Just finished this and wow. Hella late but whatever.
Lots of black comedy in this season. I loved it.
Navagente was my favorite The maddest sicario around. Been with us for 3 seasons but, alas, taken from us too soon. When everyone else hated Jorge and wanted him dead, who was it that said you were his friend. Nothing says friendship like a barrel of a gun pointed at your head and while you say shyt like "I'll let David kill you instead, cuz that way we'll stay friends 4eva". Who else would throw an elderly woman straight out a moving car that scene had me crying tbh.

or stalk THEIR ex's parents house for 8 years so you can be reunited again AND murder her?. No one but Navegente. the most endearing yet psycho killer
Also watching David get clapped was so satisfying. He literally had a chance to do a decent thing and instead of thinking about the implications (starting from the chlorine accident) he literally never did which led to his death. He was a spoiled brat who thought that the world revolved around him and never had to think about anyone or be decent at all. This came back to get him AHAHHA ya love to see it.
The driver talking shyt after killing him was hilarious!!!
"That's the North Valley fukkers. Who do they think they're messing with? You just got smoked, bytches."
The way the drive-by driver delivers that line was so funny to me, just kinda flatly saying it to himself