NYPD Trial: cop's tape reveals boss told him to target black men age 17-21


Don't be mad
May 12, 2012
The top of the City
Profiling only "works" to keep blacks as a permanent underclass. Again, blacks and whites use and sell illegal drugs at the same rate yet blacks are arrested at 10 times the rate of whites and sentenced to more time for the same offenses. So while the cops are profiling and targeting blacks/browns, they are ignoring whites who are committing the same crimes. That means that profiling does not work, c00n.

The level of bitterness that must exist within your soul is :ooh:

Profiling is a fact of life though buddy, so you can fight the good fight to keep wearing tall tees if you'd like. :rudy:


May 1, 2012
Before you turn into the internet's Malcolm x put my comments in the proper context. I'm talking about New York City right now, not some broad, vague statistic you're quoting. In NYC stop and frisk work, if you wanna quote stats go pull those up. I'm not saying its right, or fair, but hey that's life. I made an observation, I made an adjustment to my behavior, and I saw the results, sorry if that offends your ideal vision of humanity. Either way your being offended will change nothing. In New York the cops took control of the streets, and the tactics they use are not pretty, not nice, and not fair, but they are effective. And that's my observation. Chicago could not take place in New York, not under the approach the nypd takes to handling these streets.
Obviously you don't read too well. I've admitted that the profiling of black people works or is effective. It works to keep black men in and out of jail and caught up in the legal sytem. Keeping black males caught up in the legal system works to destroy the black family structure which works to keep blacks as a permanent underclass. Again so that you're clear, profiling definitely works for the white establishment that intends to oppress black people. There's nothing vague about the statistic that I quoted, it's quite clear. Police forces across the nation target black and brown people. Nationally, whites and blacks use and sell illegal drugs at the same rate but blacks are arrested at 10x the rate of whites, and I have little doubt that that's true for NY as well. You being a c00n who has no problem compromising himself in order to fit in is irrelevant to the point that I've made.

How much time have you spent in Chicago? Unless you've spent a significant amount of time living in Chicago you don't know what you're talking about. Chicago and NY are completely different cities, you sound like a complete idiot.

And lol @ people using the phrase "house ******" in the year 2013. shyt is meaningless, and just a slogan for crab in the barrell thinking. :mjpls:
:manny: Somebody with a house ****** mentality like you and that sheagreeimlooney clown would say this. c00n, sellout, house ******, tom it's all the same. Pick one, they all seem to describe you.
The level of bitterness that must exist within your soul is :ooh:
Profiling is a fact of life though buddy, so you can fight the good fight to keep wearing tall tees if you'd like. :rudy:
:shaq2: It's no comparison to the level of self hate that's brewing in your soul. I understand that profiling and racism are a fact of life, but the difference between you and I is that you accept and condone it, I don't.


Don't be mad
May 12, 2012
The top of the City
Obviously you don't read too well. I've admitted that the profiling of black people works or is effective. It works to keep black men in and out of jail and caught up in the legal sytem. Keeping black males caught up in the legal system works to destroy the black family structure which works to keep blacks as a permanent underclass. Again so that you're clear, profiling definitely works for the white establishment that intends to oppress black people. There's nothing vague about the statistic that I quoted, it's quite clear. Police forces across the nation target black and brown people. Nationally, whites and blacks use and sell illegal drugs at the same rate but blacks are arrested at 10x the rate of whites, and I have little doubt that that's true for NY as well. You being a c00n who has no problem compromising himself in order to fit in is irrelevant to the point that I've made.

How much time have you spent in Chicago? Unless you've spent a significant amount of time living in Chicago you don't know what you're talking about. Chicago and NY are completely different cities, you sound like a complete idiot.

:manny: Somebody with a house ****** mentality like you and that sheagreeimlooney clown would say this. c00n, sellout, house ******, tom it's all the same. Pick one, they all seem to describe you. :shaq2: It's no comparison to the level of self hate that's brewing in your soul. I understand that profiling and racism are a fact of life, but the difference between you and I is that you accept and condone it, I don't.

:obama: :jawalrus:


You do know there's is a way for us to throw a huge monkey wrench in the white establishments conspiracy to destroy the black family and keep black men incarcerated right... Wait for it ... Stop breaking the law a lot. Keep that to a minimum you know.

