“No tangibles, No vote” doesn’t make any sense in the current political landscape.


May 21, 2012
The problem with the anti-"both sides" argument is how many people are vehemently against any criticism of the democrats.

They're looked at as a net good for society.
Despite supporting:
Various corporate initiatives.
Handing money and power to big business.
Having no real qualms with rampant inequality.
Using the expanding presidential powers which came under republican rule to start wars, enact sanctions, jail and imprison people etc.
There's a lot wrong with the Democrats

Turning the argument into "What about the Nazi's" while Democrats actively participate in oligarchical decay is wild.

I guess when Walmart, Amazon, Chevron and Microsoft each have their own fiefdom we'll see what the issue is.

But whatever, I decided to join Capitalist gang myself because clearly the brainwashing is to deep in this country. Lol.

We ain't stoppin' either side, so might as well get a bag 🤷


Jul 25, 2018
The problem with the anti-"both sides" argument is how many people are vehemently against any criticism of the democrats.

They're looked at as a net good for society.
Despite supporting:
Various corporate initiatives.
Handing money and power to big business.
Having no real qualms with rampant inequality.
Using the expanding presidential powers which came under republican rule to start wars, enact sanctions, jail and imprison people etc.
There's a lot wrong with the Democrats

Turning the argument into "What about the Nazi's" while Democrats actively participate in oligarchical decay is wild.

I guess when Walmart, Amazon, Chevron and Microsoft each have their own fiefdom we'll see what the issue is.

But whatever, I decided to join Capitalist gang myself because clearly the brainwashing is to deep in this country. Lol.

We ain't stoppin' either side, so might as well get a bag 🤷

This country as a whole supports capitalism, so I'm not sure what you want anyone to do about that. However, guess which side of the aisle HAS elected real working class people who openly identify as socialist? Guess which side of the aisle is ENTIRELY made up of white supremacist, pro-billionaire, Christian nationalist nutjobs who don't even want you to retire?

There's no which way around it with yalls both sides crap. Both sides might defend a Capitalist system but one side believes in an egalitarian philosophy while one believes in a fascist, authoritarian social hierarchy philosophy of society. One side is open to policy's that enables our rights and mobility, and has elected true leftists and civil roghts advocates. The other wants policy to put a stop to all that, and they are now pulling all the stops through this Trump fanaticism. This both sides stuff is pseudo intellectual garbage.

And please stop with the childish "you can't criticize Democrats. Wah wah." We hear this everyday from black c00nservative cornballs looking for any lousy excuse to passively or actively support white supremacist politics. There's a difference between being critical of a party and wanting that party to fukking lose, genius. I can be critical of the Democrat party all day, as I should as a registered member. But by the end of the day Republicans with their project 2025 bullshyt, their anti-rights judges, their psychotic base, their pure and unequivocal appeal to white nationalism can eat fukkin dirt. Every election.

I'm not open to seeing what happens if white Christian nationalists gleefully win and get to choose my government and my laws. That wont result in Democrats caving in to wildly unpopular and risky policy agendas like reparations next time around. It'll result in the opposite. Especially if we choosing to be left out of our government. You fake militants are too inept on politics to see that with these phony strategies.

I don't care how much you don't like Joe Biden. Elections ain't a dating game. You ain't doing shyt to change the #1 economy in the world, or its system by not voting. If seeing Donald Trump, MAGAs, neo Nazis, Klansmen, and the entire conservative white supremacist agenda fail in November doesn't bring you the utmost joy, than in the words of Joe Biden himself, you ain't black, and you sure as he'll ain't pro-black.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
This country as a whole supports capitalism, so I'm not sure what you want anyone to do about that. However, guess which side of the aisle HAS elected real working class people who openly identify as socialist? Guess which side of the aisle is ENTIRELY made up of white supremacist, pro-billionaire, Christian nationalist nutjobs who don't even want you to retire?

There's no which way around it with yalls both sides crap. Both sides might defend a Capitalist system but one side believes in an egalitarian philosophy while one believes in a fascist, authoritarian social hierarchy philosophy of society. One side is open to policy's that enables our rights and mobility, and has elected true leftists and civil roghts advocates. The other wants policy to put a stop to all that, and they are now pulling all the stops through this Trump fanaticism. This both sides stuff is pseudo intellectual garbage.

And please stop with the childish "you can't criticize Democrats. Wah wah." We hear this everyday from black c00nservative cornballs looking for any lousy excuse to passively or actively support white supremacist politics. There's a difference between being critical of a party and wanting that party to fukking lose, genius. I can be critical of the Democrat party all day, as I should as a registered member. But by the end of the day Republicans with their project 2025 bullshyt, their anti-rights judges, their psychotic base, their pure and unequivocal appeal to white nationalism can eat fukkin dirt. Every election.

I'm not open to seeing what happens if white Christian nationalists gleefully win and get to choose my government and my laws. That wont result in Democrats caving in to wildly unpopular and risky policy agendas like reparations next time around. It'll result in the opposite. Especially if we choosing to be left out of our government. You fake militants are too inept on politics to see that with these phony strategies.

