So DLC comes out tonight (YAY!). BUT, they dropped a patch, and there's some new stuff.
There are now 'Scrolls' you can equip. You have to get them as a random drop (from bosses, or, there is a new section in the Expedition mode that you can join ppls games and you can get a random drop from them as well), then purify them to equip them. In order to purify them, you have to play a mission, which each scroll has a different one. For instance, the scroll I got, you have to beat Azai, then Shibata. After they're purified, they have one locked stat, and 2 unlocked ones. Each scroll has a number of attempts that you can play the mission, and essentially re-roll one of the unlocked stats. Once those attempts are used up, you can use another scroll to 'soul match', or there is a new kind of incense that will fill your attempts backup. It's pretty nifty. And I've already seen one NEW roll (though it was in N1).
The new weapon. If you go into any of the Dojo Missions, you can mess around with the Splitstaff (I've been running the magic one, Nine Symbols, as you can practice on Onyudo, Mitzume and then Onryoki. AND, you gain skill points. You do NOT gain proficiency, as that weapon isn't listed in the status screen, but I'm pretty sure you get to keep the points. And you gain them quick too.
Don't think the official patch notes are out yet, but they did change some attack scaling (especially in regards to Tengen (NICE)) which will piss alot of ppl off, as there are plenty of ppl running around with stupid damage builds at the moment. But it had to be done, because some of the scaling was ridiculous.