Official 'Atlanta' Season 3 Thread

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
If we are to break down this episode independent of the season’s overall theme then this episode is about Consequences. Mainly the Consequence enacted when black people come to collect on white privilege.

Fernando’s Consequence for his white privilege of withholding what a black man is owed is vengeance by destruction. In reality, white people get so up in arms when Black people snap and start looting and rioting, that they fail to see that the result of that destruction is a CONSEQUENCE for their own collective actions. Black people have been talking, marching, preaching, and DEMANDING to be treated civilly and with respect since the inception of modern day civilization. We are ignored time and time again until we get violent or destructive.

Attempting to educate white people about racism is akin to attempting to awaken somebody who is pretending to be asleep. They KNOW what the issue is, they simply just ignore it because it benefits THEM.

Alfred won the game fair and square. He searched for Fernando. He MARCHED all throughout the mansion trying to find him. He tried to talk to him. Reason with him. SHOUT HIS DEMANDS. And what did Fernando do? He laid in the bed and pretended to be ALSEEP. He only stirred when Alfred started DESTROYING AND STEALING HIS PROPERTY.

The Asian lady’s consequence for her judgement of Darius (He’s black so of course he MUST want her) is having an even harsher judgement placed upon HER by the white people in the party. Darius even tries to warn her of the coming consequence (reminiscent of black people trying to tell Asians, Latinos, and any other minority group that their all the “same” in the eyes of white supremacy only to be ignored until its too late) but she only smiles and walks right into her own demise, thinking she was “safe” amongst her fiance’s white friends.

The most obvious example of Consequence is of course Earn’s storyline with Will. The Black Kid (TJ) Will is bankrolling is obviously hustling and using him for his wealth. Will is basically a less fundamentally sound version of Craig from Season 1’s episode “Juneteenth”. A supposedly well meaning white man whose attempts to understand and appreciate black culture are at the root attempts to profit off of it, but instead it is TJ who is profiting off Craig by in effect selling him counterfeit culture. Earn gets in on this by making a deal to “manage” TJ (and taking 25% for himself) in effect “partnering” with the TJ when it is Craig who thinks HE’S the partner.
This is driven home by Craig breaking up with his fiance’ (using racist lingo) in attempts to placate Darius. Craig thinks he’s doing the “right” thing while doing nothing more than subtly perpetuating white racism.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Each episode shyt turns sour and there’s ultimately an “escape” tho :Patrice:

The kid literally escaped from the back of the van.
Earn had to escape from the concert promoter.
They escaped the party.
Interested to see how next episode goes :jbhmm:

Thats how fairy tales go

-Hero goes on a journey
-Hero is presented with seemingly insurmountable odds
-Hero, through either courage or ingenuity is able to overcome asversity
-Hero returns home. Usually either richer for the experience or gains valuable knowledge that will help the village/Kingdom.

Episode 1- Loquareeous returns home with the knowledge that his mother was right. The white world IS designed to disenfranchise him at best and have him KILLED at worse. This knowledge inform his thinking as he grows and keep him safe.

Episode 2- Alfred and Earn return to their hotel with $20K that they didn’t have to sell their soul (i.e perform in front of a room of white people in blackface) to get.

Episode 3- Earn makes a deal in which he’ll make a percentage off of a white man for essentially doing nothing to further the white man’s ambitions.


May 8, 2012
I think this episode is about how fake and trendy the music/art world is and how white people buy into anything that seems the new wave blindly

meanwhile smart black kids are eating off it and getting rich despite having no talent

I can’t say who that artist represents in today’s music exactly but he was a filling a bunch of stereo types

also the fact that black Americans will never accept/respect British rap cause the accent was a nice observation, I thought that was just me :mjlol:

The only exception being 21 savage :hubie:

and maybe slick Rick :patrice:


St. BAWGustine - DarkSkxxxn
Aug 15, 2014
Think the theme of this ep is undermining Black intelligence and autonomy. The nonblack characters continually spoke for Black people while simultaneously speaking to them. Answering their own questions then imposing their own thoughts onto Black people. Ascribing some deeper philosophical meaning and a fcking soliloquy to every little thing, where to us,
things are simple

Elon Musk cac talking about deeep spiritual bonding with a ghost of a black man with pale skin but to Paper Boi that was just an ashy niqqa that nutted on the cac and dipped.:dame:

He has his intelligence questioned, so he appeals to an authority; God. He then tries to deliberately frame God and the Devil as a necessary tandem, peep duality — Black and White —[Re: Ep1 River Cac] through which things are reasonably balanced. He, the white man, deifies himself and thus demonizes Paper boi as a force that must be conquered through objective outcome.

Because of this dynamic, Nando Musk sees his words as dressing to his imminent victory. The odds are stacked in his favor because although witty, Paper Boi’s retorts were not perceived as intellectual. He didn’t think Paper Boi was strategizing, and he probably wasn’t, but it was in the cards for him to win. No amount of pondering life’s greatest questions or artistic framing of them changes that.

