Official 'Atlanta' Season 3 Thread


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
is it wrong that i want them to do an episode on will smith/jada Pinkett/chris rock? I feel like theres so much to unpack there and no one else is really equipped to do it at the moment :francis:

OJ Simpsom

Dec 6, 2013
Man was chasing that car like T-1000
Mar 11, 2022
I’m up in the hospital staying with my wife overnight, she just had a a 5 hour surgery yesterday. I had a white male nurse in here and he checking vitals and putting medicine in her IV. We were watching this and he looked super uncomfortable seeing what was on the tv. It was the scene where the white guy from the boat was explaining slavery. and he came in earlier and she was knocking on his door about the 3 million dollars.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I meant none main characters

Then again you haven't been watching the series. This is easily debunked by anyone with an ounce of common sense.

Season 1 episode 6 (Value) Van’s friend Jayne isn’t one dimensional. Even as a WAG/Instathot she exhibits more self awareness and a sense of purpose than Van herself does.

Season 1 episode 8 (“The Club”) the bartender that Earn talks to isn’t one note or one dimensional, she’s actually the one who points out to Earn the politics of Club life and what it means to be “out and about”. She also calls out Earn on his own bullshyt and helps him discover something that he himself could not figure out (the trap door)

Season 1 episode 8 (“Juneteenth”) Monique, despite her bougie demeanor, is very well aware of the racial politics surrounding her life and within her own marriage. She made a decision to marry “rich” and live with the consequences of her blubbering white husband’s well intentioned but ultimately cartoonish “ally-ship” to black causes. She’s fully aware, cognizant, and discerning of both her situation and her place within it. Nothing one note about that.

Season 2 episode 1 (Alligator Man) Earn’s uncle Willy, though temperamental and mercurial, is also slyly intelligent (he knows the law and his rights enough to temporarily keep the police out of his residence) understanding and accepting of his own failures (he doesn’t argue with Earn’s assessment of his character flaws) and displays enough self awareness to council Earn on the self destructive path that HE is on and advise against it. There is nothing “one note” about this character.

Season 2 episode 3 (“Money Bag Shawty”) The artist Clarke County, a rapper who doesn’t smoke or drink, schools Alfred on proper business moves and explains to him the importance of having good management. He is also smart enough to understand the rat race that he’s in and how
Important it is for him as a black artist to have the connections necessary to continue thrive.

Season 2 episode 6 (“Teddy Perkins”) I think it suffices to say that if you think the character of Teddy Perkins is “dumb” or “one note” then you have no business watching tv or film PERIOD.

Season 2 episode 8 (“Woods”) Alfred’s lady friend Sierra, though initially coming off as rather loud and boisterous, demonstrates a keen understanding of how to play the “game” of being a celebrity. She understands the power of branding, which affords her free clothing and merchandise. She understands the power of social media and creating “fantasy through character” which she tries to convey to Alfred, who initially rejects the “fakeness” of her strategy before accepting and succumbing to it himself by episode’s end.

Season 2 episode 11 (“Crabs In A Barrel”) The black lawyer that Earn takes Alfred to see is well qualified, intelligent, eloquent, and can speak to his business practices . Alfred however, is not impressed, and would rather have a high level “Jewish” attorney. The point of the black lawyer’s aptitude and worthiness is driven home later in the episode when Earn directly asks a Jewish man who has a lawyer for a cousin if “there’s a black lawyer as good as his cousin”. The Jewish clerk replies in the affirmative, asserting that the only difference between white and black lawyers in their connections, which white people have for “systemic reasons”.

Later in the same episode, a black school teacher approaches Earn and Vanessa with the information that their daughter is advanced in her learning capabilities. She implores Earn and Vanessa to enroll their daughter in a private institution that will better prepare for her educationally. She had the wherewithal and the intelligence to see that there was a black child who would benefit from being placed in a better situation and made sure the parents knew that.


Jun 26, 2012
The mysterious white man from the lake in episode 1 is also named Earnest. I have strange feeling we’ll see him again before the show is over.

Which again points to this being Earn's dream. In the 1st episode, as mentioned before, those kids could be the main characters being that it's 3 boys and 1 girl living in an area and culture foreign to this and witnessing the horrors there. All reflective to their experience in Europe so far. This dream is following the LAST EPISODE where Earn agrees to scam that investor as a form of retribution, Al LITERALLY behaving like the black woman in THIS woman demanding HIS MONEY, Van pushing white people in the water, and Darius witnessing extreme WHITE GUILT from what white people have done to black people... ALL OF IT BECOMING A WHOLE ALLEGORY to tonight's episode.

Even the conversation that white Earnest and the white guy (forgot his name) was having can easily be a metaphor of Earn's relationship with Van, talking about a woman who's been following him, him wanting to be back with his daughter (Loddy) and feeling like he's a victim and not understanding because he feels he didn't do anything wrong. ALL OF THAT correlates with the love/hate relationship he is having with Van.