Ultimately this comes down to that fact that the community can't police itself. That is clearly the case in Chicago when you have little boys barely through puberty shooting anything moving every time their hormone level spikes. The white establishment clearly had a major role in placing us in these conditions during a previous era, but they are not going to be the ones to bail us out. We must do that ourselves.

We can all see you have absolutely no sense of accountability, and you're childishly dreaming of a world where you can wear tall tees and escape all judgment from others, but that's not the world we love in buddy. That tall tee you don't want to let go carries consequences pal.

So the next time you press up that fresh tall tee, and you glance over yourself in the mirror and you can't tell where your upper torso ends and your lower torso begins, you can think to yourself, at least I still have my dignity.



May 1, 2012
This dude @Gravity :skip:

Hey Gravity, how many white people are there in the 40th precinct?
I don't know and don't care because it's irrelevant to my point. My point is that the average white guy is just as likely to possess illegal drugs as the average black guy, but if the cops are only going to target blacks then it's common sense that the stats will say that blacks committ more crimes. My problem is that I keep forgetting that a lot of you don't have common sense. It doesn't matter how many white people there are in that precinct, if the white people who are in that precinct aren't stopped and frisked at the same rate that black and brown people are then it's blatant racism.
:obama: :jawalrus:


You do know there's is a way for us to throw a huge monkey wrench in the white establishments conspiracy to destroy the black family and keep black men incarcerated right... Wait for it ... Stop breaking the law a lot. Keep that to a minimum you know.

Ultimately this comes down to that fact that the community can't police itself. That is clearly the case in Chicago when you have little boys barely through puberty shooting anything moving every time their hormone level spikes. The white establishment clearly had a major role in placing us in these conditions during a previous era, but they are not going to be the ones to bail us out. We must do that ourselves.

We can all see you have absolutely no sense of accountability, and you're childishly dreaming of a world where you can wear tall tees and escape all judgment from others, but that's not the world we love in buddy. That tall tee you don't want to let go carries consequences pal.

So the next time you press up that fresh tall tee, and you glance over yourself in the mirror and you can't tell where your upper torso ends and your lower torso begins, you can think to yourself, at least I still have my dignity.

This c00n rhetoric strawman BS has nothing to do with anything that I've said here. You're a mental midget who's not capable of intelligent debate, you're only good at deflecting and creating smoke screens. I initially quoted you because you attempted to justify the racial profiling saying
Sad that it has to come to this, but at the same time, those are the ones committing the crimes out here :manny:
I responded to correct you schooling you on the fact that black and brown people are not the only one's committing crimes out here. I illustrated this by citing the fact that blacks and whites use and sell illegal drugs at the same rate. If the cops are targeting blacks/browns then of course blacks/browns will make up more of the arrests.
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TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
the average white guy is just as likely to possess illegal drugs as the average black guy
Can you point me to stats or a study documenting this

And how is the # of white people in the 40th precinct not relevant to a discussion about racial profiling in the 40th precinct... even if the cops were not explicitly profiling black people, being that there are damn near 0 white people in Mott Haven, odds are pretty high if they arrest anyone there they won't be white either

The Real

May 8, 2012
Can you point me to stats or a study documenting this

Study: Whites More Likely to Abuse Drugs Than Blacks | TIME.com


CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Manhattan, NY 2009 Results

CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Queens, NY 2009 Results

CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Staten Island, NY 2009 Results

Results from the 2009 NSDUH: Summary of National Findings, SAMHSA, OAS

Here are a few examples of studies, but there are several more I'll try and dig up when I have the time. The general consensus is that white people are as or more likely to use drugs than Black people (not just that there are more white drug users due to whites outnumbering Black people.) Violent crime is a different story, but where drugs are concerned, the racist disparity in searches, arrests, etc, is at its worst. Black people are stopped/searched, arrested and sentenced at exponentially greater rates than white people, despite using drugs at either equal or lower rates than white people.

Though it's true that Black people do commit a higher percentage of violent crimes, including shooting murders, that itself doesn't justify the stops, if you go by results... violent crime makes up very little of the total array of crimes (most of them are the drug crimes, in which the massive racist disparity exists,) and the NYPD is a perfect example of how ineffective the gun searches are. Look at their success rates- despite concentrating almost exclusively on Black people, they find almost nothing, and the rates at which Black and white people are found to carry are roughly equal.


