bruh i just realized this episode about the 2 white bytches that killed those black children
-why is Vanessa acting mad weird
-Darius casual AF about Pac being laid up like that
-that jail food sounded good as a MF
-do somebody speak Dutch to translate? I got the "niccabytch" part but wtf
-yo is euthanasia a real thing in these white countries?
-you think Darius beat?
I do appreciate your ideas and your enthusiasm. Darius is lucky to have you as a life coach.-I don’t think Vanessa is acting “weird”. She’s said herself she’s “going with the flow” and she’s in Amsterdam to figure her life out. Lowkey she wants to be with Earn. She’s ALWAYS wanted to be with Earn. Which is the REAL reason she’s in Europe with the group. She’s there for Earn.
-Darius is casual about everything. This is a man who watched a dude in a wheel chair kill his own brother and then kill HIMSELF and was good two episodes later. This is a man who can casually talk about losing his own testicles. This is a man who put his own foot in bowl of Pasta. Nothing phases Darius for long. PLUS he was high.
-Yes it did. Which is why Alfred stayed to finish it
-Somebody said that the mixed girl was chiding the white girl about the term being racist and the white girl laughed it off and said it again, so the mixed girl got offended and slapped her.
-Not sure. That was actually one of the few things about the two episodes that genuinely surprised me. I wasn’t ready for that.
-Absolutely not. Darius is an upstanding friend and Vanessa is still in love with Earn.
Just finished watching episode 1
My favorite part is when Larry was talking with the other kids though his eyes
Larry: You know these white people gonna kill us right
Little Girl: Nikka we know
Dope mix of social commentary mixed with humor. The no wash cloth, the microwaved "fried" chicken, the what's that smell running gag all great![]()
Another thing that shouldn’t go unnoticed is the refusal from almost ANYONE to listen to and believe black boys.
-Loquareeous wasn’t dancing to impress his white class mates. He was dancing because he was celebrating being able to see Black Panther 2 (in effect he was celebrating black excellence) when he tried to tell his mother and Grandfather he wasn’t believed.
-Loquareeous did NOT call CPS on his mother. But when he tried to tell her that, he wasn’t believed.
-Loquareeous told Amber (white lesbian) that the house stank. He wasn’t believed.
-Loquareeous told Amber & Gayle the food they prepared was unsanitary and would make him sick. He wasn’t believed, even when he GOT SICK
-Loquareeous told Amber and Gayle both several times that he was hungry. He wasn’t believed
-Loquareeous told the cop he was being abused. He wasn’t believed.
Only AFTER the CPS lady showed up to the house, saw the filthy living conditions, the lesbian couples strange behavior, the young black girl fatima’s sickness, AND Loquareeous‘s emaciated physical condition was he finally believed. How does this mirror real life? Black men’s issues and problems dealing with the system of white supremacy are RARELY taken seriously UNTIL one of us winds up severely hurt or dead. The issues with police brutality against black boys and men wasn’t taken seriously for DECADES until several young black men were MURDERED ON CAMERA at the hands of police. Black men on the whole in society have been programmed to “toughen” up and bear there mistreatment. Only to be taken seriously when we commit suicide or lash out. A lot of black men are not believed until in some, shape, or fashion its too late.
Often times those alleged “filler episodes” contain things that return and pay off in future episodes thus making them not filler at all in my opinion.
I know that’s my point the show doesn’t have filler episodes. Nearly everything has a purpose or connects in some way.This is not a filler at all... the fact it leads immediately into the next episode, you can honestly say this is just a prologue to that episode. The REAL question is why Earn had that dream?