My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Gambit v3 #1
Nice, a 25 issue Gambit solo series. This should be interesting.
Gambit has been saved from freezing in Antarctica by a mysterious person called New Son. Now indebted to him, the New Son, in contact with Gambit through the Courier Jacob Gavin, orders him to steal certain objects. At first this is an ancient gauntlet of extraterrestial origin from an old temple, then he has to destroy the cargo of a convoy to Croatia. He runs into the X-Cutioner and if not for Rogue secretly following him, Gambit would have been terminated. A woman named Fontanelle enters the dreams of Jean Luc LeBeau and the Courier to gather information about Gambit.

Pretty sick how Gambit used gum against X-Cutioner.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #25
Wade successfully completes a mission by rescuing the beautiful Princess Ophelia and hands her over to the sultan’s twin-brother, despite the fact she hates that. With the aid of his new sidekick and personal pilot, Ilaney, Wade heads back to his new Deadhut in Bolivia, where he has an argument with Monty about Blind Al, who’s left Wade’s side. Ignoring Monty, Wade moves over to his next assignment. After rescuing his new field handler, Alestair Finchley, from Hand ninjas, Wade has Ilaney transport him to an AIM factory in the desert. However, things go wrong there after Wade freaks out when he’s attacked by AIM and a woman flying on a giant, flying rabbit! He even almost kills Ilaney during his insanity, but luckily he misses and together they escape from AIM, though fail the assignment. Afterwards, Wade pays a visit to his psychiatrist, Dr. Bong, and tells him about this adventure. After hearing it, Bong concludes that Wade has gone completely insane.


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012

I used this site for the reading order which includes all solo series that are linked to X-Men characters and stuff. As for finding the issues, I usually just google them and try to find downloadable CBR files. Also you can find torrents of full series'. I don't really know any site that just has it all right there, so searching is the way I did it.

Some issues I couldn't find, but those are usually like annuals and stuff, so for those I just found a summary of it and read that.

Any other specific questions just ask.
After 2009, shyt is hard to find :dwillhuh:
Tried finding a collection/pack on kickasstorrents, no luck :to:


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012

I used this site for the reading order which includes all solo series that are linked to X-Men characters and stuff. As for finding the issues, I usually just google them and try to find downloadable CBR files. Also you can find torrents of full series'. I don't really know any site that just has it all right there, so searching is the way I did it.

Some issues I couldn't find, but those are usually like annuals and stuff, so for those I just found a summary of it and read that.

Any other specific questions just ask.
Rise of the Apocalypse breh, you found that?
I copped the huge torrent: Chronological X-Men From 1880's To 2009 Gigatorrent
But I can't find any of the first comics of that list. :dead:
Can you tell what and where you copped? You can send me a PM if you scared of the feds :youngsabo:
-edit- I'm pretty sure this torrent I copped follows this reading order:

I'd prefer to read it by release order :to:
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Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
@Jax I got you on a PM in a second, think I found working link for it.

And yeah the Marvel Wikia reading order is good too, but I'm not sure its as updated. I mean nothing will be perfect though so whichever you prefer.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #66-68
Cable is telling his waitress crush his life story when suddenly, as prophesied by Ozymandias to Blaquesmith, the Harbinger of Apocalypse decides to attack New York City.


When NYC begins to be evacuated, Cable goes to fight him and realizes he's met the creature before. Back in issue 50 the Hellfire Club found out about it and intended to use it to track down Apocalypse for the Hellfire Club's exploitation. The Harbinger defeated the Hellfire Club and disappeared, but Cable tracked him down. The Harbinger told Cable that his programming dictated that he should bring destruction and chaos to the world, but he wanted to judge humanity himself before obeying. Apparently now after judging the world, he decided they deserve destruction. Just when it looked like things were getting bad for Cable.... guess who shows up!


Unfortunately the Avengers only have 4 with them (Cap, Ironman, Wonderman & Vision) and they are having a tough time defeating the Harbinger. Lucky Thor shows up and is able to use mjolnir to open a rift in space and send the abomination through it. They know they don't have much time till he returns so they go back to the Mansion to make plans. Eventually the Harbinger returns to NYC and meets with Apocalypse who plants a bomb inside of him and tells him that he is to self destruct and destroy the city.


