorsements and a ton of free positive press lobbed at Biden.


May 23, 2012

To the whole Bernie supporting fam, do not let anyone tsk tsk you into softening your stances over this. Bernie wasn't too left or too mean. It took a last second hail mary from every other establishment candidate to pull out a miracle and we're a Biden mishap away from the race opening back up...that or Warren endorsing Bernie but that's unlikely it seems.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Wait for Boomers to die has never been Bernie's message. Not only that, but how is the bold statement not an objective reality? Look at the splits my dude, Boomers and Gen X went to moderates while the younger gens overwhelmingly voted for progressives. This, just like you denying Biden's gaffes will have any impact on the race, is just you rationalizing around inconvenient truths.

I have to go to work so I may not be able to reply fully but let me say. I didn't say this. Read my sentence I said.

"Treating Dems like obstacles."

I'm saying instead of building your coalition. Saying they are in your way doesn't make people want to join you.

Imagine when the Red Soxs won the World Series and people in Boston were happy. Instead of calling out fans who weren't baseball fans during the bad times calling them out as fair weather posers, you said yeah! You should come to a game next season or explain the history of all the close seasons.

That makes the person want pay closer attention and learn more.


May 20, 2012
I have to go to work so I may not be able to reply fully but let me say. I didn't say this. Read my sentence I said.

"Treating Dems like obstacles."

I'm saying instead of building your coalition. Saying they are in your way doesn't make people want to join you.

Imagine when the Red Soxs won the World Series and people in Boston were happy. Instead of calling out fans who weren't baseball fans during the bad times calling them out as fair weather posers, you said yeah! You should come to a game next season or explain the history of all the close seasons.

That makes the person want pay closer attention and learn more.

Pointing out the obvious is not treating dems like obstacles. There is a visceral hatred for Bernie Sanders in a lot of circles in the DNC.

I have heard things said about Bernie on MSNBC that are much, much worse than anything pundits have ever said about Trump.

Progressives are in an abusive relationship with the Liberal establishments in politics and media. The shyt needs to come to a head sooner than later.

Maybe a bunch of us abstaining from 2020 is what's needed to bring some humility to these establishment a$$holes.


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
My hatred for Elizabeth Warren is very fukking real right now. I have some choice words but I don’t wanna get banned from this forum. She could stand for something for once in her majority republican life. For once. But no.

I don't even think her supporters will back Bernie


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
Judging by the posts here, all of them are team Biden:mjlol:. Letting go of your own morals and policies because you don’t like a guy. It is what it is. If this was the other way around, I 100% would support Warren because her policies are closer to Bernie
She's my 2nd choice too :yeshrug:

Based Lord Zedd

Colts or Die
Apr 30, 2012
Houston TX
My hatred for Elizabeth Warren is very fukking real right now. I have some choice words but I don’t wanna get banned from this forum. She could stand for something for once in her majority republican life. For once. But no.

I don't hate Warren, just disappointed.

But some of her supporters, especially the ones who are anti-Bernie are extremely annoying. Almost as if they're taking pleasure in this.
We need better unity from the progressives going forward.