justin is retiring a Niner, man.
I know just being hypothetical, Iupati is a top 3 player on our team and he isn't easy to replace.
justin is retiring a Niner, man.
with healthy justin smith anyone not named manny or parys can rush the passer, Im convinced. aldon is great but what Ive seen from skuta and lemonier was good and they are dirt cheap. plus one more fukkup from aldon and were looking at suspension every time he does something stupid. lemonier in particular has impressed me, kid will be very good in a year or two, word to @MMSex
iupati is one of the best run blocking guards in the league and we already are meh on offense. defense can take a hit here and there as long tank can replace justin.
and you know Im a defense first guy, so that should tell you something. aldon will be much more expensive than iupati too. we might be able to keep kaep and iupati, but not kaep and aldon
i disagree, the passrush was shytty when aldon was gone. he makes it all go, teams have to pay attention to him justin is not a elite passrusher, just bullrusher. lemonier hasnt shown enough to put the niners fate on his back, hes just not good enough.
we have to be realistic, kaep aint getting a big deal, maybe resigning all 3 is possible somehow. plus with aldons troubles he wont be able to ask as much as before. its gonna be a interesting offseason
lets just agree to disagree then. I thought pass rush was just fine with aldon gone, we got good pressure on qbsi disagree, the passrush was shytty when aldon was gone. he makes it all go, teams have to pay attention to him justin is not a elite passrusher, just bullrusher. lemonier hasnt shown enough to put the niners fate on his back, hes just not good enough.
we have to be realistic, kaep aint getting a big deal, maybe resigning all 3 is possible somehow. plus with aldons troubles he wont be able to ask as much as before. its gonna be a interesting offseason
I disagree Lemonier is a problem, maybe he is not as talented as Aldon but dude may have a better head on his shoulders, but time will tell. Dude is a rookie and was handed a lot of responsibilities real early and was better than the numbers he put up.
Kap is still gonna be worth 15 milly a year at least, people blame coaching and again his skillset is still elite even if mentally there are questions.
We are going to make some hard decisions in the next year or two.
sacks are one of the most overrated stats in football along with interceptions. pressures, man, pressures. its all about the presssuresthere aint no way hes getting 15 mil, he doesnt even have the numbers to back it up
lemonier might have a better head, lemonier has a better head then haley and lt but that doesnt mean hes gonna be as good or better. you can just see aldon is on another level, most sacks in his first 3 years since they kept records of it.
there aint no way hes getting 15 mil, he doesnt even have the numbers to back it up
lemonier might have a better head, lemonier has a better head then haley and lt but that doesnt mean hes gonna be as good or better. you can just see aldon is on another level, most sacks in his first 3 years since they kept records of it.
sacks are one of the most overrated stats in football along with interceptions. pressures, man, pressures. its all about the presssures
what I meant interceptions and sacks are terrible ways to judge a skill/production of a player because theyre too volatile and infrequent.You can't be serious breh
Turnovers are/were the 9ers bread & butter.
what I meant interceptions and sacks are terrible ways to judge a skill/production of a player because theyre too volatile and infrequent.
lets someone like jared allen goes from 20 sacks to 14 sacks and people are quick to say hes had a down year. whereas he was just as good at pressuring and hurrying the qb, its just in that year circumstances happened that didnt allow a sack. the qb threw it away a couple of times, or was able to miraculously dump it off at the last minute
he can have a better year having 14 sacks and 95 pressures than if he had 20 sacks but only 70 pressures. but people are too fixated on the sack number because its reflected in the scoresheet
with interceptions its even worse.
its the same reason lots of people loved dashon despite him being kinda ass in coverage, even though tons of his picks was deflected passes. interceptions are way too volatile stats to say a player A is good because of them. the only DBs who stay consistent with picks
the combo of lemonier+skuta was bringing as much as pressure as aldon when he was gone, is my point. but because there were no sacks registered on stat sheet, people say that pass rush wasnt working.
Front 2 Back i`m with you on Kaep and Crab.
I`d actually be more willing to give into Crabtree's demands than I would be to Kaepernick's.
I said it weeks ago, Kaep can't ask for more than 13-14 mil.