I'd disagree on that, I thought she had the best verse but Nas was still dope on it too. Reason I give her the W in part is the verse is 100% on the point, no detours or deviations. Nas kinda goes on tangents sometimes so you get the like...IG DMing and I'm like come on. And then right after that he hits you with that amazing riff about cops being bigots not wanting to write tickets...and you're like damn he's back on track. Second verse was dope too. But Lauryn dropped a bomb. Great track, collab, beat, hook, etc. Salute em both.
Even better...it was Nas that got her to do THIS. She has an album with Kanye that will never come out. She has an album with Black Milk that will never come out. Multiple tracks with all types of great, important artists that will never come out. It was NAS who got the greenlight. That's power and respect.