NYTimes: The Democrats Have An Immigration Problem (I've warned you all of this)


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Good thing lawmakers are able to change laws. :mjgrin:

Imagine using this logic when they abolished slavery.


Edit: I didn't forget that you skipped over the point that progressive policies help black people more than conservative immigration policy.
Theres nothing liberal or progressive about supporting illegal aliens.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Reagan also tried amnesty and that shyt didn't work.

Illegals shouldn't be here and democrats shouldn't help them. I've posted dozens of stories over several years on here (you can look them up) proving how black Americans are uniquely and disproportionately affected by illegal immigrant labor.


lets get to brass tacks.
You’re a fukking idiot.

You keep reducing this to an economic issue, because that’s how the republicans want you to view it.

These aren’t “immigrants” they’re refugees. The CIA spent decades committing coups and narcoterrorism in Latin American countries. That’s why they’re leaving. It’s our fukking responsibility, you’re just an evil, selfish, ignorant prick who churns out republican propaganda because you’re a dumbass puppet.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You’re a fukking idiot.

You keep reducing this to an economic issue, because that’s how the republicans want you to view it.

These aren’t “immigrants” they’re refugees. The CIA spent decades committing coups and narcoterrorism in Latin American countries. That’s why they’re leaving. It’s our fukking responsibility, you’re just an evil, selfish, ignorant prick who churns out republican propaganda because you’re a dumbass puppet.
I don't give a fukk. You're talking about 40 years of "refugees"

Yeah, I'm not buying it.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
I don't give a fukk. You're talking about 40 years of "refugees"

Yeah, I'm not buying it.
Yeah, but you'll buy into republican propaganda like it's going out of style.

You don't get to "not buy it" they're historical facts that the US actively ruins foreign countries. Look at Iraq, look at Vietnam. The difference is, South America has always been more connected to the US, geographically, culturally, demographically, economically, so the US is able to infiltrate and interfere on a much more direct and ongoing basis, whereas on other continents, they have to perform drive-bys. You're just incredibly ignorant and view politics through the narrowest of prisms, so you can filter out anything that runs contrary to your view system.

Reagan funded the Nicaraguan contras in the 1980s with money he bought from Iran.
Reagan's vice-president, Bush, was the next president.
Then Bush's son came into office 10 years later.
And now Trump is sending tanks to Brazil because it's trying to vote a far-right politician into office.

It's not like this all happened 40 years ago and then stopped. Like how slavery didn't end after the Emancipation Proclamation. You think it's impossible for there to be decades of refugees, yet the private prison system has kept slavery intact for centuries... Obviously America is capable of keeping large groups of people in advanced states of oppression for extended periods of time. The world is an apartheid state and by acting as a republican lapdog, all you're doing is being one of the border security guards. If this were South Africa, you would be an Afrikaaner.

Everything you're afraid of immigrants POSSIBLY doing, ruining your economy, etc. is a fraction of the amount of damage America HAS ALREADY inflicted on numerous countries on damn near every continent except Antarctica. You're a hypocrite. The US has been actively fukking with foreign countries internal affairs, creating massive areas of terror controlled by juntas. But you're cowering in fear over the prospect of poor, disenfranchised refugees taking your job.

This isn't even chess vs checkers, you're playing tic-tac-toe. You're willfully disregarding decades of global events to present your ignorant, xenophobic argument that holds as much water as a colander.
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Yeah, but you'll buy into republican propaganda like it's going out of style.

You don't get to "not buy it" they're historical facts that the US actively ruins foreign countries. Look at Iraq, look at Vietnam. The difference is, South America has always been more connected to the US, geographically, culturally, demographically, economically, so the US is able to infiltrate and interfere on a much more direct and ongoing basis, whereas on other continents, they have to perform drive-bys. You're just incredibly ignorant and view politics through the narrowest of prisms, so you can filter out anything that runs contrary to your view system.

Reagan funded the Nicaraguan contras in the 1980s with money he bought from Iran.
Reagan's vice-president, Bush, was the next president.
Then Bush's son cam into office 10 years later.
And now Trump is sending tanks to Brazil because it's trying to vote a far-right politician into office.

It's not like this all happened 40 years ago and then stopped. Like how slavery didn't end after the Emancipation Proclamation. You think it's impossible for there to be decades of refugees, yet the private prison system has kept slavery intact for centuries... Obviously America is capable of keeping large groups of people in advanced states of oppression for extended periods of time. The world is an apartheid state and by you acting as a republican lapdog, all you're doing is being one of the border security guards. If this were South Africa, you would be an Afrikaaner.

Everything you're afraid of immigrants doing, ruining your economy, etc. is only 1/100 the damage America HAS inflicted on numerous countries on damn near every continent except Antarctica. You're a hypocrite. The US has been actively fukking with foreign countries internal affairs, creating massive areas of terror controlled by juntas. But you're cowering in fear over the prospect of poor, disenfranchised refugees taking your job.

This isn't even chess vs checkers, you're playing tic-tac-toe. You're willfully disregarding decades of global events to present your ignorant, xenophobic argument that holds as much water as a colander.
How is it republican propaganda to think illegals shouldn't be here?????

Thats YOUR fault and you're going to lose if you keep framing it that way. I'm not obligated to defend or support them beyond reasonable means.

There was even a time I supported DACA, but now I'm not even sure since so many of them still don't qualify and theres no real pressure to legalize them or document them.

I'm not defending American foreign policy efforts that resulted in those migratory pressures, but I don't give a damn about 30 million-plus illegals in the USA.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I asked you for proof of democrats supporting open borders.

