I kinda agree with this. Not that I have much sympathy for Marshall, but being able to demand reparations from non wealthy whites just seems to miss the point. The government would be the one giving reparations, not white people who drive Toyota Prius.
You weren't supposed to feel any sympathy for Marshall. The point of Marshall is that every privileged white person living in the United States are CULPERABLE. It's not even about their wealth status. If you thought that you missed the point of how and why slavery affects black people today and how these white people to THIS DAY takes advantage of this privilege even when they claim they aren't "racist" as Marshall kept claiming. He OWE. They ALL OWE. The average white citizen who are the American Descendants Owning Slavery (white ADOS), have a blood lineage on their hands. It's a debt they owe.
If a descendant of slaves are owed reparations, then that descendant of the slaveowner should pay.
Lastly, it was shown that the government has a restitution tax. Meaning that the government are participating in giving back reparations. But if you understand how the government is going to give back, you have to understand it through taxes, so again the people who are going to pay the taxes for reparations are.... the descendants of slaveowners. I don't see how that's NOT fair. I wish that to be the reality we live in right now.