i think this guy who responded to sirota is closer to getting it right.
the head in the sand stuff is even happening in this thread. people can tell you all about the problems with society but have no brain power left for figuring out how to deal with humans.
age is a big issue as well. when boomers die off, things will change, but there is no guarantee it will change in a leftward direction. we could get closer to fascism if something is not done.
I don’t think anyone here has their head in the sand. Most of us agree with you, but it’s a race where they don’t apply. The fact that Nina did all those things is why people thought she would win. I generally agree with you but this whole preachy tone people are taking isn’t doing anything but further demoralizing people. This is what you say before a race, not after, and not when the losing candidate did all that and still lost to corporate money. The biggest cash influx in the end was millions for the Israeli lobby which proved to be effective but the take away is to talk about people management? Nina’s issue - and anyone running - is that being too critical will get popular figures in the party and vote bundlers against you. I feel like we have all said ad nauseum that people vote on a long list of things before policy.
We do have the brain power to figure out humans - the entire squad won because they were fixtures in their communities. But they probably all would’ve lost the first time if they had been taken as seriously as Nina was. The natural takeaway from your strategy is as
@mastermind was saying - basically start from the smallest community seats and work your way up - which is what has happened all over places like NY. We focus on the high profile races where we field candidates because we should and ignore the smaller races. The left isn’t doing as bad as you think. They’re just not in a place where they can win a race like this yet when local leaders AND PACs push the button. Remember that Tom Perrielo lost governor to Northam despite having Obama, Sanders, money and ever progressive group behind him. Why? Because local black leaders ushered the voters to him. Did former Obama alum Perrielo fail the people game when the damn former black president came to campaign for him?