Obama Ties Broken Families To Gun Violence In Emotional Chicago Speech


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Black intellectualism wouldn't counter all the systematic discrimination against black people

If anything it would just prompt the powers that be to change their strategies.

But you're right its all black people's fault and intellectualism + abandoning black culture is our only salvation

Then you might as well go kill yourself cuz if you are waiting for the end of racism you will die before that happens

The Real

May 8, 2012
Hold up, let me see if I get this straight, you are telling me what I'm suppose think and then the fact that I don't think what you think I'm suppose to think invalidates my argument :what:

No, I'm telling you that you are ignoring some key facts, not opinions, about the PIC, and that said facts undermine your argument to the point of uselessness.

I'm all for prison reform, sentencing reform etc, I strongly disagree that those things are fundamental, you have to understand that my ideology is not black liberation or black alleviation my ideology is black domination, so I don't see how reforming drug laws will put black people on top, but I do see how black people focusing on academic s will put black people on top and innoculate the from the prison industrial complex

Your problem is that you are taking your Marxist ideology and progressive solutions and then conflating them with the "black agenda" and then assuming that anybody that disagrees with you is somehow working against black people

This is all wonderful, but it's a complete tangent that has nothing to do with the factors driving the PIC, which was what we were discussing.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
No, I'm telling you that you are ignoring some key facts, not opinions, about the PIC, and that said facts undermine your argument to the point of uselessness.

This is all wonderful, but it's a complete tangent that has nothing to do with the factors driving the PIC, which was what we were discussing.

It doesn't undermine my point, my point is that the pic is secondary and not fundamental

I wasn't discussing what factors are driving the pic, you were discussing that

I'm sayin the pic is a secondary effect of the lack of strong academic traditions n the black community, I'm not going on a tangent, I'm discussing the fundamental problems facing the black community and the proper prism and ideology to use when discussing them

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
It's not that I don't believe in causation it's that I believe that becuase of the momentum of the culture simply removing the causation will only marginally effect the problem

And on top of that what I'm trying to do is innoculate black people for other "causations"

Im 1000 perecent for it but I dont believe that getting rid of the supposed prison industrial complex will solve problems in the black community, I believe the fundamental problem is cultural and I believe the reason black people became ensnared in the prison industrial complex in the first place was a lack of strong academic traditions in the black community
If structural pressures foster and perpetuate cultural norms, you eliminate or mitigate those structural pressures, especially when they're patently unjust and doable as is the case with the futile drug war, prison as a growth industry, and racially discriminatory justice system practices. Just saying we need to change culture implies that culture is an entity unto itsef in a vacuum and that's not reality.

Regarding black people getting snared in the prison-industrial primarily because of "anti-academic culture," that's just nonsense. In the post-WWII of the 50's and 60's black people were starting to make large strides in SES despite structural racism and redlining. "Anti-academic culture" wasn't the problem then. The drug economy eventually came in as a replacement for traditional blue collar work in the wake of deindustrialization and flight of jobs and a tax base. It was an economic phenomena far more than one of academics or culture. Selling drugs just became what people did in many places because it was the only lucrative means of earning, so people, usually kids who don't even know anything yet sold drugs because that's just what people did in their environment, just like if you live in a fishing town you're probably gonna e a fisherman or if you live in a mining town you're probably going to be a miner.

Now you have generations of people who came up in that unfortunately. Is the culture fukked up and self-defeating in many respects? Sure. But I think you have to focus on changing the conditions that incubated that culture. If you don't look at it holistically, you're not addressing it properly, and just saying "anti-academic culture is the main problem" is not looking at it holistically.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
If structural pressures foster and perpetuate cultural norms, you eliminate or mitigate those structural pressures, especially when they're patently unjust and doable as is the case with the futile drug war, prison as a growth industry, and racially discriminatory justice system practices. Just saying we need to change culture implies that culture is an entity unto itsef in a vacuum and that's not reality.

