Finally got around to this, and this documentary has me like:

My observations:
1. Poor Brendan got thrown into this clusterfukk and I absolutely felt for him. Kid wasn't the smartest and the authorities took full advantage of that and it was very unfortunate.
2. After reading the stuff omitted (ALLEGEDLY Avery constantly calling Auto Trader and acting like he was someone else to send Halbach back to his place, allegedly being in a towel when she arrived one time and creeping her out, the alleged *67 calls), I kind of thought Avery had done it...but episodes 5-8 have me torn on who did it. Like where the hell did that blood come from that it somehow EDTA was not detected, and what person in their right mind would put her in the back of her car then burn her? Just sounds weird as shyt.
3. Almost every person that was called by Kratz and Co. on the stand for Avery's trial literally lied and/or contradicted whatever was said between their statements and testimonies in court, under oath. Colborn, Lenk, the DNA chick with the Nancy Grace cut, Hillegas, Mike Halbach, etc. all made some shyt up somehow someway and nobody took notice, especially with the timeline of events.
4. Is it me, or should Mike Halbach AND Hillegas have been arrested for tampering with evidence by deleting the voicemails and "guessing her password"? Halbach's funny style mannerisms made him even more of a suspect IMO (like when he was talking about grieving Teresa's death when she was just reported missing and not found dead yet), not to mention Hillegas being known for allegedly stalking Teresa and another ex of his.
5. Bobby Dassey and Scott Tadych seemed sus as hell, and it seems like they were covering each other's ass and said anything that would get Steven in the slammer because of his past and allegedly molesting Brendan.
6. That damn blood vial. THE. BLOOD. VIAL. The seal to keep the blood tube safe was broken and that syringe hole on the top of the vial should have opened a whole new can of worms on the prosecution and the authorities...but the judge didn't give a shyt and unfortunately didn't do anything.
I'm torn on who killed Teresa. Can't decide between Teresa's brother, her ex, Scott, or Bobby...I think it's the brother or ex more than anyone else, cause remember, the police didn't look for one important thing when it comes to murders...loved ones.
Netflix done did it again, awesome doc