All Star
...I dont see why hes so exempt from criticisms by some people (and I dont mean anyone on here at this point) theyd rather criticize our receivers, line, so on and so forth except for kaep...because he can run and hes got a cannon ?. I dont know. I dont dikkride qbs and consider them equal to other positions, so its hard for me to tell why people are so defensive about kaep but can shyt on any other position freely... but then again tons of people defended alex last year too.....
The reason Kap gets a pass is because he took over the team last year and guided us to the Superbowl, because last year he was everything that Alex wasn't (Explosive, decisive, willing to take risks and throw receivers open, etc), and because people have seen him play better, so the know he can play better.
When there's upside or potential, you'll always get a pass and the blame passed to some other factor. I'm not saying this lasts forever, but you can clearly see with every player that ever had "potential" that they're given excuses made as to why they're not living up to that potential and given every opportunity to prove that potential. The fact that we've seen what Kap can do only makes it worse.