Meanwhile, Ozymandias tells Blaquesmith of The Twelve and tells him that all he knows is Cable must be the gatherer of these twelve. They return to NYC and Blaquesmith lets Cable know that if the city perishes it might mean that Apocalypse will never rule, according to the prophecies. Of course Cable doesn't care, as he will not sacrifice the city. He and the Avengers team up but to no avail, until finally Ironman gives Cable is flying boots. He grabs the Harbinger before he explodes and flies above the Atlantic Ocean, where he detonates. However, it seems that Cable was saved by someone right before the blast, though everyone else thinks he is dead.




Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #86
All eight members of X-Force have arrived in Almost Reno and find it deserted, when they are suddenly attacked by a young man in flames. He engages Proudstar in battle, which gets the young mutant accidentally killed when Proudstar defends himself. Domino explains to X-Force more of what she has learned about the mysterious Aguilar Institute. They eventually find Mary, the mutant girl they met last time, in a diner with one other mutant named Zak. Mary reveals that the SHIELD agents returned and took everyone away, but she hid and did not use her powers, as that is how the bad guys would find her. The SHIELD agents return, demanding Mary be returned to them, but Moonstar challenges them, as she suspects they are not SHIELD agents at all. Whoever they are, they open fire, but are soon taken down. Mary uses her powers on one of them and discovers the name “Damocles Foundation” at the top of his thoughts. The name is familiar to some of X-Force. As if on cue, Odysseus Indigo arrives.


He reveals that he is the brother of Ulysses Dragonblood. He explains that after the nuclear testing in this town, the Damocles Foundation used their advanced technology to undo the reproductive damage, which resulted in the children being a hybrid of mutant and Deviant, but that the genetic alteration is unstable, which is why the entire population has been quarantined. X-Force inform Odysseus that they are taking Mary into protective care, but he warns them that he will be back for her.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
2 Part Arc called War of the Mutants
Generation X #50 & X-Man #50

Adrienne Frost has agreed to enroll a lot of new, rich, human students. Noticing that everyone’s a bit freaked out, Skin suggests that they head to Boston to relax a bit. At the same time, Emma and Adrienne learn about the existence of Nate Grey, and Emma is interested in him and tries to reach him. It works but, thanks to this, Nate discovers Emma’s past with the Dark Beast and heads towards her. In Boston, the students split up in groups. Meanwhile, the Dark Beast prepares his team of Gene Nation to kidnap the students of Emma Frost to use them as experiments.


Membrain attacks M and Synch and, after a battle, kidnaps them. Fever Pitch heads to the Boston docks, where, after explaining a bit about his past to Chamber and Skin, he manages to kidnap them as well. Jubilee, Paige and Gaia are attacked by Hemingway and Vessel. Vessel knocks out Gaia and thinks she is dead. They defeat Jubilee and Paige, and kidnap them as well. Later, Gaia gets up again and manages to find Emma and warns her about the attack. Meanwhile, Sean notices a helicopter kidnapping a kid, and investigates the case. However, when following the helicopter and arriving in Vermont, Sean is knocked out as well. After hearing the story, Emma tells Gaia that they best head back to the school to get reinforcements. But, they are disturbed by Nate Grey, who wants Emma to tell her everything she knows about the Dark Beast.

