NBA Contemplating Eliminating The Draft Lottery: Check Out The Possible Replacement


aka bx_representer
Apr 30, 2012
My Pops Forever RIP
It's not like the current system is so great. You get rid of the treadmill and force organizations to make good moves consistently and remove the motivation to tank. Top players shouldn't have to always go to sucky teams and top teams shouldn't never get a shot at top players.
2 words: competitive balance.

It's the entire purpose of the draft.

I liked the idea of more slots being up for the lottery. Make it so that the top 5 or 6 picks are up for grabs in the lottery instead of just the top 3. And make it so that it is not so heavily weighted towards the bad teams. So now if a team completely tanks there isn't as much of a benefit to being the worst team in the league. To me the bigger problem is that it doesn't pay to be an average NBA team. Make it so that being an average to good team isn't as much of a death knell as it currently is. If they open the odds up so that the average team has more of a shot at the early picks teams would be comfortable being an average team.

Only one way to fix that:

better superstars need to be produced.

if the average team had more of a shot at the early picks, it wouldn't pay to be a low seeded playoff team


Follow me to the truth
Apr 30, 2012
Bama ass DC
This is stupid. Predetermined picks is wack. A franchise changing player might not be available at the top pick and rarely is that type player available at 10 or later so now a team is garbage for decades.
There were a lot of suggestions in here better than that shyt.
There is no parity in the nba never has been and it's very hard for there to be with the way basketball itself is set up with roster sizes and 1 player being able to have such a large impact on the game

Buggsy Mogues

My spot is solidified if you ask me
May 2, 2012
City of Angels :blessed:
What's to stop a top player from picking and choosing which year he comes out based on who has tbd #1 pick?

Idea is trash. Giving more leverage to the players.

So what if they do? Who does that hurt? it doesn't hurt the league or the player. Only the team who was gonna pick #1. An extra year of college is nothing but good unless the guy gets injured.

I am fukking shocked reading through this thread at all the people who are upset that players would have more say in what team they go to. Ya'll act like these nikkas is slaves or some shyt. Why are you more offended in a player getting a little more say in where he might spend the majority of his career, than you are about multi-million dollar teams throwing away entire seasons for the hopes of maybe getting to draft some 19-year old kid?


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Because if I'm the 8th seed in the West, I'm tanking so hard.

That's better than the worst team in the league getting that player, you automatically end up with another competitive team :manny:

Denver, LA and Minny would be getting Wiggins, Randle and Parker

Thanks to the Knicks, the Nuggets actually have a chance at getting Wiggins, even if they make the playoffs.
May 6, 2012
People are overnalayzing this shyt because of how bad the east is so people think the whole leagues tankign when in reality only about three teams are blatantly tanking this year the rest of the teams that suck sadly tried to be good this year

The systems fine the only thing i would change is make it to where the last teams in the lotto have a chance to win it again,after the MAgic one the lotto back to back and got Shaq and Penny they made it nearly impossible for those type of teams to win the lotto again i thought it made it more fun because those teams can become cotnenders very quickly where if the bets players go to the worst teams thats not goign to happen


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
What's wrong with the current system?


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
I support this radical idea for one reason.

I want to see the Knicks and Nets trade all of their picks for the next 3 decades.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
It's an interesting idea. At the same time, there are organizations that know how to draft wherever they are slotted and a majority that have no idea what they are doing.

Which begs the question why those orgs who have no clue should always get first crack at top players.

ehh.. i still think the teams with poor management will still fukk up no matter what picks they are getting.

They are trying to get an equal playing field like the NFL. It could work eventually but it will take a very long time to work, just think if the parity in the NBA was anything like the NFL

Love these comments. When read together, they form a perfectly coherent paragraph on the issues within the NBA. The NBA is trying to artificially manufacture competition to cover up for the elementary management skills possessed by front offices.

Everyone in the media is afraid to admit it outright. When fans get frustrated at ownership, we're dismissed as being unruly. The knicks don't need a #1 draft pick. We need Dolan to sell the team and leave the state.

The level of competition in the NFL is where it is, because of the talent entering the league AS WELL AS the coaching staff and front offices. Salary cap rules are the only things that put a cap on a front offices ability to field a good team. In the NBA, front offices routinely shoot themselves in the foot.

The culture behind developing talent, and evaluating talent is completely different from the NHL, NBA, MLB and NFL. Which leads to asinine practices like…...

fukk the lotto just go by worst team like the nfl and also limit the trades of draft picks to only 2-3 years this 2021 1st rd pick shyt ain't what's up....I don't care if a team tanks....

But I also think each team should have a max cap, a near max slot, with the rest been under 10 mill a that will spread the teams out a bit more talent wise.

Basically if the Warriors pick was 8 or lower it would go to Utah. So Golden State lost just enough games at the end of the year to end up in the 7th slot in order to keep their first round pick for that year.

Complex derivative trading type draft scenarios. Ridiculous "I'll give you this draft pick in 2050 + cash" scenarios.

Then teams are going to continue to tank. No getting around that.

The most obvious solution is a lottery where every non-playoff team gets the same amount of ping-pong balls. Draw is done transparently live.

they should do a tourney with all non-playoff squads for the lotto seeds, i think simmons suggested that once. there would be so much fukkery if they did that in conjunction with the regular playoffs. plus that gets rid of all motivation to tank.

i also like taking record over the past three years into account, squads would think twice bout tankin for three years as opposed to one.

I like the three-year record idea for the lottery.

Someone put in the comments section of this article an idea of giving all the non-playoff teams a point system. Something along the lines of once a team is eliminated from playoff contention, each win they get counts as a point (kinda like the NHL) towards getting a better draft position. It would obviously have to be tweaked in some way because a team like the Jazz will get eliminated from contention in the West in March, whereas every team in the East will be alive until the last week.

I completely concur with rewarding teams for having good seasons, opposed to bailing out teams who have bad seasons.

A lot of bad franchises in the nba today have been bad franchises for years. The NFL can use the "worst record gets #1 pick" rule because of the level of parity. Nobody expected the redskins to be THIS bad. Nobody expected the Texans to be THIS bad. That is the only reason you could/should use that type of draft rule.