Nobody Voted “For” Biden, WE VOTED AGAINST TRUMP

BK The Great

Nov 21, 2015
We had no choice but to vote for the lesser evil even though they’re both the same. One thing for sure I’m done with politics, it’s all lies and games. If people banded together we wouldn’t have this problem. Crab in a bucket mentality in America. Everything will eventually come crashing down it’s just a matter of when.
Apr 3, 2014
Exactly. This is what people don't get. People here want to critique us for voting Democrat but have no plan for what happens when this country goes to shyt and becomes a far right authoritarian police state. And yes, that is what these MAGA lunatics ultimately want. All the drain the swamp bullshyt and populism rhetoric is just a guise to usher in a fascist regime. They aren't fighting for shyt to get better. They're fighting for conditions (particularly the conditions of black and brown people) to get drastically worse.

And the idea that we're going to negotiate with any such regime is laughable. If MAGA and Conservatives get their way you can kiss our voting rights goodbye. At that point what leverage do we have? What protections will exist to keep us from being further targeted in an already deeply racist country? Are we going to engage in civil conflict? These people who critique us for voting Democrats are either cacs or smart dumb nikkas who haven't thought this shyt through.

We don't care if they take our voting rights because we don't want to vote anyway


Why is this so hard for the libs to understand?
Feb 7, 2015
Y’all do this a lot on here. And yeah, for sure, it’s some people on here that want Trump back and lost with an agenda. See me, I just call it like I see it. I call all this shyt out.

But this right here is an issue too. You dudes will lump anyone who questions Biden or the DNC into a secret undercover maga supporter that wants trump back in office.

I can only speak for myself but I’m sure I speak for many others. I did not vote for Trump. The thought didn’t even cross my mind. I never voted Republican. I hate Republicans. MAGA is stupid as fukk and racist. I don’t look at Fox News or any other right wing news sources. ALSO, fukk that dude Joe Biden and his administration as a staff, record label and crew. The Democrats some hoes that just like to pander and be scared to hold they nuts against the Republicans. They always got a fukking excuse too. They are fukking horrible and not to be trusted.

My point is, everyone doesn’t have some secret hidden agenda. I see post straight up dismissing people based on this assumption all the time
You didn't even read my post. My reply to the part in bold is simply


This poster is exactly one of the people I'm talking about constantly spewing right wing talking points and starting dumb fukk conspiracy threads based on his "feelings", you know just asking questions kind of like Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens or Dave Rubin. Dude claims to hate right wingers but sounds EXACTLY like them. :camby:

As I said before they're cowards

It's the equivalent of me saying I hate Bernie Sanders and other progressives but anyone who knows my posting history knows that's bullshyt.

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
I would respect that if they admitted as such.

I don't expect that kind of honesty though.
In the "lesser of 2 evils" group. Other than Obama I haven't lived for a president that wasn't either racist, corrupt or dumb as a box of rocks (bush). I don't see that changing so I have to go with the lesser of the 2 evils unfortunately


Nov 19, 2016
Biden won the nomination largely because of electability and he won.

That said, the policies he ran on are a vast improvement from what Trump and Republicans were pushing.

If the senate would grow a pair, remove the filibuster and actually start passing legislation the country would be in a much better place.

Sorry Trumper ya boy lost and it's still :umad:


Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013
Op full of shyt.

after dancing in the voting booth line to now seeing apparently that Joe ain’t shyt, he tryna jump ship.

You voted for someone, stand on that shyt. Or say you’ve seen the light at least. Especially don’t wait till he proves his detractors right to shyt on him.

I take back everything I said if you posted this way about Biden before the election.

I’ve said that sh*t from DAY ONE, as has everyone else I know.

But here’s what I could find just off a quick search.

Said on August 15, 2020… you stupid thickheaded sh*t for brains little b*tch.

Eat a d*ck and choke to death. :coffee:


Shouldn’t have to tell you this but,

- what if I did tell you that 99.9% of the Black people voting for Biden, are already aware of these “revelations” that you sound like youve just learned during this campaign, from FB memes.

What if I told you,

- Biden could campaign in a double-breasted tweed confederate flag suit jacket and a KKK hood for a hat; it’d still be in your best Black interest to give him and big ‘Mala your vote just to get Trump up out the paint?

What if I told you,

- By not voting at all, you are, mathematically, casting a vote for Trump.

These are ALL rhetorical questions. Do not answer.

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
You didn't even read my post. My reply to the part in bold is simply


This poster is exactly one of the people I'm talking about constantly spewing right wing talking points and starting dumb fukk conspiracy threads based on his "feelings", you know just asking questions kind of like Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens or Dave Rubin. Dude claims to hate right wingers but sounds EXACTLY like them. :camby:

As I said before they're cowards

It's the equivalent of me saying I hate Bernie Sanders and other progressives but anyone who knows my posting history knows that's bullshyt.