Regarding black people getting snared in the prison-industrial primarily because of "anti-academic culture," that's just nonsense. In the post-WWII of the 50's and 60's black people were starting to make large strides in SES despite structural racism and redlining. "Anti-academic culture" wasn't the problem then. The drug economy eventually came in as a replacement for traditional blue collar work in the wake of deindustrialization and flight of jobs and a tax base. It was an economic phenomena far more than one of academics or culture. Selling drugs just became what people did in many places because it was the only lucrative means of earning, so people, usually kids who don't even know anything yet sold drugs because that's just what people did in their environment, just like if you live in a fishing town you're probably gonna e a fisherman or if you live in a mining town you're probably going to be a miner.

Now you have generations of people who came up in that unfortunately. Is the culture fukked up and self-defeating in many respects? Sure. But I think you have to focus on changing the conditions that incubated that culture. If you don't look at it holistically, you're not addressing it properly, and just saying "anti-academic culture is the main problem" is not looking at it holistically.

First of all I'm not against drug reform, so I dont know what the sermon is for, and again if you motherfukers are so angst ridden about the PIC and lack of black political power the first thing you should do is call out joe Biden as a racist piece of shyt and make sure he doesn't get the nomination

Aside from crying like a little bytch you dont really have a plan for black progress, you think that getting rid of the "structural causes" will cause progress which IMO is a lie, the improvements made will be marginal

I'm all for getting of rid of "structural causes" but I dont think that is fundamentally for black progress and more importantly on how to put black people on top

I don't know what ses means but during the 60's a couple of things happened to undermine the black family, one was he side effect of the civil rights laws which caused a lot of educated black people to leave black communities which again caused the anti academic culture to metastasize and things like projects which caused generations of black to live without ownership and zero wealth building

And also the lack of education is why people had to turn to drugs, educated people will create their own industries, so the drug game is directly linked to lack of education

So fundemantally it comes down to education, it doesn't come down to the pic or structural changes, if you got rid of the structural causes and people are still uneducated you can bet 1000 percent that there will be another "structural cause" after you got rid of the first structural cause

The Real

May 8, 2012
First of all I'm not against drug reform, so I dont know what the sermon is for, and again if you motherfukers are so angst ridden about the PIC and lack of black political power the first thing you should do is call out joe Biden as a racist piece of shyt and make sure he doesn't get the nomination

Aside from crying like a little bytch you dont really have a plan for black progress, you think that getting rid of the "structural causes" will cause progress which IMO is a lie, the improvements made will be marginal

I'm all for getting of rid of "structural causes" but I dont think that is fundemantally for black progress and more importantly on how to put black people on top

I don't know what ses means but during the 60's a couple of things happened to under one the black family, one was he side effect of the civil rights laws which caused a lot of educated black people to leave black communities which again caused the anti academic culture to metastasize and things like projects which caused generations of black to live without ownership and zero wealth building

And also the lack of education is why people had to turn to drugs, educated people will create their own industries, so the drug game is directly linked to lack of education

So fundemantally it comes down to education, it doesn't come down to the pic or structural changes, if you got rid of the structural causes and people are still uneducated you can bet 1000 percent that there will be another "structural cause" after you got rid of the first structural cause


So many contradictions in this post... I'm not sure you know what your own position is anymore. And SES is socioeconomic status. :beli:


May 1, 2012
First of all I'm not against drug reform, so I dont know what the sermon is for, and again if you motherfukers are so angst ridden about the PIC and lack of black political power the first thing you should do is call out joe Biden as a racist piece of shyt and make sure he doesn't get the nomination

Aside from crying like a little bytch you dont really have a plan for black progress, you think that getting rid of the "structural causes" will cause progress which IMO is a lie, the improvements made will be marginal

I'm all for getting of rid of "structural causes" but I dont think that is fundemantally for black progress and more importantly on how to put black people on top

