Not trying to be racist.....but.....My Coli Brehs..

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
Im God you demonic ass who the fukk are u?
My screen name is all you need to know. I don't go around asking people who they are. Go back to the POF thread. I'm not in the mood.

Humans can be significantly different you fukking idiot. Just because a white beast looks like a bag of soggy cement at 175 pounds doesn't mean a black woman will.

You ass, you said that to get a reaction. You didn't base it on population, you based it on c00ning. You're always trolling and hiding your hands. Man up, if that's possible for you, and be accountable for your bullshyt.

And stop whining about people calling you names. "Waaaah waaaaah, people are yelling at me." Wipe your tears you stupid shyttle. It's the exact reaction you want so why are you backpedaling? Why are thou upset? :leostare:
I said that because there are 5 times as many white women. I thought it was obvious, but some people think more emotionally than rationally. It's trolling? So I invented the fact that there are 5 times as many whites than blacks? I created that. I created the percentages of population. Sorry. Next time I'll type out an entire essay so I don't offend you. I even stated I was talking about population and not preference earlier in thread. It wasn't trolling. If I was trolling I would have said a much higher number. I'm speaking facts but if you want me to troll with false facts I could gldadly oblige. You can't rebut what I say so you either

A.JUSTIFY the obesity rates. Fail at that so you.
B.Say I'm trolling. My number is still accurate.

Thank you for watching. Rate, Comment and Subscribe. And as always. Stay Snazzy.


Apr 30, 2012
Can I just speak for every sane person and say, what the fukk is going on in here?

T'Kuvma Da Unforgettable

My Wallabies attract bowlegged b1tches
Jun 23, 2012
My screen name is all you need to know. I don't go around asking people who they are. Go back to the POF thread. I'm not in the mood.

bytch u sound like you are on your period every fukking time u post..fukk u mean not in the mood?

Aint there some able-bodied or handicapped male in your neighborhood who could use a blowjob or a home cooked meal right bout now??

Go be useful ho nobody gives a fukk bout your opinion or stats

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
You're a troll and a c00n so your opinions, thoughts, and contributions are automatically negated. I'm seriously embarrassed for you.

All those things you called me. Wrong wasn't one of them. People talking to me about whining but they are crying over a statistic? Don't get mad at me that there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. I have nothing to do with that. You guys take things I say and put them out of context.
bytch u sound like you ar eon your period every fukking time u post..fukk u mean not in the mood?

Aint there some able-bodied or handicapped male in your neighborhood who could use a blowjob or a home cooked meal right bout now??

Go be useful ho nobody gives a fukk bout your opinion or stats

I'm gonna put usher in my avi so yall stop getting confused. Why does everyone have to character assassinate me? No one has outright stated that my numbers are wrong.... so why is everyone mad? Did I say black women were uglier? No. Did I say white women looked better? No. People are mad because they can't read. I'm off to tumblr now.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
For every hot black girl there are 5 hot white girls.
:ohhh: If you base it off a numbers standpoint and take away racial preferences then he's right:manny:

There's roughly 20-25 million black women in America, compared to over 100+ million white women :krs:

So just off of those numbers alone you will be more hard pressed to find a black dime compared to a white one, that's just the truth and if you're denying that you're a fool:childplease:

Now if we're just talking about about attractive women of both races excluding fat and unattractive women, then I believe the black woman trumps the white girl everyday and it's not even close. :obama:

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
:ohhh: If you base it off a numbers standpoint and take away racial preferences then he's right:manny:

There's roughly 20-25 million black women in America, compared to over 100+ million white women :krs:

So just off of those numbers alone you will be more hard pressed to find a black dime compared to a white one, that's just the truth and if you're denying that you're a fool:childplease:

Now if we're just talking about about attractive women of both races excluding fat and unattractive women, then I believe the black woman trumps the white girl everyday and it's not even close. :obama:
That was my point. If you have a bucket with 20 good green apples, 80 bad green apples, 100 good red apples and 400 bad red apples and stick your hand in it, are you more likely to find a good red apple or a good green apple?

That was the whole purpose of my comment. Of course nikkas can't read nor do math, so instead of taking what I say for what it is they add layers of shyt I never said. Like I said, if my numbers are wrong then let me know. NO ONE has stated my numbers as being false. So what do ye do? Get emo on me. I even specifically, EXPLICITLY stated that my preference has NOTHING to do with my comment. Raw numbers. I guess it's easier to call me a c00n or say I'm racist than accept the numbers in black and white. Don't even ask me how.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
That was my point. If you have a bucket with 20 good green apples, 80 bad green apples, 100 good red apples and 400 bad red apples and stick your hand in it, are you more likely to find a good red apple or a good green apple?

That was the whole purpose of my comment. Of course nikkas can't read nor do math, so instead of taking what I say for what it is they add layers of shyt I never said. Like I said, if my numbers are wrong then let me know. NO ONE has stated my numbers as being false. So what do ye do? Get emo on me. I even specifically, EXPLICITLY stated that my preference has NOTHING to do with my comment. Raw numbers. I guess it's easier to call me a c00n or say I'm racist than accept the numbers in black and white. Don't even ask me how.
I think they misinterpreted what you said because when you read the comment it's very easy to take it at face value if you don't actually take the time think about it::ohhh:

White women do not look better than black women to me by any means when they're both attractive

I'm taking the black woman everytime

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
I think they misinterpreted what you said because when you read the comment it's very easy to take it at face value if you don't actually take the time think about it::ohhh:

White women do not look better than black women to me by any means when they're both attractive

I'm taking the black woman everytime

I even EXPLICITLY stated that I don't think white girls are all that great. These hormotional ass dudes on here STILL started c00n calling. :rudy: Like I said a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, but population wise there are more white women, so let's say the percentages of attractive black and white women are the same (bar the weight issues which actually work AGAINST black women). I'm talking about a hypothetical (for the sake of the argument) 70% of each group is attractive. Well guess what? You're still more likely to bounce into more attractive white women than black women specifically based off of numbers. That's excluding if you think one race of woman looks better than another of course. This is all basic math. I wasn't doing quantum physics here.

You see how I can back up what I say without having to call people all kinds of things? See how I can logically break down my arguement with real tangible data? You see how I don't need to rely on attacking people to prove a point?

I'll say it again. The people who hate me on here don't read my posts. They read 2 or 3 words and create the rest of my thought in their minds. I find it odd that people can tell me my posting style, what sig I had since which date, what I ate for breakfast, the car I drive, who rejected me, who I was on a completely different site, my parent's engagement ring karat, my favorite flavor of ice cream, my favorite color, my least favorite novel, and everything else under the sun, but when it comes to READING MY fukkING POSTS they always fall short.


Jun 14, 2012
:scusthov: @ white girls. i mean, i have nothing against interracial relationships. more power to you. i don't believe one race is superior to the other. we're all members of the human race. however, from a PHYSICAL standpoint, i don't understand how my black brothers can fukk with white girls. pale..flat ass...aging terribly...unless you are a straight up DIME PIECE issued right from the treasury, you looking :flabbynsick:

this simp got burned by a white piece