Dude, you just proved my point. You ignored my whole shyt on Trump and the right wing section to bold face lie about me being some secret Republican or some shyt. Breh if anyone is a shill here, it’s clearly you lol. See, you are one of the super Democrats on here that like to hop in every thread and do damage control. You even go as far as to neg people smh. I have repeatedly said on here that I hate all these dudes, Democrat or Republican. You cannot find one pro trump or Republican post in my history....Not one dude. Go take your ass to the search function and look like I know you are. So you either trolling or just being purposely obtuse. I choose the latter.

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
You nikkas and your political affiliations and obsessions.

These cacs don't give a fukk about none of you at the end of the day. Particularly at the administrative elite level.

Breh these dudes would suck another mans dikk to meet the candidate they Stan. I’m sure of it. shyt be shameless. These politicians don’t even be enemies in real life like that and got mothafukkas at war over them lol
Feb 7, 2015
Dude, you just proved my point. You ignored my whole shyt on Trump and the right wing section to bold face lie about me being some secret Republican or some shyt. Breh if anyone is a shill here, it’s clearly you lol. See, you are one of the super Democrats on here that like to hop in every thread and do damage control. You even go as far as to neg people smh. I have repeatedly said on here that I hate all these dudes, Democrat or Republican. You cannot find one pro trump or Republican post in my history....Not one dude. Go take your ass to the search function and look like I know you are. So you either trolling or just being purposely obtuse. I choose the latter.

And now we come full circle to my first post on this. You cannot constantly make right wing talking points and push right wing conspiracy threads then claim you hate those people. That's not how that works. I don't even push democratic party arguments on here and plenty of HL posters will back me on that statement. To suggest I'm some shill just shows your ignorance on what the majority of the democratic party represents. If what I believed in was the beliefs of the Dem party we'd be living in a much better world and Joe Biden wouldn't be president.

I'm enough of a man to happily state my policy beliefs. I'm a proud socialist. Let me know when you become enough of a man or educate yourself enough to do the same.

It's not even that, it's that they make threads and make insane far right arguments that only Trump supporters make. We have literal threads on here where these people take policy positions and make statements that involve, letting anyone who isn't rich starve to death over things that aren't their fault, encouraging the rape of a US congresswoman because she's too left for their tastes, showing support for the taliban, insane far right conspiracy theories, banning any and all immigration etc. This is insane right wing shyt that gets said on places like /POL/ on *****.

Not to mention all the mother fukkers that come on here spewing talking points you only hear on Fox News, constantly posting far right articles and right wing Twitters. There was one poster who you could've copied and pasted Tweets made by Abbott and Cruz in Texas and it would've been the same statement....

It's very obvious where they stand, but they're cowards and refuse to say it. They need to live their truth, like the immigration threads about the Haitian refuges are incredibly disingenuous. There's no substantial talk of how to solve an issue that's been going on for DECADES. It's just outrage fuel like most things on TLR now that are seemingly only created in an attempt to radicalize posters.


Oct 3, 2014
Breh these dudes would suck another mans dikk to meet the candidate they Stan. I’m sure of it. shyt be shameless. These politicians don’t even be enemies in real life like that and got mothafukkas at war over them lol

That liberal plantation is extremely seductive to a lot of our people. And I say liberal because the vast majority of blacks are liberals.

And on their totem pole, the black man is at the very bottom. Particularly the hetero man. But also blacks in general.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Anyone who puts corporate interest ahead the people's interests is a big one.

So that takes out a good chunk of the party right there, but I don't like the two party system in general.

To answer your question, no one specific. Speaking for myself of course.

Neither one seems to want to move forward in anything, just keep what they already have.

So you basically admitted that there are members of the Democratic that don't put corporate interests ahead of people - but those who do make up a large chunk of the party.

What's to stop us from voting in more politicians who do put the interests of people first? What's stopping you from volunteering to make that shyt happen.

Like it or not the two party system isn't going anywhere any time soon. And the Democratic party is on most occassions the only vehicle by which we can get policies that benefit us on the national level. The Democratic party is filled with centrist hacks because not enough fresh people with new ideas are willing to go in, put in work and restructure shyt. I am willing to bet if you go to your local Democratic chapter you'll find a bunch of old people with outdated ideas running shyt. Its seem the young people who mostly are on this both sides bullshyt would much rather complain on the internet.
And to make things clear, people like this don't even have to necessarily align themselves with the Democratic party. But at the very least they should be providing some political alternatives. So far I have seen none of that. Just constant complaining about how black people shouldn't vote for democrats and clowning us when we do.