Need prayers from my coli fam right now

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Thank yall so much and :salute: to the mods for stickying this. Its scary thinking about my life without her guys im just so used to waking up next to her. Or often her waking my ass up lol. When she at the er and they send me home after visiting hours i hate being up in that room alone.

i really hate that moment i wake up and realize she aint here that really hurts my soul.

But this disease doesnt know my wife and all ima say its gone be sorry it met her.


All Star
May 12, 2012
Hey yall. Sorry i dont make threads very often. But i wanted to ask anyone here who is religious it dont even matter to me what ur religion. Pls say some prayers and stand proxy for my wife.
We been going through a lot and like that wasnt enough they found a mass in her lung. After further testing they found 2 in her brain and it spread to her bones as well.
She has stage four cancer of the lungs, brain and bone.

Im trying to stay optimistic for her yall and for my own sanity, but its starting to sink in if im being real with myself my baby of 20+ years is about to die.

Pls give her all the prayer yall can spare brehs/brehettes. Outside of yall she is literally all i got in this world man.

im staying strong and optimistic for her but inside im falling the fukk apart yall. Idk what im going to do or how im going to deal if and more realistically when it happens.

im sorry yall i wish i had a more lighthearted thread to make i really do.
I will pray for you and your wife. we got you breh