If it was the AT&T out T-Mobile version I might have jumped on it. Would have thrown a straight talk or simple mobile Sim card on that beast.
You are probably going to have to get aggressive Jenkins...selling cdma phones is tougher than gsm. was it an iPad 3 you gave away? I say you lost if it was. Get rid of it while the hype is still there
Sent from my LG Viper using Tapatalk 2
It was my iPad 3...I was getting ready to sell it anyway because I'm banking on apple releasing a smaller version along with the new iPhone OR copping one of the new windows 8 tablets..seems the news about it got way stronger lately. I prefer 7-8inch models over 10 inch models.
I figured I can either sell the phone and use the money for my next tab....or give my girl my nexus and I keep the gs3 (she's in need of a new phone BAD) for her birthday.
I know I couldnt sell my iPad for no more than 400 on Craig's at this point being its used..had a hard time selling my last one over 400..I figure I can't go wrong with a brand new gs3 that retails for 600+..used iPad for new gs3. Hopefully I don't take a L I got a few emails offering but 3 of the 4 trying to talk me down to 450...we'll see.
Trying to put these iPad accessories I have on Craig's as well...
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