You inserted most of those adjectives yourself, without actually knowing how emotional or objective the people in question are. My scenario only required that 1% of the people in such positions are overly emotional, overly subjective, or straight morons. In reality the # is far higher than that.
If you've actually gone to a high-echelon tech school, or worked in a leading scientific workplace, you'll realize that, yes, there are plenty of wackos there. Perhaps fewer than in the population at large, but more than enough to make themselves noticed. Find anyone who goes to an elite university, and ask them, "Which percentage of your classmates are illogical when it comes to conspiracy theories, or believe something that is totally unscientific, or let their biases get in the way of rationality sometimes?" You're gonna get answers much higher than 1%.
Also, if you look at psychological studies of decision-making and how we come to beliefs, you'll find that emotional, subjective ideas which fail to align with objective evidence are common even among intelligent people. And it's very easy for even an intelligent person to begin warping the evidence in order to feed confirmation bias, even if the evidence is manifestly against them. As a species, we are far less consistently rational than we imagine ourselves to be.
Here's just one example. Paul Frampton is one of the world's most brilliant particle physicists. And he was catfished into believing that a literal supermodel, Denise Milani, was in love with him and wanted to marry him, even though they never met, and ended up trafficking cocaine out of Bolivia on "her" behalf.
If you read the full backstory, you'll find that he's at the absolute top of his field, has cowritten papers with numerous Nobel Prize winners, is extraordinarily brilliant, and is also a total fukking moron.
A world-renowned physicist meets a gorgeous model online. They plan their perfect life together. But first, she asks, would he be so kind as to deliver a special package to her?
There are extremely intelligent people who deny global warming, who denied Covid, who think that Republicans are brilliant and Democrats are profound idiots, who think that Democrats are brilliant and Republicans are profound idiots, who practice homeopathy, who believe in spiritual mediums, who practice Scientology, and so on and so forth. Not necessarily the majority, but we're not talking about the majority here. The vast majority of people who work on the craft retrivals probably think this whole alien business is a load of shyt. We're only talking about a tiny # of people on the fringe.