No thread on the outing of our alien brehs?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Your...entire premise relies on the idea that these highly trained, emotionally conservative, relatively objective, professionals are morons lol

You inserted most of those adjectives yourself, without actually knowing how emotional or objective the people in question are. My scenario only required that 1% of the people in such positions are overly emotional, overly subjective, or straight morons. In reality the # is far higher than that.

If you've actually gone to a high-echelon tech school, or worked in a leading scientific workplace, you'll realize that, yes, there are plenty of wackos there. Perhaps fewer than in the population at large, but more than enough to make themselves noticed. Find anyone who goes to an elite university, and ask them, "Which percentage of your classmates are illogical when it comes to conspiracy theories, or believe something that is totally unscientific, or let their biases get in the way of rationality sometimes?" You're gonna get answers much higher than 1%.

Also, if you look at psychological studies of decision-making and how we come to beliefs, you'll find that emotional, subjective ideas which fail to align with objective evidence are common even among intelligent people. And it's very easy for even an intelligent person to begin warping the evidence in order to feed confirmation bias, even if the evidence is manifestly against them. As a species, we are far less consistently rational than we imagine ourselves to be.

Here's just one example. Paul Frampton is one of the world's most brilliant particle physicists. And he was catfished into believing that a literal supermodel, Denise Milani, was in love with him and wanted to marry him, even though they never met, and ended up trafficking cocaine out of Bolivia on "her" behalf.

(CBS) If you thought Manti Te'o was the only one foolish enough to be catfished in an online relationship, then you haven't heard 68-year-old theoretical particle physicist Paul Frampton's story.

Frampton, a 30-year professor of physics at the University of North Carolina, had been chatting online with who he thought was Czech bikini model Denise Milani.

The recently-divorced Frampton had met Milani, an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous exotic model with supposedly natural DDD breasts, on the Internet and the two had fallen in love, the New York times reported.

Or so Frampton thought.

Milani waxed to Frampton about he she was tired of her glamorous life; how she was ready to settle down and have kids. And how Frampton was the only man she wanted to do that with.

According to the newspaper, Milani then arranged for Frampton to meet her in La Paz, Bolivia where she was doing a photo shoot. The plan was for Frampton and Milani to then return to Chapel Hill, North Carolina together and begin their lives together.

But when Frampton arrived in Bolivia, Milani was nowhere to be found. She left him a message saying she had to quickly leave for Brussels for another modeling obligation.

But a message wasn't all Milani left. The exotic super model had reportedly also left behind an empty black suitcase that she claimed had "sentimental value." Frampton was to bring this suitcase with him to Brussels to meet Milani.

Frampton decided he'd had enough travel and would head back to Chapel Hill in hopes Milani would meet him there when she was finished with her photo shoot in Brussels. So, Frampton, armed with Milani's special black suitcase, boarded a plane home.

That's when Frampton was arrested for attempting to smuggle cocaine.

There was no girl. There was no photo shoot. The seemingly empty black suitcase was, in fact, laced with cocaine.

Frampton was sentenced to 4 years and 8 months in jail for drug smuggling.

If you read the full backstory, you'll find that he's at the absolute top of his field, has cowritten papers with numerous Nobel Prize winners, is extraordinarily brilliant, and is also a total fukking moron.

There are extremely intelligent people who deny global warming, who denied Covid, who think that Republicans are brilliant and Democrats are profound idiots, who think that Democrats are brilliant and Republicans are profound idiots, who practice homeopathy, who believe in spiritual mediums, who practice Scientology, and so on and so forth. Not necessarily the majority, but we're not talking about the majority here. The vast majority of people who work on the craft retrivals probably think this whole alien business is a load of shyt. We're only talking about a tiny # of people on the fringe.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Have you barely done any research on this, this has been happening before we took aby sort of international flight first of all.

The UFO craze started in 1947, back when international flights including Cold War spy flights first became common. The first "craft recovery" anywhere is 1933, not far from the German border at a time when Germans were experimenting with all sorts of exotic flight capabilities, and the first "craft recovery" in the USA was 1947, once again right in line with Soviet spy flights.

Yes, there are token reports of people imagining UFOs at other points in history, but they were comparitively exceedingly rare.

And the technology spoken to be involved was 100's of years beyond our drones today back when they were found in the 40's 50's 60's and 70's.

Please show me evidence anywhere of something found in the 40s/50s/60s/70s where you have PROOF that it had technology "100s of years beyond our drones today."

The pilot testimonies also speak of flight that was...well..obviously beyond what humans can do, even top secret new tech isnt going to be something that defies our understanding of inertia, gravity, speed and physics.

