“No tangibles, No vote” doesn’t make any sense in the current political landscape.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
You sound like a MAGA shill.

Yeah immigration is bad BUT Project 2025 would destroy black mobility by banning all diversity initiatives, firing thousands of Black government employees, etc.
:beli:I sound like somebody who reads the news. Why dont you care about your countrymen being abused? Some regular citizens had to set up a whole damn sting operation to catch that rapist. Police wasn't doing shyt- blue city, blue state, they just throw them in among us. You don't get to ignore reality and then tell me how to vote. :mjlol:

Project 2025 is terrible AS WELL. What are we gonna do about it? Not a goddamn thing, we too busy trynna hide under (inadequate) Democratic skirts when they've proven that they'll sell us out on the hopes of a generation that ain't even legal yet (but they will be, and higher on the hierarchy than your kids, just wait).

I'm sick of the 'reasonable' people leading us to a suicidal civil death. I will not be shamed for opposing it.


Nov 21, 2013
Yeah I'm not engaging with you lol
In other words

“When I could just ignore it, I’m going to post about (but not to) a poster. When challenged by the poster about the falsehoods I present about the poster, I’ll pretend to be over the conversation”

Pathetic but expected from someone who twerks for politicians who twerk for the bankers over them

Everyone knows about the federal reserve
No, not everyone knows about them. But let’s say they did know. Why isn’t any energy given to them? Are they a noble group of wealthy men yet somehow politicians never seem to be? Wouldn’t politicians have to answer to the people in control of the money flow in the economy that allows them to live the wealthy lives they do? Wouldn’t the increasing wealth gap be on them? With the increasing wealth gap in mind, do you think that federal board skews politics in their favor, are neutral, or skew it towards the benefit of the general public?How about when corporations were failing in 08 and received bailouts (using our money) but when Covid “came” they forced people to stay home, forced businesses to close or occupy at 50% and then turned around and watched politicians argue over giving Americans a $1000 check (of our own money). Wouldn’t that be on them as well?

Anytime y’all try to clown on #bothsiders imma point out these logical reasons as to why one could come to the conclusion. Anytime politics is spoken of I’m going to reference who they are ultimately working in the interest of. It will always lead back to the people who control the money. And this will always get ignored because the points are undeniable and people like you rather argue over the charade politicians put up rather than the fact that politics has been a charade since they gave the power to print money over to a group of wealthy cacs…
You on the other hand have Internet brain and can never stay on topic.
It’s on topic to say who politicians answer to when it comes to certain moves they make. It just gets in the way of your “republicans are the boogeyman” schtick. And that schtick boils down to you being scared of racists.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
:beli:I sound like somebody who reads the news. Why dont you care about your countrymen being abused? Some regular citizens had to set up a whole damn sting operation to catch that rapist. Police wasn't doing shyt- blue city, blue state, they just throw them in among us. You don't get to ignore reality and then tell me how to vote. :mjlol:

Project 2025 is terrible AS WELL. What are we gonna do about it? Not a goddamn thing, we too busy trynna hide under (inadequate) Democratic skirts when they've proven that they'll sell us out on the hopes of a generation that ain't even legal yet (but they will be, and higher on the hierarchy than your kids, just wait).

I'm sick of the 'reasonable' people leading us to a suicidal civil death. I will not be shamed for opposing it.

I mean you could do something about it by making sure Trump does not get elected.

Trust me I don't like Biden either mainly because of immigration but I don't want to live in a world where Trump is talking about COMPLETE police immunity and other bullshyt.


Feb 16, 2017
Listen It's weird to have to constantly hold your nose to vote. You need to vote your core issues.

For me a core issue is the 2nd Amendment. I hardly voted but what would motivate me is someone running on an anti Race solider platform and a defense of 2A

The Bump stock unban is low key corny but if I can't get the National Firearms Act repealed I'll take this.

Other than that I'm a libertarian in most ways however I fully support reparations and would like to see a Republic of New Arfika style reservation system set up but I'd take a check if a reservation system is a bridge too far for most FBA's

I'm also a believer in climate change and support most common sense green laws I believe that Plastics in most cases should be banned and waste should be reduced as much as possible.

Other than that I believe that the family court system should be drastically reformed meaning that a cap on child support payments on more than double the cost of the mothers last job *adjusted for inflation* should be the max payout to a child DNA tests at birth should be manditory but taking someone off of child support should be illegal just as you can't revoke a child's DNA the parents responsibility should never end.

Alimony unless the woman is over 50 should be illegal if the woman is over 50 then the same double the woman's highest salary law applies.

No Man should get alimony in any situation.

That's pretty much my political beliefs and what I would vote for if someone campaigned on it.

If anyone can't articulate what they want then they shouldn't be voting anyway.