Official Assassins Creed Unity Thread


All Star
Jun 22, 2014
Yeah man i was deep into the story at the beginning it was dope as fukk
Scanning the hidden symbols with your Assassin vision then solving the riddle to unlock the secret video
That part with the alien temple under the church, fighting the pope with the apple
then that ending and it all went to shyt
Even Desmond said What the fukk? I did too :snoop:
Don't talk about AC3 and the global disaster event they were trying to stop :why:
:dead: Alien global warning

They went the InFamous route...that 1st game with that Kessler ending and finding out about the Beast :ahh: then they just lost control and the story went to shyt :scusthov:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
This not a game you rent from red box:childplease:
:patrice: It is if you want to decide if you want to spend 60 dollars on it or not

I usually have codes. So what's 80 cents to 2 dollars to test a game for 2 days, before I plop down a non refundable 65 for some shyt I'm angry at 2 weeks later


Apr 3, 2014
Man you are dead on about Connor. I just beat that game a few weeks ago trying to get caught up. I love the history, some of the gameplay. But Conner man. I never wanted to see someone fail so bad and get their ass kicked. Dude was unreasonable. Ezio was the most well developed character. I hated that dude at first, but damn if he didnt develope and become someone of importance. Conner didnt recruit shyt, he was a joke and the Assassin order is trash.
Connor was straight up hustling only for his own agenda: revenge. he ain't give a fukk about the order, he just wanted the skills to allow him to kill all them templar mofukkas. it took the old dude ages to make kid realize the order was the good brehs fighting evil.

his recruits ain't even have assassin robes for fukk's sake, apart from the chick. they was random righteous mofukkas he stumbled upon. come on breh a cook? a fukking priest? you tellin me cutting meat and frying shyt trains you for combat? a mothafukkin bible and prayer beads makes you lethal with a blade? some of the others were legit, like the sniper n shyt but there was no initiation, no nothing, just jump in my squad and we gonna stab whoever we gotta fukking stab until we merk charles mothafukkin lee. then we continue on with our lives like ain't shyt happened.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Connor was straight up hustling only for his own agenda: revenge. he ain't give a fukk about the order, he just wanted the skills to allow him to kill all them templar mofukkas. it took the old dude ages to make kid realize the order was the good brehs fighting evil.

his recruits ain't even have assassin robes for fukk's sake, apart from the chick. they was random righteous mofukkas he stumbled upon. come on breh a cook? a fukking priest? you tellin me cutting meat and frying shyt trains you for combat? a mothafukkin bible and prayer beads makes you lethal with a blade? some of the others were legit, like the sniper n shyt but there was no initiation, no nothing, just jump in my squad and we gonna stab whoever we gotta fukking stab until we merk charles mothafukkin lee. then we continue on with our lives like ain't shyt happened.
In Connors defense his entire fukking village was burned down and 99% of his family was murdered by these people. Including his mom being burned up in a fire in front of his face

I wouldn't give two fukks about no order or good vs evil either. I'd taking in every hobo who wants to help me find these nikkas

Ezio was king. I wish they'd redo a story with Altair. He was a god

The real bullshyt was black flag. So a real trained assassin is dipping on white boy. And with zero training, he catches him, kills him and is so nice with the assassin skills that he never learned, that nobody even notices he's a fake till 3/4ths of the game is over :comeon:


Apr 3, 2014
In Connors defense his entire fukking village was burned down and 99% of his family was murdered by these people. Including his mom being burned up in a fire in front of his face

I wouldn't give two fukks about no order or good vs evil either. I'd taking in every hobo who wants to help me find these nikkas

Ezio was king. I wish they'd redo a story with Altair. He was a god

The real bullshyt was black flag. So a real trained assassin is dipping on white boy. And with zero training, he catches him, kills him and is so nice with the assassin skills that he never learned, that nobody even notices he's a fake till 3/4ths of the game is over :comeon:
meh you've got a point. that was fukking traumatic. white people fukked up his whole life but he's also half white :banderas:

ezio is THE assassin. I'll always keep my ps3 for this reason.

lool that bugged me out the most.. an injured pirate fukking assassinated a trained assassin smfh!!
they didn't even explain how he got all the skills. they ain't even explain how he got eagle vision
you tellin me in his life up until he was exposed, no random assassins or templars fukked with him?? foh

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
:why: Just finished the story....what in the fukk was the point?

:ufdup:I'm telling you, getting rid of the modern day story is gonna fukk this franchise up in the long run.

