Stop and frisk doesnt really specify race or age...what it does is give the police the authority to go fishing for criminals by stopping any member of the public without probable cause..they can basically set up a checkpoint on the sidewalk if they wanted to.
Why is this a problem? Because now instead of doing actual policing like patrols and investigation the cops are just frisking people to"prevent" crime..people who would normally not commit any crimes but have contraband will go to jail..Young black men are also more likely to be targeted as subjects of these searches.
right point revolved around the articles statement "A top Bronx cop was caught on tape telling an NYPD whistleblower to specifically target “male blacks 14 to 21” for stop-and-frisk because they commit crimes."
this is no different than the search and seize policy carried out on the I95 (its name escapes me right now)
Obviously in theory its wrong lol. But why can't we admit, the only reason its wrong is because the innocent are targeted, the innocent feel victimized and that resources could be better allocated toward helping "at risk" children/populations.