Am I the only person that's seeing how stupid this is getting?
So Naruto goes from a fatherless nobody, to a possessed demon child, to the sun of the 4th hokage, to a descendant of the 1st hokage or something, to a reincarnation of the son of the SotSP?
And didn't we just go through this same story line with Hashirama and Madara?
How far back do we really have to go?
EVERYTHING is foreshadowing...
We get it, history repeats itself...
Every generation has had a naruto and sasuke, which actually shows how insignificant these characters really are...
Kishi could of easily made a manga called "Hashirama" or "Ashura" and the premise would be identical.
Whats the point of this whole war? No matter who wins, shyts just gunna pop off again a couple generations down the road w/ a Naruto2.0 and a Sasuke2.0
Kishi is just recycling the hell out of these story arcs...
Young uzi out here like Jesus now
fukk Indra aka Madara aka Sasuke we team Ashura/Hashirama/Naruto
The mother out here looking like the Death God sealing technique![]()
can't wait to see Sasuke and Naruto in similar forms
glad i wasnt the only one who picked up on that tooI'm diggin the way Kishi is injecting Hindu mythology into this chapter
Ashura(or Asura)
Well done
Hey, I wanted to discuss a theory I had about Kaguya having a 2nd child, or another Original Gangsta chakra user from that time where the Uzumaki bloodline could be traced to. I posted it on another forum, but I basically got ignored.
Anyway obviously I hit it (partially at least). She did have a second child like I predicted, but unlike I predicted it wasn't a daughter, it was a second son. This alters my theory a bit, even though the rest fits. I still think it's likely a couple major bloodlines, including Uzumaki will trace back to him. I also think it's likely that, like the Uzumaki's he can distribute chakra to others freely, this would explain why so much of the world can use chakra rather than just those related directly to the Uchiha/Senju/Outsutsuki bloodline.
BUT I no longer think he was a quiet hidden player in the background just helping people get chakra. I think he has to be the main antagonist that was stricken from history for evil deeds. His brother wouldn't even mention his name, but I think I know it. I think this is the evil b*stard that wants to ruin the world.
After Hashirama defeated Madara he sensed a presence up on the cliff. I think it was related to Hagaromo's brother. I think he revived Madara, and planted the seeds of this plan in his head. I think he helped Madara to unlock the rinnegan, and transplant it into one of HIS descendants in Nagato as part of a greater plan that even Madara did not understand.
I think Madara's dream for a better world in his own way isn't with evil intention, but I think Hagaromo's brother does have evil intentions for an eternal hell, or in some way to regain his full power.
I think Hagaromo and his mother had to join forces to stop his brother from destroying the world. Perhaps she became the Reaper Death Sealbecause she could not kill her own child but needed to help Hagaromo seal away at least some of his power and weaken him. Maybe this is why he's been in the background so long, and had to use Madara and others to plan his rise back to power.
I also had a second theory about the final villain still hiding in the shadows, and I'm now thinking these two theories are more connected. I think there is a final villain and he is Hagaromo's brother, and his name is JASHIN. Jashinwould be the creator of Ninjutsuand Genjutsu since his brother was the creator of Ninshuu.
Jashinwould have immortality, and power beyond even that of the Hermit. Along with his immortality and UNMATCHED chakra (Uzumaki Ancestor trait!) he would also have the ability to give chakra to others. As an evil b*stard he would demand money, power, worship and other things in exchange for giving chakra to people. Most likely he would demand to be worshipped as a god after his heart grew darker and his ego out of control. His blood lust would drive him to demand his followers to kill people and spread word of his power. He could give you chakra, the powers of a demi-god in exchange for something valuable and your loyalty. Why else would anyone follow a religion that makes you kill like a psycho unless it got you amazing abilities like chakra, and immortality from the most powerful ninja to ever have existed, and the found of Ninjutsu!
His mother and brother could not stand by while he destroyed the world this way. They managed to seal away much of his destructive power, but he is immortal by now and can not be killed. With his ability he could also pass that immortality on to his most loyal followers with the highest potential... even an idiot like Hidan.
Several characters that have prolonged their life beyond natural outside of edo tensai/rinne tensai/etc. look at Orochimaru, Kakuza, and obviously Madara. But most interesting by far case is overshadowed by his otherwise weak character, Hidan. How did Hidanbecome immortal and who is this god he worships? Obviously this god have him real tangible power and made him completely immortal, how could something that powerful have such a small part in the plot?
My theory is that Hidan's god, Jashin, is actually the younger brother of Hagaromo, the one who saved madara, and the true villain to be revealed!
If this is the case you can expect a true, bloodthirsty, twisted, narcissistic, epic villain here. Think of the rituals he forces Hidanto perform (which Hidansaid he hated doing but HAD to). It was an ancient religion, perhaps this is how people got chakra and why so many ninja clans exist today even though the religion is pretty much forgotten by all exceptHidan.
Being immortal and ever patient he could have put things into motion using madara as a pawn.
Not trying to rant but I find the idea of the Kaguya's second son coming into the story exciting and this would make sense to me. Otherwise Jashinand Hidanseem to be a big hole with big questions left unanswered. Also this final battle is a little too predictable without a curveball like this.
Typed this on my phone. I apologize in advance for possible autocorrects and repeats I couldn't see. /rant]