I don't care how much you don't like Joe Biden. Elections ain't a dating game. You ain't doing shyt to change the #1 economy in the world, or its system by not voting. If seeing Donald Trump, MAGAs, neo Nazis, Klansmen, and the entire conservative white supremacist agenda fail in November doesn't bring you the utmost joy, than in the words of Joe Biden himself, you ain't black, and you sure as he'll ain't pro-black.
Wow, every Black person that doesn't vote Democrat isn't Black or Pro-Black. You must be a riot at Thanksgiving. lol


Jul 25, 2018
Wow, every Black person that doesn't vote Democrat isn't Black or Pro-Black. You must be a riot at Thanksgiving. lol

If you are pro-Trump, and don't mind seeing that fat fukk and his supporters win in November, no I have no more regard for you as a black man than some bumblefukk ignorant moron who is against my rights and my prosperity, and no I have absolutely no respect for you. Absolutely useless to black advancement no matter how much you try to convince yourself shouting "fukk Democrats" all day is the height of pro-black thought


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
If you are pro-Trump, and don't mind seeing that fat fukk and his supporters win in November, no I have no more regard for you as a black man than some bumblefukk ignorant moron who is against my rights and my prosperity, and no I have absolutely no respect for you. Absolutely useless to black advancement no matter how much you try to convince yourself shouting "fukk Democrats" all day is the height of pro-black thought

PEOPLE WHO HATE BIDEN ARE NOT PRO TRUMP!!!!! :what: we told y'all that shyt a million times!!!


Jun 6, 2012
New York
If you are pro-Trump, and don't mind seeing that fat fukk and his supporters win in November, no I have no more regard for you as a black man than some bumblefukk ignorant moron who is against my rights and my prosperity, and no I have absolutely no respect for you. Absolutely useless to black advancement no matter how much you try to convince yourself shouting "fukk Democrats" all day is the height of pro-black thought
It's Bothsides, you know what that means? We don't like Trump or Republicans either.
Geez, get out your feelings we don't care about the outcomes of the political process anymore. We're on the coli there are no Republicans here to shyt on. Everyone here is at least pretending to be Black. lol


Jul 25, 2018
It's Bothsides, you know what that means? We don't like Trump or Republicans either.
Geez, get out your feelings we don't care about the outcomes of the political process anymore. We're on the coli there are no Republicans here to shyt on. Everyone here is at least pretending to be Black. lol

Don't care about the outcome of an election, but damn near 20 pages deep in a politics thread telling everyone to stop voting Democrat. Riiiiight.

Y'all black conservatives are such cowardly scumbags. Again, yall are useless to the black community and only getting in the way. fukk off.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Don't care about the outcome of an election, but damn near 20 pages deep in a politics thread telling everyone to stop voting Democrat. Riiiiight.

Y'all black conservatives are such cowardly scumbags. Again, yall are useless to the black community and only getting in the way. fukk off.
Shytting on Dems to get people as upset as you are right now is fun. Thanks for taking the bait. lol


May 21, 2012
I don't care how much you don't like Joe Biden. Elections ain't a dating game. You ain't doing shyt to change the #1 economy in the world, or its system by not voting. If seeing Donald Trump, MAGAs, neo Nazis, Klansmen, and the entire conservative white supremacist agenda fail in November doesn't bring you the utmost joy, than in the words of Joe Biden himself, you ain't black, and you sure as he'll ain't pro-black.

America IN AND OF ITSELF is a white supremacist project breh.

Whether Joe Biden or Trump is in office, there will be:
- Massive/sprawling ghetto's.
- Rampant inequality
- Police profiling
- Police brutality
- Unfair jailing practices
- Racism
And so on and so on.

Not only do I think you ARE NOT BLACK, I think you're profoundly fukking naive, if you think voting in Joe Biden will
put a stop to these things.

While making Joe-fukking-Biden the arbiter of what is or isn't black.
Let's talk about his good buddy Strom Thurmond:

Joe Biden - Eulogizing a fukking white surpemacist.

Transcript of Strom Thurmond Eulogy

A Little History about Strom Thurmond

Joe Biden on Strom Thurmond
Joe Biden said:
I went to the Senate emboldened, angered, and outraged at age 29 about the treatment of African-Americans in this country, what everything that for a period in his life Strom had represented. But then I met the man. Our differences were profound, but I came to understand that as Archibald MacLeish wrote, "It is not in the world of ideas that life is lived: Life is lived for better or worse in life."2 Strom and I shared a life in the Senate for over 30 years. We shared a good life there, and it made a difference. I grew to know him. I looked into his heart and I saw a man, a whole man. I tried to understand him. I learned from him. And I watched him change oh so suddenly.

You are either a god damn Devil or profoundly fukking lost.
Last edited:
Oct 22, 2017
America IN AND OF ITSELF is a white supremacist project breh.

Whether Joe Biden or Trump is in office, there will be:
- Massive/sprawling ghetto's.
- Rampant inequality
- Police profiling
- Police brutality
- Unfair jailing practices
- Racism
And so on and so on.

Not only do I think you ARE NOT BLACK, I think you're profoundly fukking naive, if you think voting in Joe Biden will
put a stop to these things.

While making Joe-fukking-Biden the arbiter of what is or isn't black.
Let's talk about his good buddy Strom Thurmond:

Joe Bide - Eulogizing a fukking white surpemacist.

Transcript of Strom Thurmond Eulogy

A Little History about Strom Thurmond

Joe Biden on Strom Thurmond

You are either a god damn Devil or profoundly fukking lost.
no one has a said a biden win will overturn the structural racism black people endure.

they have said, rightfully, that a trump win will exacerbate it to an unimaginable degree.

which is the best option?

you only have two choices.



May 21, 2012
no one has a said a biden win will overturn the structural racism black people endure.

they have said, rightfully, that a trump win will exacerbate it to an unimaginable degree.

which is the best option?

you only have two choices.


I have three choices.

Not two.
And I'm most likely sticking to the third.

Using fear as a tactic to get people to vote and not actual policy that'll be followed through on
is a terrible platform to run on and just leads to voter exhaustion.

The only people who really care once election time comes around are the "True believers".
The ones who will never challenge the platform in the first place.

We're essentially continue to make American politics Blue Maga vs Red Maga which is not only not going to move the country forward
it will just exacerbate the white supremacy issue which WILL come to a head.

Whether y'all want to acknowledge it or not.