Obviously you don't read too well. I've admitted that the profiling of black people works or is effective. It works to keep black men in and out of jail and caught up in the legal sytem. Keeping black males caught up in the legal system works to destroy the black family structure which works to keep blacks as a permanent underclass. Again so that you're clear, profiling definitely works for the white establishment that intends to oppress black people. There's nothing vague about the statistic that I quoted, it's quite clear. Police forces across the nation target black and brown people. Nationally, whites and blacks use and sell illegal drugs at the same rate but blacks are arrested at 10x the rate of whites, and I have little doubt that that's true for NY as well. You being a c00n who has no problem compromising himself in order to fit in is irrelevant to the point that I've made.
How much time have you spent in Chicago? Unless you've spent a significant amount of time living in Chicago you don't know what you're talking about. Chicago and NY are completely different cities, you sound like a complete idiot.

Somebody with a house ****** mentality like you and that sheagreeimlooney clown would say this. c00n, sellout, house ******, tom it's all the same. Pick one, they all seem to describe you.

It's no comparison to the level of self hate that's brewing in your soul. I understand that profiling and racism are a fact of life, but the difference between you and I is that you accept and condone it, I don't.