The Cali cartel 
Lol at the ether salaedos wife served to him

Lol at the ether salaedos wife served to him

Ion even wanna watch it if Pablo ain't in it, but how is it tho?
i didn't finish season 2. i watched up until the focus was on blackie and his woman. i dont necessarily care to finish though. do i need to to not be lost on season 3?
It's dope. Even better in some aspects
Why would you not finish season 2 but want to watch season 3?
The real Selcedo (now in witness protection) gave an interview and pointed out several things the series embellishedNavigante was hard as fukk. Dude is scary looking cant believe that chump took him out after he let him live. He saw him as a friend which is why he told him about the girl. They really showed jorge do some grimey things.
EntertainMentWeekly said:Do you have an example of something that might have been embellished?
I saw one episode, the first or something, where they pull apart one bad guy with two motorcycles. I will say, though it’s horrendous, it’s not far from the [actual] happenings. They did that the same. Not with Harleys, they used two Land Cruisers. I wasn’t there, but I had people who were actually in the execution of these things.
There’s a scene where the Americans are coming to arrest Miguel in his home.
That was attempt number one [to arrest Miguel].
Right, they fail, but at the same time Miguel has figured you out and is trying to kill you with a plastic bag over your head. Was that how it really happened?
Something very close happened to that. Because at that point, they were suspecting about me. They were having a meeting, and they were excluding me of everything. I got to know I was excluded when I got a call saying I had to get there. I got a call from Miguel, and he said, “You have to be get me out of this building,” because all of a sudden it was surrounded by police, so I had a request by Miguel. So I got into the meeting, and I was able to tell him what was happening [with the police], so I was able to earn his trust. That’s where the scene of suffocation comes from — it could have happened if I didn’t have that news. If that call didn’t happen, I most likely wouldn’t be alive.
At the end of the season, where they finally capture Palomari, they have you waiting outside in a car, where you kill the hitman Navegante in self-defense.
No. In reality, I never killed him. It was one of those things, I think the DEA guys did that. My logic is fantastic: How could you think that I would be going to the streets? I was hiding in my apartment with my family, protected like a bunker, loaded with guns and grenades to be able to reject any surprise taking of the apartment.
But they have some information that somebody killed him, I don’t know how. For a long time I was thinking that it was the DEA who killed him. I was hiding for a long time. That day … I didn’t do that. It didn’t happen that way.
All I did that night was go to my most secure location to secure my most beloved possession on earth, which is my family. It doesn’t make sense that I’m going to go kill a killer. I’ve never killed anybody!
The show presents a very tense relationship between you and Miguel’s son, David. Was that true to life?
Yes, well, William Rodriguez was his oldest son and his successor. He sometimes complained to me. I always got to appointments first, to check the security around and make sure there wasn’t an ambush or anything. But because I was always at the meeting, I was a witness to everything that was spoken there.
And William would be there, and he was given jobs too. One day, I came first, and he came second. I asked as a courtesy, “How are you doing? You look tired.” He said, “Yes, frankly, my father is putting me to so many things.” He was openly complaining. And at that point, he gave me the chance to speak to him, and I said, “William, the best advice I can give you is: Don’t inherit that throne. Let it pass.”
But a few months after then, everything was falling. Everyone was going to jail and Miguel said the best thing was to put William in charge of everything. He became a new king, and my position was: He’s the worst enemy I have. He is a new king who has to prove to his dad and everybody else that he’s capable. And there was nothing I could do.