Sorry to say it but you're definitely in the minority on that.
I don't know a soul that's enjoyed jumping out of the animus since Brotherhood.
It was long overdue. Those modern day chapters did nothing but kill the vibe and pad the games campaign.
They were essentially worthless after Desmond's story was told. It literally only consisted of boring, hacking mini-games in Black Flag.
I'm not opposed to them bringing it back, but it damn well better be somewhat fun to play and not coma inducing. It was more than played out.


All Star
Jun 22, 2014
Sorry to say it but you're definitely in the minority on that.
I don't know a soul that's enjoyed jumping out of the animus since AC2.
It was long overdue. Those modern day chapters did nothing but kill the vibe and pad the games campaign.
They were essentially worthless after Desmond's story was told. It literally only consisted of boring, hacking mini-games in Black Flag.
I'm not opposed to them bringing it back, but it damn well better be somewhat fun to play and not coma inducing. It was more than played out.
:myman:I agree with turned into trash after they stopped letting you be Desmond here and there...once it turned into that platforming shyt in Revelations and that hacking bullshyt in IV it was garbage. They should've made a new protagonist and expanded on those AC3 like missions when you got to Brazil. That corny "you are the main character" shyt is :flabbynsick:


Trust in Sean Marks
May 2, 2012
The LI
I'll never understand to this day how the Desmond story didn't end with a full modern day AC game. Or if not full half and half with you actually able to play as Desmond.

You started off going back to modern day to see he was gaining the skills as you played, and there was shyt going down in the modern day he would need to help stop. Instead, you get the modern AC3 missions which were good to an extent, but they were on rails. Where was the modern day open world? And to make it worse you focus that game on Connor, the lamest motherfukker in the series by a country mile. I used to enjoy when I'd fukk up and die, that's all Connor deserved.

And then how do you end the game? You kill Desmond and basically end the modern day storyline. What? What was the point of the learning all those modern day skills? An hour of gameplay where you just needed to parkour and sneak up on people in an enclosed setting. That's it.

I played AC4 well after it was released only because of good word of mouth. And I enjoyed it, but this series was still ruined by AC3 in my eyes. I don't even know if I'll play Unity, maybe some day if its free on PS+ for a month a year from now


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Yeah i was pissed about the AC3 ending. what was the whole point in killing off the main character desmond? Also he let the huge evil alien bytch Juno out on the world. And that's it? We dont get any answers? We dont find out what happened to all the pieces of eden and what they do if combined. We dont have desmond killing off the templars in modern day and stopping abstergo????

:mindblown: WTF was it all for then?!?!?! :damn:


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
Okay...I beat the game last night...played a lot of the co-op.... Get ready for a little rage...

I've played every AC game since the beginning. Loved the story lines...but Unity is fukking garbage. Unity is nothing more than a tech demo with Assassin's Creed images draped over it.

I'm going to spoil the entire game right now because I think brehs need to hold off on this fukking game...

1. It takes place in Paris before and during the Revolution. At least that is what they tell you because you can't really tell the difference between Before and During the revolution. It's just NPC's yelling and standing.

2. Arno the main character is a simp. A simp to the point he gets kicked out of the Assassin Order. So at the end of the game you are confused if he is an assassin or what...

3. The romantic interest just dies for no damn reason.

4. The piece of Eden is seen twice in the game. The Sword of Eden.......that's all you know about it. You don't know how it got in the hands of the Sage. All you know is that he has it.

5. The ending makes no GOTDAMN sense. So you kill the sage and bury in the crypt underneath Paris, Napoleon shows up looks over...

6. Here is the killer. The modern part that had you looking to where the Sage's body was buried sees the body wouldn't give Abstergo anything because it would be too decayed and says this, "Oh well good job Arno handled this centuries ago, oh well thanks for helping us, continue playing, thank you"...Just a voice.

This is the WORST Assassin's Creed game ever made. This game is a soul-less piece of shyt. The co-op is fun but the game is just terrible.

Can any of the brehs who have played the game....explain Arno's ability to read the minds of those he kills? It just happens huh? Or even having full discussions with the Sage while he is dying. Can we get a "Gentle Push" button my nigs?!?!?! There was a lot missing with this game. Ubisoft fukked up. The cover system was absolute shyt. The mechanics of the game are just garbage. They even found a way to make Wall Eject even more difficult to do.

Edit added a spoiler for this shyt game. Your welcome.
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