This would be true if said movie games had no difficulty settings. Try playing any of the alleged movie games on their hardest difficulty and come back adn say that there's little resistance to the gameplay. Hell, even basic things like aiming stability is affected by your stats when you start up TLOU 1.
The difficulty levels are there to ad more challenge but the game design remains the same. Giving you less bullets and/or making you shoot an enemy more times doesn’t change the game design.
This is exaggerated because off the top of my head, I can barely think of situations in the games you'd mention as "movie" games having no fail QTEs or easy traversal. UC4 for example had the final boss as basically one long QTE, the majority of the game you're fighting against a bunch of henchmen and soldiers that on higher difficulties prove very difficult. Heck, even the game has battle scenes selectable from the main menu when you finish it.
The climbing/traversal in all the aforementioned games is pretty much automatic. You hold up, the character goes. You don’t have to care about the route you follow or stamina or spacing/timing with your jumps.
Cap, anyone isn't playing TLOU 2 or 1 on grounded mode. Hell, grounded mode is literally the opposite of an experience that's accessible for everyone.
Yes grounded mode offers a challenge, but that’s not the way the game is ment to be played and the game wouldn’t score nearly as well as it does or have nearly as many fans if grounded mode was standard.
As a person that does enjoy a challenge. Grounded mode was still shallow to me. Cause all it ment was that i needed to use less bullets and scavenge more. Felt like a cheap challenge to me.
GOWR is literally opposite of that. I'd finish a main story beat and the game literally lets you do whatever until you want to continue.
I'm literally going over an hour of gameplay since I last played GOWR where I have to return back to the house to continue but I can go to other realms, do other side quests and explore without the game moving me forward. Horizon is even more so open. UC4 Lost Legacy gave you more wide-linear level designs where you could go off the story path to do something else but when done you'd continue to the main path. Those games I say that have weird narratives are typically games that have a bunch of story missions that end on some high urgency only to let you go look for a cat in a tree right after lol.
Gow does the same thing Gears of war did before it.
The story stuff is extremely linear but at certain points they give you large areas to explore, but the actual story sections play out like every other movie game.
Problem is, in Both GOW and Gears. The loot/equipment/upgrade system is very shallow, so the exploration stuff felt worthless just for the sake of doing it. It’s not like you are gonna find a weapon or skill that profusely changes or upgrades your gameplay experience. So all of it feels worthless. You might as well just follow the story path.
RDR2 was just a slog period to play. Max Payne 3 had excellent animations and felt godly to play. Cinematics and animations doesn't mean gameplay have to suffer.
Max Payne animations were not realistic at all. Nobody can contour their body like that in slow mo diving shooting. You don’t have to watch him clean and dechamber and reload each gun everytime. Don’t take 8 seconds to open doors etc. Max payne is a very videogamy game.
Look how smooth the gameplay is. Nothing is holding the players hand here. He's free to play out this level how he wants and it looks beautiful down to the small details.
They literally have you gated off through most of the game. You don’t get to “do what you want”
Again refer to your own words. You said open world games can’t tell a good story cause the player can just walk away and do what they want. So there must be an opposite side to that right?
LOL what game are you playing that's like this? In GOWR, Mimir or whoever is with you calls out danger that's behind you and there's even warning indicators letting you know an enemy is attacking you from behind. This is completely counter to positioning not being important. Positioning is VERY important in these games.
They warn you and wait to give you a chance to react, but most of the attacks will come from in front of you. Kratos is kinda sticky like Batman so he will kinda slide toward enemies so you very rarely will you miss by swinging from too far away or at the wrong angle. Positioning is not very important at all. You can pretty much just hit your combos and expect to hit something.
Compare combat in the new GOW games to the old. They play out very differently. Enemies behave very differently. Less enemies on screen, etc.
There’s clearly a very big difference in the combat between the two styles of game.
This is not an example of what I asked for. You just incorrectly named some things about some unknown game that has zero fail QTE's, constrained camera with enemies that don't attack from behind and combat mechanics that are dumbed down because they want you to be able to finish it.
I gave you some specific examples of design decisions that drive movie games. My post was not about any one specific game.
And you just described GOW with the bolded.