Humans aint dope like that.

Except we're still waiting for evidence of such. There has been zero video evidence showing something that does anything we can't do. The head of AARO has stated clearly, under oath, that nothing they've seen shows something demonstrating offworld tech or violating the known laws of physics. Are you claiming to have seen evidence that he hasn't seen?

"I should also state clearly for the record that, in our research, AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, offworld technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics."



May 24, 2022
Except we're still waiting for evidence of such. There has been zero video evidence showing something that does anything we can't do. The head of AARO has stated clearly, under oath, that nothing they've seen shows something demonstrating offworld tech or violating the known laws of physics. Are you claiming to have seen evidence that he hasn't seen?

"I should also state clearly for the record that, in our research, AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, offworld technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics."

I'm just gonna focus on the AARO portion of your post.. Plenty have people have stated, even the Head in Dr. Kirkpatrick has stated that they technically don't have the "highest" level of access or at least they are missing some. Which is the Title 10 vs Title 50.

It's the reason for the whistleblower complaint

If I see some shady chit going on behind a door, I go tell my manager that there is some shady chit in there, then he says "well I don't have a key.... so to my knowledge no shady chit is going on back there"... that's a problem. And one of the entire issues behind this Whistleblower and what he is stating.

That the people in power who should be having access to review this type of information, flat out do not

Pretty much the basis of the entire Debrief article

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm just gonna focus on the AARO portion of your post.. Plenty have people have stated, even the Head in Dr. Kirkpatrick has stated that they technically don't have the "highest" level of access or at least they are missing some. Which is the Title 10 vs Title 50.

But I was responding to someone who claimed that WE already had such evidence ourselves. Everything we've seen has definitely been seen by AARO and then some. Any evidence that AARO hasn't seen is mere rumors to us.


May 24, 2022
But I was responding to someone who claimed that WE already had such evidence ourselves. Everything we've seen has definitely been seen by AARO and then some. Any evidence that AARO hasn't seen is mere rumors to us.
I agree with your point that we "don't have access to Secret and Top Secret information"/evidence as regular citizens

Now they may be rumors to us as citizens because we don't have clearance, but some of the things that AARO hasn't yet seen isn't "rumors" at all to the people in the Whistleblower complaint that was filed, and then corroborated by the IC IG who deemed them "credible and urgent", and then the numerous who vouched and went to Congress to speak.

I think people gotta get it in their heads that we will never be privy to "Secret" and "Top Secret" material as normal citizens until declassified.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
did the thread title have PAWG in it? :ohhh:
When I first joined the coli in 2013 a 2012 poster gave me my first neg and tried to school me on the proper use of that word on this platform. :laugh:. I thought to myself who the heck whizzed in his cornflakes.
BTW, I've never used the neg function on anyone, not once!


Sep 25, 2012
Story time
So it was about 13 years ago. Im from nyc but at the time i was going to school in south carolina
My grandfather was celebrating his 70th birthday party in north carolina in a town right by the border of sc/nc
So i had my sister who lives down near columbia pick me up and take me to the party and back. It was us my niece and my nephew.
The trip is about an half hour-45 minutes from my school. And it was on a sunday so i had to be back early for class monday morning

On the way back on the highway, we spot this massive ship with bright lights basically chilling in the sky overhead. It flashed for like 20-30 seconds. Everyone in the car saw it.From there ,there was a weird series of events. We all of a sudden found ourselves on a completely different highway with no recollection of how we got there. The trip from my school to the party was about 45 minutes.

we left the party at 11 something o clock, we didnt get back to columbia till 4 something in the morning. Have no idea where that time went


May 1, 2012
Then we'd be at their mercy. In that kind of imagined scenario, you could claim anything you want about the superpowerful alien pulling the strings at the top, so it's not like there's any way to debunk it.
They're going to come back and harvest us. They feast on Human blood


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
So it was about 13 years ago. Im from nyc but at the time i was going to school in south carolina
My grandfather was celebrating his 70th birthday party in north carolina in a town right by the border of sc/nc
So i had my sister who lives down near columbia pick me up and take me to the party and back. It was us my niece and my nephew.
The trip is about an half hour-45 minutes from my school. And it was on a sunday so i had to be back early for class monday morning

On the way back on the highway, we spot this massive ship with bright lights basically chilling in the sky overhead. It flashed for like 20-30 seconds. Everyone in the car saw it.From there ,there was a weird series of events. We all of a sudden found ourselves on a completely different highway with no recollection of how we got there. The trip from my school to the party was about 45 minutes.

we left the party at 11 something o clock, we didnt get back to columbia till 4 something in the morning. Have no idea where that time went
Damn yall got probed

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I agree with your point that we "don't have access to Secret and Top Secret information"/evidence as regular citizens

Now they may be rumors to us as citizens because we don't have clearance, but some of the things that AARO hasn't yet seen isn't "rumors" at all to the people in the Whistleblower complaint that was filed, and then corroborated by the IC IG who deemed them "credible and urgent", and then the numerous who vouched and went to Congress to speak.

