Sony gamers have historically gone

over visuals. And that trick continues to be ran
Killzone comes to mind, or even the PS4 having a few extra "P" all of this mattered until the X came out
So now sony gamers cling to all exclusives and act like each and everyone is the best to ever do it

Well, their newest game to come and go is Ni No Kuni 2. Its a visual masterpiece like the first game was.
But gameplay is key, and from a gameplay standpoint? This game is so easy that a 6yr old could BREEZE thru it
Also, its a stutterfukk. Hiccups all over the place. And if you have a PS4pro? Then you get stutter 4K
Can we get some input from the sony members of this board?
Is the game too easy in your opinion? Have you had the framerate issues that has been widely reported?
Your input is valued by the community