NYPD fires 84 shots at a man, misses 83 times.

Aug 22, 2015
Nah, this isn't just because they're shooting at a moving target. This happens all the time and it's because of choices the NYPD has made

This is about the Empire State Building shooting a few years back, where 16 shots were fired and 9 bystanders were hit. All by the cops:why:

The post itself has gems like this:

Hey look, they were 2 for 73 that time. A ~0.02% chance of striking a target is better than a ~0.01% chance of hitting them, I guess :skip:

And this one:

The biggest police department, in the biggest city in the country, has a hit rate in the teens while their peers in a next biggest city land a hit for one out of every two shots

Then there's this:
NYPD's Choice of Firearm May Have Contributed To Terrible Shooting

And then here's what an NYPD cop has to say about the department's service weapons and training

Bottom line: The NYPD is :trash: when it comes to accurate shooting and it's because of their equipment choices and a lack of training. So this is the end result :mjlol:

Not denying that the cops' actual training/shooting skills (or weapon used) aren't factors as well.....lemme make that clear....

We all know there are some fukk-ass, old/outta shape trigger-happy cops out there who prolly only barely passed the firearm course :mjlol:.....that shyt makes them even worse during a chase/gunfight....

However.....that doesn't excuse the blatant disregard of reality in some of these replies. Again, the best shooters in the world with the best pistols in the world, aren't gonna be able to accurately shoot a distant, moving, shooting suspect even half the time


May 6, 2012
Nah, this isn't just because they're shooting at a moving target. This happens all the time and it's because of choices the NYPD has made

This is about the Empire State Building shooting a few years back, where 16 shots were fired and 9 bystanders were hit. All by the cops:why:

The post itself has gems like this:

Hey look, they were 2 for 73 that time. A ~0.02% chance of striking a target is better than a ~0.01% chance of hitting them, I guess :skip:

And this one:

The biggest police department, in the biggest city in the country, has a hit rate in the teens while their peers in a next biggest city land a hit for one out of every two shots

Then there's this:
NYPD's Choice of Firearm May Have Contributed To Terrible Shooting

And then here's what an NYPD cop has to say about the department's service weapons and training

Bottom line: The NYPD is :trash: when it comes to accurate shooting and it's because of their equipment choices and a lack of training. So this is the end result :mjlol:
interesting stuff. i'm guessing that having to squeeze harder at the trigger makes it harder to aim but why did the nypd choose this? is it budgeting?

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014

It's there fukking job to know how to shoot a moving target :heh:

Period, point blank.

And its true that no trained official wouldve probably hit that moving target all 84 times, but, no trained official wouldve missed 83 times with the one hit being a calf shot, either.

NYPD yall :mjlol:

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
Nah, this isn't just because they're shooting at a moving target. This happens all the time and it's because of choices the NYPD has made

This is about the Empire State Building shooting a few years back, where 16 shots were fired and 9 bystanders were hit. All by the cops:why:

The post itself has gems like this:

Hey look, they were 2 for 73 that time. A ~0.02% chance of striking a target is better than a ~0.01% chance of hitting them, I guess :skip:

And this one:

The biggest police department, in the biggest city in the country, has a hit rate in the teens while their peers in a next biggest city land a hit for one out of every two shots

Then there's this:
NYPD's Choice of Firearm May Have Contributed To Terrible Shooting

And then here's what an NYPD cop has to say about the department's service weapons and training

Bottom line: The NYPD is :trash: when it comes to accurate shooting and it's because of their equipment choices and a lack of training. So this is the end result :mjlol:

These n!ggas sound so stupid in here trying to :cape: for the inaccuracy of trained professionals :snoop:
These n!ggas just trying to lowkey let everyone know theyre a gun owner and visit a range. :mjlol:

I am too, and i do too. :obama:

That sh!t does NOT make you an expert on all things accuracy related, and should not compel you to be online caping for the inaccuracies of a police dept known for being inaccurate :snoop:

Spatial Paradox

All Star
May 16, 2012
interesting stuff. i'm guessing that having to squeeze harder at the trigger makes it harder to aim but why did the nypd choose this? is it budgeting?

