I love having nails but I don't like getting my nails done (LOL this is the first post I'm typing since I just got them done and I'm having a difficult time with the keyboard, I literally just said "awww shyt" out loud).
First of all, why is it so expensive!?

I go to the same shop although I haven't been there in months. I wanted my nails to have a break and get some oxygen. I went back today and instead of having the owner do them, his wife did them instead, which, imo, was no different in the technique. But I'm so used to paying around $20 or $30 something that when she said $40 I thought she said $14 and thanked the lawd for the prices going down.

Then I saw that receipt and went
And not only that but nail artists tend to knick you a lot using their buffer while trying to trim the skin on the edge of the nail. bytch it's there for a reason. I get that it looks neater/cleaner but that's my SKIN. Two of my fingers got knicked so bad that I was bleeding. We should get discounts for bullshyt like that.
Another issue I had was one of my nails being crooked. I didn't catch that shyt until I got home. I was pissed but I decided to make it my stabbing/shanking finger just in case anything pops off at this concert I'm going to tomorrow.