I don't even think that's fair to be honest.
Spiderman on the ps4/pro is a great game admittedly and I wouldn't
fault ANYONE for not buying the upgrade.
I was planning on finishing Spiderman with the original ps4 version (I was in the end game so it was pretty close)
instead, I just paid the 20 bucks to upgrade, transferred my save file over and gave it a shot after playing Miles Morales
on the 5.
Without a doubt, the QOL improvements in this game and the $70 two game bundle absolutely smoke most everything
Nintendo has offered in their "updates" of Wii U and Wii titles.
That Super Mario 3D collection for example is a travesty.
Microsoft did better with their remasters of the Halo Titles, Gears 1 & Fable and Sony's Remaster/Remake game is also
embarrassing Nintendo's.