I walk around a little edgy already
@avon barksdale u still have that video of tranny getting knocked out in New York City?
@avon barksdale u still have that video of tranny getting knocked out in New York City?
The Ooly Trio of shytty posters in 2020:
@Stringer Cochran
All three of these posters showed elite shyt posting skills and likely would be banned under normal moderation.
Y'all both nailed it.@thekingsmen For being a conspiracy pushing, white supremacist caping bytch
@CHICAGO because it's so fitting for a WOAT to be a mod around here
@Stringer Cochran because with how desperate he is with the dap fishing you know it would burn his soul more than anyone![]()
If 'cole wasn't in the running he probably would have won.
This site is abandon. They left @Houston911 to manage a gang of hooligans. fukked up.i dont think @Bawon Samedi is coming back. idk who is modding the root now
accountability aversion
black men don't like being accountable to: other men, authority figures, ideologies, communities etc.
there's just more freedom in atheism
Sorry op but the facts are:
Most assaults against black women are committed by black men.
Most assaults committed against black men are also committed by black men
And the video clip you posted doesn't change that.
There's room for improvment, guys.
On another note,
That woman was dead wrong for rag dolling that man like that.
This case is not out of the ordinary. Black men don't only rape, murder, and harass Black men when they are mentally ill. It happens routinely, from Black men at all economic backgrounds and at all levels of mental health.
No one here has said or suggested that violence against women is exclusive to Black men. Men of all races brutalize women.
But Black men are most dangerous in the lives of Black women (and other Black men).
Toxic masculinity ends the lives of tens of thousands of Black people (male and female) every year. We're asking Black men to stop.
This isn't about shaming Black men, it's not about the opinions of white people. It's about Black men unlearning attitudes and behaviours that are destroying themselves and other Black people.
Every single one of these are examples of toxic masculinity.
white women date black men bc it's a built-in confidence boost; they know black men think they've accomplished something by getting a white girl. white girls know they hold racial superiority in their relationships to black men. they know how desperately black men fetishize and desire white mates & "not quite black" offspring. white women know they are a prize to black men.
even ugly white girls like her, who decent white men wouldn't even give a second-look at, feel proud that black men are desperate and eager to be with them lol
imagine if more black men dared to speak up and directly challenge white domination , and defend and protect black women and children, as a collective.
imagine if black men demanded respect in this way.
The helicopter in the sky recorded her foot leaking blood - dafuq type of helicopter Is that? Airwolf
The security and none of her friends recorded it on their phone- hold up. So she went from black men don’t protect her, to protecting the man that shot her bc police brutality and she’s being forced to speak bc she feels like the internet bullied her. She’s getting all the narratives in, weird asf.
Not my concern bc the vid seem mad unsubstantiated and sketch. Fear for my life but hey, let me record for social media. Then all the comments and talk about pistol packing when historically conveniently these sjw and twitterists don’t have the same intensity or level of disdain for white crimes against blacks.
Yesterday, there’s a post in reference to the fallacy of “black women being too aggressive with calling police on black men” . Today, there’s a post about “black men being aggressive and violent towards black women” . For people who actually have the ability to discern and have independent thought process instead of rushing in this thread on some “ohhhhh gurlllllll, you know that happened to me *insert isolated incident* scenario here”, I was so scared” or the all too common “omg!! Black men are so dangerous and scary”. Really makes one think what type of narrative is being pushed these days. Y’all can fight this gender war, divide without me; as I said in the other thread.
I’m focusing on the real enemy :
- injustice/legal system
-lack of educational and economic resources
- systemic disparities
-black family unification
And guess which enemy they all have in common?? Yet another discussion on racial stereotypes and propaganda outrage when research and experience says different. But I’ll let the same comments on repeat and the scenarios that get replayed since most seem to run with a white mentality instead of black alignment. Oh and there’s missing black girls still missing daily and flint water system is still poisoned but I’m supposed to leave my house every day worried about the whats, hows and wheres of how “black men could attack me.” nah. I’ll clip a white first in self defense- they are the real violent irrational group in society especially when they’re sanctioned to do so. Rather focus on other shyt worth the attention that’s occurring in real time; not some potential propagandist, intersectionality penis watch.