If we’re keeping it a buck...AEW currently doesn’t have a single star on the roster..Jericho and Cody are as close as they got, but if they’re trying to play the big boy ratings game and be a legitimate 2nd big promotion ...who is supposed to be pulling in these numbers?
I got a group of day 1s from high school (big fans during attitude era... turned into casuals over the years, with me keeping up the most) who went to wrestlemania like 5 years back as a bachelor party trip and have gone ever year since as a annual excuse to go kick it in a random city...I’ve been hyping them up on how AEW was gonna come thru and restore the Monday night war feeling...telling them how Kenny Omega is supposed to be next wrestler alive and the next big thing in the biz...shyt premiers and I got my nikkas all giving me the

we all laughed at the randomness of the blade and the butcher and how they presented these nobody ass jobber looking muhfukkas like they’re supposed to be a big deal...that’s how the whole entire roster looks to most casuals, even those looking for an excuse to get back in heavy...know it takes time to build up someone into a star, but it’s like they’re not even trying and operating under the assumption folks are supposed to know Kenny and Hangman are supposed to be special...despite looking and being booked like generic midcarders on a show where the main eventers are wwe midcarders