I don't believe that was your reason at all....I believe most of you trolls are agent provacateurs, who's task is to shut down any forward thinking progress in regards to young black men and women of past generations, but more specifically present generations.
You know damn well, none of these young folks knew Gandhi was a racist, as a matter of fact, not many older folks who were and still are sheep to the mainstream brainwashing theme they were presented about Gandhi.
The fact that the most leading figures in the movement to keep black people peaceful in the face of oppression quote and love Gandhi is profound and also disturbing, when if Gandhi had his way, he would be the Oppressor of our people just as this caucasoid.........
Most importantly is that Gandhi's thought process is actually very prevalent in India today and was back then, so the 20's(of which this is not when he made the quotes) are no different than today.
Have you read my posts here, breh?