Godless Socialist CEO
1. How can a group of people be disenfranchised by the left when the left hasn’t had real representation in government going all the way back to like the 40’s-50’s.It's not just the Dem party. That's the part you're missing. It isn't compatible with Americans.
Are you all forgetting that this experiment was centered around turning out voters who felt disenfranchised by both the left and the right.
That by tapping into to this eoyherwise apathetic voters that a progressive revolution would occur.
The truth is you guys are w a bunch of hyper educated males who are doing very well and as a result have condensed politics down to Mery class and economic policy.
It's so far out of touch with the everyday man and its why you all keep taking these Ls.
Yall want to represent something you don't appear relatable to because you ignore that social/emotional appeal.
2. when you remove the propaganda and other bullshyt almost everyone centrist right or far right favors socialistic policies over the bullshyt their fed by our two very right wing parties in government. So the idea that leftist ideas aren’t compatible here is pretty much just nonsense. Nina had the working class voters, she just didn’t get enough of them that’s all there is too it. Just gotta try again and keep the message out there
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