useless ass phd tho.....
she gonna be making less than an entry level engineer when she graduate
A lot of you dudes on here REALLY don’t know what y’all be talking about—to put it nicely. She’s Ivy League educated. She’s getting her PhD from a top flight institution with immediate name recognition. When I talked to her, she said only applied to UT for anthropology and was so confident she was going to get in she moved to Austin without an acceptance. She’s highly credentialed, and when she goes on the job market (assuming she’s going into the academy, which is why most people get PhD’s), she’s going to get some serious looks. She’ll have the chance at a top notch placement (e.g., Stanford, Yale, UNC, et al.), which all pay a lot more than whatever an engineering graduate is going to make.
There is serious money to be made in academics. Anyone who tells you differently is lying or ignorant. It’s just that the point of entry is really high, so that deters most people and it’s hyper-competitive: book deals, speaking engagements, director, chair, dean. I know someone that just signed a million dollar book deal as an academic and you’ve never heard of this person, and they aren’t in a STEM discipline. I knew a professor at FSU that made 23k a month, and he wasn’t in STEM. You think all those white professors that have been writing books for 30 years and shyt, and showing up to campus everyday do it for the purely love of the game

Have you ever seen seen where a long-term professor dies and the family starts endowing a scholarship yearly in their memory? How is that possible? Well, the secret is that professor was rich from academics.
She’s going to be fine monetarily. She didn’t get a PhD from the University of Phoenix or something.