And I responded to your meaningless, general and vague stats by pointing out that I was referring to NYC when I said out here. Your stats, which are of dubious nature to begin with, definitely don't apply to NYC, and only speak to one crime. When we start talking about illegal guns, shootings, robberies, assaults, and other violent offenses, it says nothing.
They also definitely don't apply to the 40th. So in regards to this discussion, your stats are useful only at highlighting your paranoid delusions.

This argument doesn't fly because if 99.9% of a precinct's population was black then there would be no need to instruct cops to target blacks. Everybody would be black anyway, right? Obviously the precinct isn't 99.9% black if the cops were instructed to target blacks and latinos. You don't even have common sense homie. 85-90% of people stopped and frisked in NYC are black and Latino even though they only make up half of the population. Even in precinct's that are majority white, blacks make up the overwhelming number of people stopped and frisked. This isn't just about 1 precinct anyway, racial profiling happens everywhere in this country. There's really no debating it's existence.Fair enough, but is this still the case in the 40th precinct? I think there are two discussions taking place- the unconstitutional stop and frisk policies of the NYPD, and the disproportionate arrests and guilty verdicts handed to minorities. Nationally white people def do and sell more drugs, but in the 40th precinct, being that 99.9 percent of the people there are black/Latino, and 99.99999999% of crimes done there are by young black/Latino males, it seems pretty logical for the police to focus on them in fighting crime. But again, that doesn't justify the violation of their rights. We are talking about 2 separate things.