But again, the people in the "whistleblower complaint" are well under 1% of the people who would be involved in such a program, and there still hasn't been the slightest indication that they have submitted any evidence of actual involvement with offworld craft outside of their own kooky theories.

David Grusch has supposedly spoken to all of these people, and knows what they know, and when he was asked for evidence the craft they had examined were alien, what did he say? "Well, their isotope signature is unusual. Well, there's a surprising amount of heavy metal in the sample." That's it! Is that possible for Earth-made craft? "Well, yeah, it's possible, but it would take a lot of work and why would anyone go to that work?"

If these things look so human that the only way they differ is in isotope signatures and trace metal amounts, and both of those are easily possible to create on Earth....then it was probably created on Earth. Grusch is claiming complete alien craft and complete alien bodies both dead and alive, but when asked whether he's seen direct evidence of such things, or whether the people he's spoken to have direct evidence, what actual evidence did he say they had?

I think people gotta get it in their heads that we will never be privy to "Secret" and "Top Secret" material as normal citizens until declassified.

Yet literally thousands of people are privy to such information, and have been for decades. So why is it that proven fraudsters like Bob Lazar dominate the conversation, and the actual thousands and thousands of real scientists who were really involved haven't had anything relevant to say for 80 years?

Marlow Stanfield

Dec 13, 2019
Aliens exist somewhere out there.

There are approximately 10^25 planets in the known universe, over 100 billion in our own galaxy. The idea that intelligent life does not exist anywhere else but Earth is absurd. You'd have better odds of winning the lottery every week for the rest of your life than intelligent life not existing anywhere out there.

With that said, we don't know for certain if we have been found. But if we have, tell gwarkoprompf I said, "what up doe?"


May 24, 2022
But again, the people in the "whistleblower complaint" are well under 1% of the people who would be involved in such a program, and there still hasn't been the slightest indication that they have submitted any evidence of actual involvement with offworld craft outside of their own kooky theories.

David Grusch has supposedly spoken to all of these people, and knows what they know, and when he was asked for evidence the craft they had examined were alien, what did he say? "Well, their isotope signature is unusual. Well, there's a surprising amount of heavy metal in the sample." That's it! Is that possible for Earth-made craft? "Well, yeah, it's possible, but it would take a lot of work and why would anyone go to that work?"

If these things look so human that the only way they differ is in isotope signatures and trace metal amounts, and both of those are easily possible to create on Earth....then it was probably created on Earth. Grusch is claiming complete alien craft and complete alien bodies both dead and alive, but when asked whether he's seen direct evidence of such things, or whether the people he's spoken to have direct evidence, what actual evidence did he say they had?

Yet literally thousands of people are privy to such information, and have been for decades. So why is it that proven fraudsters like Bob Lazar dominate the conversation, and the actual thousands and thousands of real scientists who were really involved haven't had anything relevant to say for 80 years?
I get the need for a Mick West skepticism in discussions like these.. his type is needed in these type of discussions, however is background/intelligence on this subject is FARRRRR below that of Michio Kaku who is basically stating the same thing.

If this guy also wrong now because a former Video Game maker in fukn Mick West seems to know more about physics and what potential way an extraterrestrials can be found out...... Then I'm sorry I'm just not gonna take it seriously. Mick West is a FORMER VIDEO GAME PROGRAMMER.... Michio Kaku is a WORLD RENOWNED THEORETICAL PHYSICIST.

Why do you keep repeating that there isn't the slightest bit of evidence that they put information into the Whistleblower complaint? I'm now very curious what you think this complaint now is lol.

You think it's just "Hey there's this information out there but I'm not gonna provide any sort of documents or testimony to backup my claims. But I will ruin my career by doing this. And hey also my lawyer is also going to sign it as well as long as his partners in DC... Who's my lawyer you ask? Just the former Intelligence Community Inspector General. Yeah he's gonna ruin his career as well even though we will provide no documents or information in our complaint."

Come on man
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May 17, 2012
Y’all nikkas weird. These aliens are your future. The trick is to look em eye to eye and let them know you run sh1t. 8 foot weirdo with big eyes? U know he insecure cause no b1tch wanna fucck him. When u done breaking him down he’ll look up to you like you his master.