A couple of illusions and battles later, Gaia calms the two telepaths down, reminding Emma that the other kids from Generation X have been kidnapped by Gene Nation. Nate agrees to help out, but only because Emma promises to come clean afterwards. They head down the sewers and a few seconds later, Emma has found the kids, but they are locked behind a huge door. After defeating Membrain’s thugs, Gaia bursts through the door. They find the members of Generation X, but they are trapped on a huge machine and have been painfully experimented on. While Emma releases them, Nate concentrates on the battle against Gene Nation. After the kids are free and join Nate in his battle, Gene Nation is finally defeated, and Nate and Gaia notice that Emma is gone. They follow her trail and find her in the viewing chamber of the Dark Beast, about to kill him. Nate and Gaia manage to calm Emma down, and she releases the Dark Beast, who afterwards pushes a button and detonates his booby-traps in the tunnels, which start to collapse. The Dark Beast vanishes, and Nate manages to use his powers to safely transport him and Generation X outside. Later, they go back at the school, where Nate doesn’t believe Emma’s story about her past with the Dark Beast. Madelyne shows up, and Nate tells her he’s ready to leave after one quick stop first. While Emma sends the kids out to find the missing Banshee, she gives Nate a reward for his help: she telepathically gives him the secret locations where the Dark Beast has gone, which she has discovered while in his viewing room. Nate thanks her, and he and Maddie leave. Later that night, someone in a giant robot called Gauntlet-4 has a lock on Nate, and is ready to kill him.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Back at it!!! Damn haven't read since September.
At least this Magneto War storyline is coming up so I can get right back into it.

Gambit v3 #2-3
Gambit steals Moira MacTaggert‘s files for the New Son. Fontanelle dreamprobes Tante Mattie and learns that when she was a little child at the end of the 19th century, Gambit saved her from an angry mob, therefore proving that Gambit is much older than he claims, adding to the mystery of the man. The X-Cutioner hires the former Elysian Guard to help him against Gambit.

Gambit secretly follows the Courier to get more information about the New Son, but instead stumbles into a meeting of a group called A.S.K.E.W. A yellow gas cloud is released it disfigures all the scientists, and after it has been pulled back into a canister, the Mengo Brothers arrive to transport all of them to the Pig.


Gambit grabs the canister from them and runs, but the Mengos chase him through New York. On the fighting scene is a homeless mutant named Quiet Bill, he randomly calls up teleportation portals and the captured scientists are sucked through. The Mengos escape with what they believe the gas canister, but Gambit has the real one, and knows that the Pig will come after him. Fontanelle probes Sekmeht Conoway, but besides her admiring Gambit finds out nothing useful.

Magneto War
X-Men v2 #85-87 - Uncanny X-Men #366-367 - X-Men: Then Magneto War #1

We start off seeing the X-Men, with Xavier back and acting as their leader, saving babies from a burning hospital. Of course they are met with hostility from the police, and Xavier watches wondering if his dream is truly doomed. Luckily, Storm is able to reason with the police and it all ends peacefully, restoring his faith in the dream. Mean while we see Magneto disguised as a board member to a company that owns a building he just toppled himself. He questions a regular crew member in order to test him. When the human seems truly decent, he becomes frustrated, scaring the man into saying hateful things, giving him the "proof" he needs to finally destroy humanity. He heads home to his new base in the North Pole and sends out the call to his followers.

Fabian Cortez leads a group of Acolytes to Xavier’s Institute to learn a secret that only Xavier can answer. The newest Acolyte, Rem-Ram, uses his powers to sneak into Xavier’s head and begins to nudge the man’s dreams towards thinking of Magneto. Eventually, the strain is too much for Xavier, so Rem-Ram links to the minds of Rogue, Gambit and Wolverine and pits them against Magneto, while Xavier watches in hopes that this will prompt some reaction. However, a vicious nightmare in Wolverine’s mind wakes up Xavier, who immediately senses the Acolytes on the school grounds. The X-Men attack, but find themselves taken by surprise by the two new Acolytes, Barnacle and Static. Eventually, the X-Men defeat the Acolytes, though Cortez amplifies Rem-Ram’s powers too much to learn the secret from Xavier, almost killing Rem-Ram. When Xavier and Rogue save Rem-Ram, the Acolytes see this and ask for asylum in the mansion, while Cortez runs away defeated. Xavier turns down the Acolytes and, after they leave, he explains that, while in Rem-Ram’s head, he learned that the Acolytes learned that Magneto returned and wished to know if Joseph was Magneto or not. He sent away the Acolytes so they can follow them on their quest to find Magneto, so the X-Men can learn as well if the master of magnetism is back. Meanwhile, Magneto gathers Amelia Voght and his other loyal Acolytes, to whom he promises action soon. However, he sends Amelia on a special mission to safeguard Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch from the upcoming inferno.

The New Acolytes:

The X-Men are on the trail of the Acolytes still loyal to Magneto, as they terrorize yet another genetics laboratory in two days. The team has the offending jet in sights then loses the trail but suddenly the Acolytes drop their cloaks when they arrive at their latest target, a chemical plant. The X-Men arrive to stop the Acolytes, but it is a trap. The X-Men quickly regroup and chase the Acolytes, who don’t seem to be making much effort to escape. The X-Men then wonder, what was the point of all of this? Are the Acolytes trying to lead them somewhere – or away from something? As tensions arise on the Blackbird, Magneto sends the robotic Ferris to the United Nations. There, the being speaks to the delegation about the recent failure in having a sanctuary in space for mutants. Thus, Magneto demands a haven for mutants on Earth and the United Nations shall grant it to him. This haven shall be for mutants who wish to live in peace. In his Arctic Circle base, Magneto beefs up his powers with a conductor and uses it to once again tear open the electromagnetic spectrum. The attack sends ripples, which begin to spread across Earth, threatening to shut down all of civilization until Magneto’s demands are met by the United Nations. As the Acolytes streak back to the Arctic, they are protected by their special shields, but the Blackbird is crippled and crashes, leaving the X-Men trapped in the Arctic, but not without hope.

Meanwhile, in Israel, with the help of Sabra, Joseph finds out that his DNA has been forged. When he steps away to think on this, he is attacked by a woman claiming to have created him and calling herself his mother.

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
@Seedzington have you (or any othrt coli members) read the fatal attractions story when magneto rips out wolverines adamantium out? what happens to wolverine after?


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
@Seedzington have you (or any othrt coli members) read the fatal attractions story when magneto rips out wolverines adamantium out? what happens to wolverine after?

Yes sir. Well he almost dies obviously. Also you find out that he has claws made of bones as well. It causes his healing factor to burn out as well, which eventually returns after he leaves the X-Men for a while. It actually comes back stronger too and we find out that the adamantium actually slowed his mutation.

Also Xavier wipes Magneto's mind after he does this to Wolverine.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Magneto War Continued
Joseph finds himself held prisoner by the woman calling herself Astra. She introduces herself as the first member of Magneto’s original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, but she was also the first one to quit, before the group ever encountered the original X-Men. When Magneto crash landed on Earth when his spatial home was destroyed, she salvaged his mind in order to use his template to make a younger, more powerful clone. After Magneto bashed the clone’s head, he awoke amnesiac in Central America and was found by a nun, and thus he became the man known as Joseph!

Meanwhile, the X-Men find themselves trapped in the Arctic Circle, while the Acolytes watch them from above safely. Above, the Acolytes argue whether this is fair to let the X-Men die like this. Scanner does not think so, but Mellencamp reminds her how the X-Men turned her and other Acolytes into the government months ago when they could have brought her to the Institute. Xavier uses all his strength to tear through the magnetic storm and make psychic contact, but Scanner, still siding with the Acolytes despite her sympathy, uses her powers to attack the astral form. Meanwhile, as the U.N. recruits Dr. Alda Huxley to deal with the current situation with Magneto, which she seemingly has an uncanny interest in, Gabrielle Haller discovers that Russia has sent nukes to destroy Magneto’s base. Magneto, however, senses the nukes and diverts them, setting them off before they reach him. However, the X-Men are caught in the shock waves of the blast.


Unbeknownst to the Acolytes, Xavier used his powers to telepathically make Cargill extend the ship’s shields in secret to protect his team. He then mentally coerces the Acolytes to attack his X-Men in a ploy to leave their ship unguarded. The X-Men eventually defeat the Acolytes and with the ship secure, the team heads to confront Magneto at his Polar Tower. However, Astra and Joseph have already arrived, and Astra tells Joseph that today is the day he will fulfill his destiny to destroy Magneto. Astra confronts Magneto alone, and finds the man still hooked up to his amplifier. The two argue with each other over their tense past. Magneto tells Astra that she is without honor and never thinks about her mutant brothers, while Astra implies that Magneto purposely agitates the humans and then gets upset when humans won’t let him rule them. After the exchange of words, in which Astra learns Magneto allowed Joseph to live so he could hide and finalize his current plans without distraction, Astra attacks Magneto and destroys his device. The magnetic energy goes out of control and threatens to destroy the atmosphere, but Magneto absorbs it all, as he has no other choice. He is about to kill Astra, when he is attacked by Joseph, who not only is fighting because Astra has total control over him, but because he must fight for man and mutant. Meanwhile, Alda Huxley arrives at the United Nations and tells the delegates that she has an alternative to using more nukes – but they must be willing to sacrifice something.


The X-Men arrive at the polar tower just in time to see Magneto and Joseph battle it out as Astra watches. Nightcrawler teleports to take out Astra, but before he does so, she makes a comment implying she knew him when he was much younger. Joseph, no longer under Astra’s influence, works to repair the damage down to the magnetosphere and to stop the spreading electromagnetic storm. The others battle Magneto, though Gambit secretly feels that Rogue is going easy on Magnus, due to her old feelings for him. Joseph, who has taxed himself in fixing the magnetosphere and has aged into an old man because of it, uses his last strength to end the storm and then converts himself and the polar tower into magnetic energy that becomes one with the magnetosphere. Before he passes on to a higher plane of existence, he tells Xavier that humans and mutants can only live together when Xavier and Magneto work together. Suddenly, a United Nations convoy arrives with Ferris and Dr. Huxley. Huxley, very well knowing that Magneto’s threats are useless without his polar tower, still gives into his claims for her own mysterious reasons. She then cedes over control of Genosha to Magneto! Wolverine is enraged, so Xavier puts him to sleep. The X-Men leave, unable to do anything more for this situation. After the UN leaves as well, Magneto tries using his powers to lift his helmet but fails. Whether it is exhaustion or some other problem, it doesn’t matter. Neither would bode well at this stage in Magneto’s journey.


Magnus picking up an epic win here.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
The Magneto War Epilogue
Magneto Rex #1-3

Magneto arrives in Genosha and assumes control despite worldwide controversy. He is attacked by Magistrate forces but is saved by a mutate who takes him to meet with the existing leadership. His new cabinet includes Dr Huxley, Phillip Moreua, Pipeline & Jenny Ransome. Quicksilver discovers that Amelia Voght has been spying on him under his father’s commands and demands to be taken to Magneto. He is surprised to learn of Magneto’s new role in Genosha and decides to look into the state of affairs there. He is quickly captured by The Zealot, the leader of a mutate rebellion that opposes Magneto’s ascension. Magneto recruits Fabian Cortez into his cabinet to help him maintain his former power levels. Rogue arrives to try and talk some sense into Magneto and discovers The Zealot and his plan to sacrifice Pietro as the opening salvo in his war to reclaim Genosha from Magneto.


Rogue forms an uneasy alliance with Amelia Voght to try to save him. Their appeals to Magneto to help them fall on deaf ears as his is busy threatening the United Nations who have been keeping a watchful eye on Genosha. Magneto claims he no longer cares for Rogue or Pietro, but gives Rogue enough time in Genosha to try and rescue Quicksilver. Rogue and Amelia succeed in freeing Quicksilver but are quickly intercepted by the Zealot who has determined that Pietro is of no further use to him. Before he can kill Quicksilver, the rest of the Genoshan cabinet arrives including Magneto. Magneto openly challenges the Zealot and declares that when he is done with him, the Zealot will acknowledge his rightful rule of Genosha.

Magneto confronts and defeats the Zealot, sending his opposition into space as an example to all those who would oppose his rule in Genosha. Quicksilver sees it as his responsibility to oppose Magneto until he sees how much Genosha needs a chance at a better future. He chooses to remain at Magneto’s side in the hopes of tempering his father’s anti-human sentiments and violent approach to ruling the nation. Rogue leaves Genosha after confessing her disappointment and disdain for the man Magneto has become. She also makes it clear that the X-Men will be back if he steps out of line. Magneto cements his new status as ruler of Genosha and establishes his cabinet, which includes Quicksilver. He sets out on creating his vision of a mutant homeland that will be the beginning of an era of mutant ascension and domination.

Also, we see that Apocalypse is watching these events unfold happily.