I don't know what ses means but during the 60's a couple of things happened to under one the black family, one was he side effect of the civil rights laws which caused a lot of educated black people to leave black communities which again caused the anti academic culture to metastasize and things like projects which caused generations of black to live without ownership and zero wealth building

And also the lack of education is why people had to turn to drugs, educated people will create their own industries, so the drug game is directly linked to lack of education

So fundemantally it comes down to education, it doesn't come down to the pic or structural changes, if you got rid of the structural causes and people are still uneducated you can bet 1000 percent that there will be another "structural cause" after you got rid of the first structural cause

I think im one of the few people on here who agree with you whole heartedly on your views on education and getting out of the cycle of ignorance. I see a lot of typing about all the obstacles we have to overcome and how everyone is out to get us...basically saying its ok that we have some of the worst academic rankings in the world, its not our faults. Bullshyt. The black community does need to put academics back up to a higher standing. That alone will alleviate a lot of other things we cry about. We make ourselves easy targets due to our ignorance and unintelligent thinking on issues.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

So many contradictions in this post... I'm not sure you know what your own position is anymore. And SES is socioeconomic status. :beli:

my position is very clear and its that there is no chicken and egg conundrum here, what i am saying is that education (or lack thereof) is the egg and everything else is the chicken

i reject the notion that something like the PIC is causing bad education, im asserting that lack of education causes the PIC and feeds its existence and if you got rid of the PIC the lack of education would simply create or feed another version of the PIC

The Real

May 8, 2012
my position is very clear and its that there is no chicken and egg conundrum here, what i am saying is that education (or lack thereof) is the egg and everything else is the chicken

i reject the notion that something like the PIC is causing bad education, im asserting that lack of education causes the PIC and feeds its existence and if you got rid of the PIC the lack of education would simply create or feed another version of the PIC

This is a clear shift from your previous claim that Black people "consent" to being part of the PIC. You're tapping into structure by talking about education already. You can't have it both ways.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
This is a clear shift from the account that Black people "consent" to being part of the PIC. You're tapping into structure by talking about education already.You can't have it both ways.

i never said i was against structural changes, in fact my position is that the structure of the public education system needs to be destroyed and then rebuilt, i support any structural change that improves education including changing the structure of the prison system

but the large amount of blacks in prison is due to low education in the black community, i disagree that large numbers in prison causes low education in the black community

yeah people do participate under their own free will unless you can prove people are innocent, you can jiggle with drug laws and criminal laws all day long and at the end of day blacks will still be disproportionate because black people have disproportionately lower education

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
TWISM you want to talk about education....

For the last year and a half my job has been energy auditing NYC's public schools. The gulf in resources between the rich and poor districts is alarming. Your vague allusions to "charter schools" being the be all end all of education reform would only exacerbate this gulf in resources. Are there cultural issues at hand too? Of course. But to take those as the whole problem while either writing off or having no understanding of the structural (read: govt) issues is silly

Yea we shouldn't be committing crimes, but on the flip side if we do commit crimes we shouldn't be subject to a completely different court system. Yea we should do better academically, but when our schools and resources are second rate just by measures like student to teacher ratios, curricula, facility conditions, we are at a disadvantage before you even compare efforts.

You scream "black progress black progress" but seem to seek to blame the lack of it solely on black people, turning a blind eye to any of its impediments that lie beyond our control.
Jun 24, 2012
some of yall need to listen the speech before you go making diatribes and wild comments, obama connected violence to poverty and he suggested a bunch of ideas to help the economy in those neighborhoods

the only valid criticism of the speech is that it was too centered

People have been connecting that for years nothing new. If he connected violence with Poverty....he only is pushing the blame on someone else. What is he doing to help Poverty? Last time I checked no sustainable jobs in the cities, bankrupt cities....like Newark and Detroit...he isn't bailing them out. He puts more money on drone programs, Israel's Defense Fund, Money into Al-Q fighters in Libya and Syria, bailed out banks twice, spent millions on his vacation trips, worthless healthcare system, etc.