I asked you for proof of democrat administrations not deporting illegal immigrants.

You've punted on both.
You never even asked either of those questions. Its like you're not even talking to me then you reply with dumb shyt no one said or asked.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
so how exactly should the democratic party handle the issue then?
Same as Obama and Clinton did. Deportation, but pathways to citizenship for a strict set of standards.

At this point, I'm not even are if I support DACA because of how few people it actually applies to at this point.

I'm not doing it the way Trump does it with fearful rhetoric and jackbooted policy but I'm not bending over backwards to allow them to not be accountable to the laws.

I'm removing certain civil access they have like licenses or scholarships too.

At a point you start abusing the niceness for kindness.

We're talking about 20-30 million people. Thats essentially 50-75% of all black people in this country. I don't think people understand how many folks we're discussing...


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
@GPBear thinks that if he can rattle off 40 years of history its going to change the present problem or offer a reasonable solution to anything. As if I was unaware of any of it. Even further, as if thats supposed to change what I think about the issue.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
@GPBear thinks that if he can rattle off 40 years of history its going to change the present problem or offer a reasonable solution to anything. As if I was unaware of any of it. Even further, as if thats supposed to change what I think about the issue.
No, stupid, that was my point. That you're a brainwashed dolt that views present day issues as ahistorical, so even informing you of the facts won't change your blind following of the republicans' tyrannical propaganda. Again, you're acting like what happened 40 years ago wasn't ongoing and continuous up to the present day. Somehow the United States government actively making South America a terrible place to live since the 1980s is unrelated to people from those places wanting to leave...

"Illegals shouldn't be here"
Calling a person 'illegal' itself is republican rhetoric.
There's nothing "illegal" about a human being. What's illegal was crossing without a passport.
America itself shouldn't be here, it's an imperialist colony founded by foreign invaders. But because it happened centuries ago, they were european, and you benefit from being here currently, you'd never consider yourself 'illegal'. :mjlol:
Calling refugees of the Reagan-Bush South American drug wars "illegals" only aims to dehumanize them, it's out of the far-right, nazi playbook. It allows people, such as yourself, to throw your hands up and go "I don't care about their plight. Not my problem, I'm only concerned about my wallet. Who cares that we've done 1000 times more damage to their countries than they ever will here."

Meanwhile, your "reasonable solution" (more like final solution) is to send all of those refugees back to the war zones that the American government has created. You're a despicable monster who wants to see others suffer so you can keep your money.
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Mar 2, 2017
Hispanics come here illegally whereas everyone else has to go through an extensive process to get here, they depress wages for shytty jobs that alot of blacks are forced to work, motherfukkas that aren't even supposed to be here be killing and raping people, they live fifteen of them muthafukkas to one house, most of the time they end up having MORE MONEY/WEALTH than blacks within ten years of touching down on US soil, are openly racist and violent towards blacks, force Americans to speak THEIR language, and within the next 30 years, America will a majority Hispanic country YET black people still defend them and think illegal immigrants aren't hurting them :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol: I can't wait until it's 2050 and them beaners are treating yall clown ass nikkas worse than dogs. I'mma sit back and laugh at all yall stupid ass nikkas. Yall stupid ass nikkas walk outside everyday and look greasy at every black person yall see, then write dissertations defending people that call you eggplant and beetle :mjlol:

Yup. Blacks love letting everyone surpass them. Same shyt literally across the whole fukking planet. North America, South America, India, Middle East, even in fukking Africa everyone else treats us like dog shyt and on average outperforms us. Even with the internet, still too stupid to understand there is never a benefit for us to riding for other groups.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
No, stupid, that was my point. That you're a brainwashed dolt that views present day issues as ahistorical, so even informing you of the facts won't change your blind following of the republicans' tyrannical propaganda. Again, you're acting like what happened 40 years ago wasn't ongoing and continuous up to the present day. Somehow the United States government actively making South America a terrible place to live since the 1980s is unrelated to people from those places wanting to leave...

"Illegals shouldn't be here"
Calling a person 'illegal' itself is republican rhetoric.
There's nothing "illegal" about a human being. What's illegal was crossing without a passport.
America itself shouldn't be here, it's an imperialist colony founded by foreign invaders. But because it happened centuries ago, they were european, and you benefit from being here currently, you'd never consider yourself 'illegal'. :mjlol:
Calling refugees of the Reagan-Bush South American drug wars "illegals" only aims to dehumanize them, it's out of the far-right, nazi playbook. It allows people, such as yourself, to throw your hands up and go "I don't care about their plight. Not my problem, I'm only concerned about my wallet. Who cares that we've done 1000 times more damage to their countries than they ever will here."

Meanwhile, your "reasonable solution" (more like final solution) is to send all of those refugees back to the war zones that the American government has created. You're a despicable monster who wants to see others suffer so you can keep your money.
bytch nikka, watch your tone.

Don't bring up ahistorical bullshyt then use those same ahistorical points to push flawed policy. Ain't nothing going on thats worth 40 years of abusing a porous border.

Illegals have hurt black labor over the last 40 years. Period. Its a fact thats proven and documented.

Now you come in here talking about American being an imperialist colony. fukk outta here. Are we giving Alaska back to Russia? How about the entire midwest back to France?

Are you going to play this fukking game?

I dont give a fukk if they're offended at being called "illegal"

They ILLEGALLY migrated to the country.

Refugees are documented, numbered, and given protected status and even resettlement benefits.

These aren't refugees coming in across the border. They are opportunists abusing a lax immigration policy in the United States.