Yeah, they have to squeeze the trigger harder to fire for every single shot. But that's not quite the entire reason it's harder for them to maintain their aim

Due to the design of the Glock's firing mechanism, using a spring-loaded striker instead of an external hammer, this didn't exactly result in a trigger that had the same feel and function of the old revolvers; it just made the trigger very cumbersome to use, especially for rapid follow-up shots. What ends up happening is the increased trigger pull weight causes the user to torque their grip on the firearm, resulting in the muzzle waving off the target for rapid follow-up shots.

As for why, I'm guessing preventing accidental discharges was the reasoning
When the NYPD switched from Smith & Wesson revolvers, which had about a 12 lb trigger pull, to Glock semiautomatics, which have a 5.5 lb trigger pull, the NYPD found that their officers were having a high incidence of negligent discharges due to the lower weight trigger pull. Instead of altering their training, as every other police department did, and teach the officers not to put their fingers on the trigger until they're prepared to fire, they decided to re-engineer the Glock trigger to add an 8 lb resistance spring to the trigger, effectively giving it a pull weight about the same as the old revolvers (~12 lbs).

But why give their officers modified weapons that are much harder to fire multiple shots with and maintain some kind of decent accuracy, instead of (re)training them not to have their fingers on the trigger unless they're about to fire? That probably is for budgetary reasons :francis:
Last edited:

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
However.....that doesn't excuse the blatant disregard of reality in some of these replies.

Please quote which reply in here blatantly disregards reality, ill wait :heh:

And quote it, dont paraphrase it. QUOTE even just ONE reply in here that disregards reality..

Spatial Paradox

All Star
May 16, 2012
Not denying that the cops' actual training/shooting skills (or weapon used) aren't factors as well.....lemme make that clear....

We all know there are some fukk-ass, old/outta shape trigger-happy cops out there who prolly only barely passed the firearm course :mjlol:.....that shyt makes them even worse during a chase/gunfight....

However.....that doesn't excuse the blatant disregard of reality in some of these replies. Again, the best shooters in the world with the best pistols in the world, aren't gonna be able to accurately shoot a distant, moving, shooting suspect even half the time

Yeah he was moving and shooting at them, so they're not going to take him down with a marksman's precision. But again, this kind of thing isn't unheard of with the NYPD. It happens way more often than you'd think and more often than it does with other police departments

If this were in another city, he likely would've been hit a lot more times in fewer shots

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
People that scare easily or those that were bullied in high school, shouldn't be allowed on the force.

Willing to bet they make up about 80% of every police force :snoop:
My wife is a cop and she's a way better shot then me bring home targets dudes be all kinds of hit up

Whats your wifes race? Is she a Black cop? Whats her opinion on all of these executions by the police, on Black citizens, over the years? Just curious breh.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
This is why I'm amused when people make jokes about Storm Troopers or the A-Team lettin' off rounds and rarely/never hitting anybody....they don't realize that's an accurate (if not slightly exaggerated) reflection of real-life gun fights.....even during wars with trained soldiers


Stop watching too much TV. NOBODY on this planet Earth knows how to 'accurately' shoot a far-away moving target that they're chasing....which also happens to be blasting back at them

Have you ever shot a gun yourself? Do you know how hard it is to keep the sights lined up and steady with a pistol while pulling the trigger? How much harder it is if you're breathing heavy due to adrenaline/exhaustion?

Bruh.....do you even know what recoil is, bruh? :mjlol:

(and before anyone asks me how I know or accuses me of e-thugging, I've simply been on the range several times, that's all :whoa:....don't wanna make it seem like I been in shootouts or anything :whoa: )

Saying "It's there fukking job to know how to shoot a moving target" is like saying an NBA player's job is to know how to sink a half-court shot most, if not all of the time

Should they be more likely to hit one than the average nikka off the street? Yes......but that doesn't mean they should be able to sink 50 out of 100 tries.....

It's just funny to me to see nikkas who prolly never shot a firearm in their life, try to clown anyone for missing shots during a real-life gun fight

Now if dude was standing in one spot or if they were only like 10-20 feet away from him during the chase and he wasn't shooting back, then I could understand.....
Breh you sounding all type of silly right now. Yes I'm a gun owner, no I don't act like a gun expert even though I go to the range but again these are suppose to be gun professionals and shooting a moving target is their fukking job. If you can't do that with better odds than 1 out 84 you need a new fukking job :heh: