“No tangibles, No vote” doesn’t make any sense in the current political landscape.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015



Feb 16, 2017
Okay,now wheres the Democrats version of Project 2025? Why dont they have something that scares white racist as much as yall are scared:respect:?

Democrats havent shown the ability to line up any ducks. All ive seen is them being outmanuevered at every level by Republicans even with Biden in power. Yet yall still refuse to ask for an agenda,a plan,counter measures they have in store. So you literally have no reason to believe things will stay the same,or get better if Biden wins. Have things not gotten worst they last 4 years for black people? Republicans dont even need the presidency,Democratic incompotence is their ally.
because they are for Stabilty.

All politics are funded by rich people to pick the politicians.

The Democrats already got their Project 2025 it was called The New Deal, The Civil Rights Act and the Great society.

I thought that the Dept of Education was around forever Jimmy Carter stood up the agency, Obama got Health care and the consumer protection agency.

Now #bothsides know they neither party is doing anything for Black people. If that makes you mad and you want to #don'tvote that makes sense in a way but voting for the nikkas who expressly tell you that they want to harm you and expecting them or the people you turned on to then do something for you is silly.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
I'd argue any movement based on threatening not to vote is inefficient in an era where voter participation is rising again. The ease of voting (mail, drop box, absentee, etc) ensures more people are going to vote in general. Removing the reliance on making people stand in a long ass line to vote removes a barrier from the process. If you aren't excited about your choices, or only voting because a family member told you to, or simply don't have time for politics....your voice can still be heard now with limited time commitment.

I think black turnout is gonna be pretty high, but I think turnout in general will be high. The only people I feel confident saying WON'T vote are the idealogues most dedicated to not voting. If you didn't vote in 2016 or 2020 - two massive elections - why would I believe you're gonna vote in 2024. So all those people - from the reparations people to online communists to pro Palestine activists to anti vaccine weirdos - will do what they've always done, stay home. And it won't have an impact on the election because of how high turnout will be overall.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
because they are for Stabilty.

All politics are funded by rich people to pick the politicians.

The Democrats already got their Project 2025 it was called The New Deal, The Civil Rights Act and the Great society.

I thought that the Dept of Education was around forever Jimmy Carter stood up the agency, Obama got Health care and the consumer protection agency.

Now #bothsides know they neither party is doing anything for Black people. If that makes you mad and you want to #don'tvote that makes sense in a way but voting for the nikkas who expressly tell you that they want to harm you and expecting them or the people you turned on to then do something for you is silly.

Anything in the last 50 years for black people:mjlol:?

Thats like Republicans bringing up the emancipation proclamation or the Reconstruction Act. Those republicans arent these republicans,and neither are these Dem.

And I agree,voting for Republicans isnt an option. Democrats simply arent giving us an option to vote for them,due to their inaction. #Bothsides doesnt explicitly say not to vote. It says dont vote without getting something to vote for. Why arent we asking why the Democrats arent giving us an agenda or plan of any sorts for black people? What are the counter measures for all these expected coordinated attacks on black people?Attacks that could happen whether Democrats are in power or not,like they have been through the legal system. Its a sad state of affairs if this is too much to ask:respect:?


Mar 11, 2022
Okay,now wheres the Democrats version of Project 2025? Why dont they have something that scares white racist as much as yall are scared:respect:?

Democrats havent shown the ability to line up any ducks. All ive seen is them being outmanuevered at every level by Republicans even with Biden in power. Yet yall still refuse to ask for an agenda,a plan,counter measures they have in store. So you literally have no reason to believe things will stay the same,or get better if Biden wins. Have things not gotten worst they last 4 years for black people? Republicans dont even need the presidency,Democratic incompotence is their ally.

Yeah democrats suck :manny:they not racist fascists, thats enough for me for now. revisit when trump dies
Oct 22, 2017
People who burned black people alive and used their genital skin as wallets or souvenirs never ever went away.
i have never been under any illusion that they went away. but, i also know that the more chauvinistic elements of american racism were somewhat held at bay in the decades of decorum that have passed since the civil rights movement. that veil of civility has been lifted by trump, his rise serving as an invitation to move forward with a plan that’s been in place since reconstruction.

if trump takes office, neoconfederates will command authority in every facet of our government. black people are in no position to treat that lightly.

Oct 22, 2017

Question is where do black people go from here even if Biden wins? 1st and 2nd generation East Indian/Hispanic immigrants are taking names while millennial/gen-z black people are sucked into hyper-individualism. And its not just tradcon "everything was better in the 50's" right wing white dudes pushing the propoganda

Black Boomers like Clyburn see the boomerang of Civil Rights legislation gained in the 60's only to be lost now, and could care less. His top concerns are getting Biden back in so his grandkids are set up for political positions in the future while blacks in his district stagnate. Whether or not people agree/disagree with my stances, they see the hate for blacks on Alt-Right twitter and the c00npologizing for people like Ryan Garcia and Lilly Gaddis and its not going to get better. The average Democrat in Washington looks the other way the same way they look at whats going on in the Middle East.

I am not scared of a 2nd Trump term or Project 2025 but we need to be calculated either way. Biden can't keep us safe, that man kneeled for Floyd then pushed through real legislation for Asians, and more recently overreaching legislation for Israel. People don't want to hear this but I doubt we will see a change until another ugly Civil Rights Movement. The stuff that happened summer of 2020 is 10% of what we needed to make real progress.
if a second biden presidency results in no measurable change to the status quo, that is still preferable to trump winning. it still grants us a reprieve that allows black people to formulate a strategy for empowerment. a second trump presidency will put the state of our community at defcon 5, stripping us of any protections, and laying bare our flesh to be devoured by white supremacist wolves.

there isn’t a critically sound reasoning behind the “no tangibles, no vote” position RIGHT NOW.



All Star
Dec 23, 2016
i have never been under any illusion that they went away. but, i also know that the more chauvinistic elements of american racism were somewhat held at bay in the decades of decorum that have passed since the civil rights movement. that veil of civility has been lifted by trump, his rise serving as an invitation to move forward with a plan that’s been in place since reconstruction.

if trump takes office, neoconfederates will command authority in every facet of our government. black people are in no position to treat that lightly.

If that were true, black people would have nothing to complain about, and yet til this day the racism never stopped. Racism doesn't stop being racism just because white people learned to eat at the same table as us or compliment us. I would never regard someone as my friend after they've spent hundreds of years dehumanizing me, ridiculing me, torturing me, and lying to me. People like that will always hate you.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
don’t get it it twisted, though. i am not team democrat or team biden, under no circumstances. i do, however, believe it is tactically prudent to vote for biden in november.

there is no other choice if you are concerned with the state of black america. staying home will only benefit nazis who are on the verge of taking over the government.

Honestly this is just about all I've been saying, and there's still a contingency of posters that think I'm a paid Democrat shill. :russ:

I'm not advocating being pro-Biden, but if you truly care about the Black community at all you most certainly should be anti-Trump. Being neutral on Trump is just as bad.

So in other words,THIS TIME,it isnt just fear mongering. And it really is the most important election of our lifetime:mjlol:?

Every election is important because every election has something on the table that affects the Black community. Certainly you can see that.

Read the proposal for Project 2025 for yourself. (PDF) After you've at least skimmed it, ask yourself if it will truly make no difference who wins.

We all want forward momentum, but if our realistic choices are to either do 5 MPH or roll backwards into a dumpster fire, it does us no good to say our choice doesn't matter.
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