Their booking has been a bit too 50 50 at times. It's like everyone has to prove they have to job, some people should hardly ever lose so when there's a threat they might it's. a huge deal. Look a Taker, imagine if when he first started in the first months he was taking l's, would kill off the character, you have to make people believe.
I don't even agree with the wins and loss records being shown. Tale of the tape for certain matches great but you don't need to remind people of the talents losses. Sports do it, but wrestling isn't a sport, so you're punishing guys for doing their jobs/the job. If they really wanted could have it available online somewhere but it doesn't need to be shoved in people's faces. Wins and losses should matter but mostly wins, as predetermined entertainment you have the opportunity to manipulate things and shape the narrative. Their should be stakes and you could talk about people's winning streaks but you don't want to see someone's losses shoved in your face like that. It looks silly when a talent is coming out there with more losses than wins, it makes them look like a jibber cause the general public don't understand. I'm not sure if there's any undefeated people left and you need them. Need to build people up so they mean more, was a time when Hogan hardly lost, you have to build and build to mkae the massive stars or everybody just blends in together. You need a hierarchy, it should be flexible and room for movement and growth but you need distinguishable top stars.
By doing 50 50 booking it makes it seems like wins and loses don't matter, not sure Pac should have lost at all yet, it didn't feel necessary when he was building momentum, I don't even remember who he lost too, Omega maybe. Who he'd beaten himself prior if so, so it's harder to build momentum.
Not sure Ryo should be world champ, you could build her story first, as the smaller lady who keeps craftily getting the wins the build her to a title shot like it's her life's dream or something but she's in the top spot when she's so new.
The Young Bucks would have lent more credibility to the tag titles, don't see why they weren't made champions, they are the best and most identifiable team.
Private Party look like very talented athletes but I don't like the name or the gimmick. Feel like they could be used better.
Paige record right now is 5-6, he's 1 of their top guys but shoving that record in our face makes it seem like he's a bum. They are sometimes trying to be too clever for their own good. You can borrow sports elements but you don't need to stick to them rigidly unless it benefits the company and the talent, that's the luxury have of being entertainment first.