Don't be mad
May 12, 2012
The top of the City
I don't know and don't care because it's irrelevant to my point. My point is that the average white guy is just as likely to possess illegal drugs as the average black guy, but if the cops are only going to target blacks then it's common sense that the stats will say that blacks committ more crimes. My problem is that I keep forgetting that a lot of you don't have common sense. It doesn't matter how many white people there are in that precinct, if the white people who are in that precinct aren't stopped and frisked at the same rate that black and brown people are then it's blatant racism.This c00n rhetoric strawman BS has nothing to do with anything that I've said here. You're a mental midget who's not capable of intelligent debate, you're only good at deflecting and creating smoke screens. I initially quoted you because you attempted to justify the racial profiling saying I responded to correct you schooling you on the fact that black and brown people are not the only one's committing crimes out here. I illustrated this by citing the fact that blacks and whites use and sell illegal drugs at the same rate. If the cops are targeting blacks/browns then of course blacks/browns will make up more of the arrests.

And I responded to your meaningless, general and vague stats by pointing out that I was referring to NYC when I said out here. Your stats, which are of dubious nature to begin with, definitely don't apply to NYC, and only speak to one crime. When we start talking about illegal guns, shootings, robberies, assaults, and other violent offenses, it says nothing.

They also definitely don't apply to the 40th. So in regards to this discussion, your stats are useful only at highlighting your paranoid delusions.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Study: Whites More Likely to Abuse Drugs Than Blacks | TIME.com


CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Manhattan, NY 2009 Results

CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Queens, NY 2009 Results

CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Staten Island, NY 2009 Results

Results from the 2009 NSDUH: Summary of National Findings, SAMHSA, OAS

Here are a few examples of studies, but there are several more I'll try and dig up when I have the time. The general consensus is that white people are as or more likely to use drugs than Black people (not just that there are more white drug users due to whites outnumbering Black people.) Violent crime is a different story, but where drugs are concerned, the racist disparity in searches, arrests, etc, is at its worst. Black people are stopped/searched, arrested and sentenced at exponentially greater rates than white people, despite using drugs at either equal or lower rates than white people.
Fair enough, but is this still the case in the 40th precinct? I think there are two discussions taking place- the unconstitutional stop and frisk policies of the NYPD, and the disproportionate arrests and guilty verdicts handed to minorities. Nationally white people def do and sell more drugs, but in the 40th precinct, being that 99.9 percent of the people there are black/Latino, and 99.99999999% of crimes done there are by young black/Latino males, it seems pretty logical for the police to focus on them in fighting crime. But again, that doesn't justify the violation of their rights. We are talking about 2 separate things.

Kings County

Law III | Law XXV | Law XV
May 2, 2012
The Roman Empire
lol lets be real when i carried a gun i fit right into them demographics not gonna sit here and act like i was some super shooter killer it was just for protection so i didnt get caught slipping lol

the next guy

May 2, 2012
Study: Whites More Likely to Abuse Drugs Than Blacks | TIME.com


CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Manhattan, NY 2009 Results

CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Queens, NY 2009 Results

CDC-Youth Online-High School YRBS T-Test Borough of Staten Island, NY 2009 Results

Results from the 2009 NSDUH: Summary of National Findings, SAMHSA, OAS

Here are a few examples of studies, but there are several more I'll try and dig up when I have the time. The general consensus is that white people are as or more likely to use drugs than Black people (not just that there are more white drug users due to whites outnumbering Black people.) Violent crime is a different story, but where drugs are concerned, the racist disparity in searches, arrests, etc, is at its worst. Black people are stopped/searched, arrested and sentenced at exponentially greater rates than white people, despite using drugs at either equal or lower rates than white people.

Though it's true that Black people do commit a higher percentage of violent crimes, including shooting murders, that itself doesn't justify the stops, if you go by results... violent crime makes up very little of the total array of crimes (most of them are the drug crimes, in which the massive racist disparity exists,) and the NYPD is a perfect example of how ineffective the gun searches are. Look at their success rates- despite concentrating almost exclusively on Black people, they find almost nothing, and the rates at which Black and white people are found to carry are roughly equal.

That's right. Of violent crime was popular, for lack of a better term, then it would not make the news every time something horrible happened.
Then again, Killsprays argument was by targeting blacks, the community became safer. True or false? Probably false but perception is everything.