The “allies” didn’t let Darius handle the situation with ol girl when he said it didn’t even really bother him. They dragged it out, feigning empathy and emotional invest far greater than that of Darius himself to make the issue about them through theatrics, ultimately changing the narrative entirely to events that never occurred.

And speaking of, how this Asian chick gonna say Black guys usually hit on her and she engaged to a whole Indy hipster ass white man:stopitslime: in the end she was treated as disposable by the white power structure she was trying to assimilate to. That’s a sidebar. Before even introducing herself she’s defending herself against Darius. Saying he can’t have her when it wasn’t that deep. It was bout having some gin.

She was high key feeling Darius tho :mjgrin:

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
That's exactly what I was going to say. I really feel Van was lowkey felt some kind of way wen Earn was saying he could get her a place, some money, and ect.... LIKE IT AIN'T NOTHING to him. And this was the same Earn in season one that struggled to get HALF of the rent and eventually moved into a storage place homeless. Earn's come up is stuff of legend. One moment he was fussing at Darius over investments to now getting a potential investment deal by scamming a white billionaire.

thing is him setting her up ain’t shyt to him at this point.

he can get Al $20k to throw at people outside of a jail and not think twice about it and who know what other active business deals he has going on at the moment.

dude used to be pressed to scrape up a few bucks and was living in a damn storage unit partly due to pride.

Van kept him under her foot when he was broke and using her car. She spoke to him reckless and clearly has her doubts about him and Al. Wild shyt is she coulda been part of the team and eating just by doing some social media shyt or art direction. Fast forward to present day and they still let her roll with them on these little adventures.

Earn is on his revenge of the nerds shyt and finally can breathe on his own. Even with his seemingly nonchalant nature, he still cares. She’s his baby moms after all but he knows at this point that not only can he do better — but he can do whatever the fukk he wants.


May 10, 2012
A lot of insight being dropped in this thread :ehh:

Van definitely on a different wavelength this episode :skip:, which I guess started in episode 2.

The decoy house :ohhh:

Skater bruv hustling, with art subscriptions :troll:. Liked how in that one scene, when Earn was talking to Will, he kept inching closer from the background.

Darius just wanted to get some gin, now ol girl's mom is stuck in North Korea and her wedding canceled :mjlol:. Lesson in not making assumptions :mjgrin:

Fernando closing his eyes and pretending to be sleep :deadrose:

So far the funniest episode of the season.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Think the theme of this ep is undermining Black intelligence and autonomy. The nonblack characters continually spoke for Black people while simultaneously speaking to them. Answering their own questions then imposing their own thoughts onto Black people. Ascribing some deeper philosophical meaning and a fcking soliloquy to every little thing, where to us,
things are simple

Elon Musk cac talking about deeep spiritual bonding with a ghost of a black man with pale skin but to Paper Boi that was just an ashy niqqa that nutted on the cac and dipped.:dame:

He has his intelligence questioned, so he appeals to an authority; God. He then tries to deliberately frame God and the Devil as a necessary tandem, peep duality — Black and White —[Re: Ep1 River Cac] through which things are reasonably balanced. He, the white man, deifies himself and thus demonizes Paper boi as a force that must be conquered through objective outcome.

Because of this dynamic, Nando Musk sees his words as dressing to his imminent victory. The odds are stacked in his favor because although witty, Paper Boi’s retorts were not perceived as intellectual. He didn’t think Paper Boi was strategizing, and he probably wasn’t, but it was in the cards for him to win. No amount of pondering life’s greatest questions or artistic framing of them changes that.

The “allies” didn’t let Darius handle the situation with ol girl when he said it didn’t even really bother him. They dragged it out, feigning empathy and emotional invest far greater than that of Darius himself to make the issue about them through theatrics, ultimately changing the narrative entirely to events that never occurred.

And speaking of, how this Asian chick gonna say Black guys usually hit on her and she engaged to a whole Indy hipster ass white man:stopitslime: in the end she was treated as disposable by the white power structure she was trying to assimilate to. That’s a sidebar. Before even introducing herself she’s defending herself against Darius. Saying he can’t have her when it wasn’t that deep. It was bout having some gin.

She was high key feeling Darius tho :mjgrin:
You can really tell the nikkas that really think on this message board

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Thats how fairy tales go

-Hero goes on a journey
-Hero is presented with seemingly insurmountable odds
-Hero, through either courage or ingenuity is able to overcome asversity
-Hero returns home. Usually either richer for the experience or gains valuable knowledge that will help the village/Kingdom.

Episode 1- Loquareeous returns home with the knowledge that his mother was right. The white world IS designed to disenfranchise him at best and have him KILLED at worse. This knowledge inform his thinking as he grows and keep him safe.

Episode 2- Alfred and Earn return to their hotel with $20K that they didn’t have to sell their soul (i.e perform in front of a room of white people in blackface) to get.

Episode 3- Earn makes a deal in which he’ll make a percentage off of a white man for essentially doing nothing to further the white man’s ambitions.
Karma got Al for the 20k with Fernando with interest. That's generally how karma gets me