My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #361
Storm & Kitty Pryde meet up with Black Tom Cassidy in Korea in order to steal back Juggernauts power gem, which is causing him to die. Apparently he was lured to Korea by word of a second power gem to enhance his own, however he was tricked and his power gem was leeched from his own body. When they are brought to him, they find that he has disappeared so Storm & Kitty go investigate. When they find him, he is destroying the city but is also definitely gettnig deathly sick.


Suddenly Gambit shows up and begins to attack Juggernaut and we find out that he has also been hired to steal the gem. They arrive at the temple where the gem is being held and must fight off many of the people protecting it. Gambit is able to steal the gem, and though Storm & Kitty think he double crossed them, he winds up returning it to Juggernaut & decides to go back to the X-Men with them.

[X-Men v2 #81
Gambit is back at the Mansion and his reunion with Rogue isn't as bad as he though, as they started off joking with each other right off the bat. Wolverine warns him not to betray the team or Rogue ever again. Rogue & Gambit go off to Boston together to discuss their differences, where they are confronted with an evil woman named Kali.


They are able to stop her and Rogue & Gambit make up. Rogue tells him she loves him, but Gambit can not say it back which causes Rogue to fly off, unaware that some unseen force is purposely holding him back from saying it.


May 23, 2012
Where do you cats find torrents of these older issues and series? Someone PM me a link please! I been dying to read the 90's on because that was when I used to try and keep up (Onslaught and Bastion both had me hype but I never got to fully check 'em). I been reading Chew bc that's all I could find d/l's of...pretty dope actually.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Where do you cats find torrents of these older issues and series? Someone PM me a link please! I been dying to read the 90's on because that was when I used to try and keep up (Onslaught and Bastion both had me hype but I never got to fully check 'em). I been reading Chew bc that's all I could find d/l's of...pretty dope actually.

Honestly man I just google whatever series it is. Sometimes it takes some digging but they are out there. I don't have any links on hand, but whatever you would search is probably what I searched.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #82
X-Force is approached by a kid named Jesse Aaronson, who is a mutant that goes by the name Bedlam. He tells them about how he met Domino and brought her to a place called the Aguilar Institute, where she could find Ekatarina Gryaznova, the woman from Zero Tolerance who implanted something in Domino's brain. In return, he needed help finding his long lost brother. However, Domino was captured and he needed X-Force's help to save her.


We find out that Gryaznova was a double agent, and Bastion transformed her into a horrible creature when he found out. She returned to Aguilar Institute where they made her a hybrid of nature's most efficient predators, and now goes by Gryphon.


X-Force makes it to the institute and Bedlam finds Domino first, and he manages to shut down the mechanical piece in her brain with his mutant power, therefore Domino no longer has her powers dampened. After defeating Gryphon, she self destructs the institute before they can get answers about it, killing herself in the process.

Wolverine v2 #131
Wolverine's wife, Viper who is now the ruler of Madripoor's underworld, had sent a group of Hydra men to a lost city where they contracted an extremely deadly disease. Now Logan must go find it so an antidote can be made before the infection spreads further. However, while on the mission he finds a Hyrda agent who tells him that Viper had lied to get Wolverine on the mission, since they never found the virus in the first place. He then gets attacked by a giant spider holding the virus, he kills it but not before he gets bitten. Obviously he survives due to his healing factor, and brings back a sample to Viper, but destroys it in front of her.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #59-62
These 4 issues make up an arc called the Nemesis Contract, where Cable is being hunted by SHIELD.
Cable is in a lot of pain now that his TK powers are gone, thus letting the techno-virus run rampant in his body. Next we see a man named Jack Truman AkA Agent 18, out in the African wilderness taking a break from his job as a SHIELD agent, until he is found and assigned to his new mission... taking down Cable.


Truman meets up with GW Bridge, suspicious of his past with Cable, and then apparently Truman has something to do with having Bridge transferred away from the case, and off to Washington. After reading more files, Truman begins to suspect that Cable is not a villain at all. In any case, he devises a plan to let loose an electrical beast named ZZZAX on the streets of Hell's Kitchen in order to bring Cable out. This works as Cable defeats the creature, but is found by Truman.


The two begin to fight, each respecting each other as they do, until they are stopped by SHIELD claiming they will take over from here, which pisses Truman off. Cable uses this moment of distraction and is on the run again. Meanwhile, SHIELD blows up half of Hell's Kitchen looking for him. Finally Truman finds him again and beats the shyt out of him, however he notices how weak Cable is, and decides it is not over and he will get answers.


Cable is kept hostage with a SHIELD scientist named Belgrade, and Truman begins to regret taking Cable in. We find out that Belgrade plans to cut the techno-material out of Cable's body and use it to upgrade a group of 'Nemesis Robots'. GW Bridge & Truman both find out the truth, and both plan to do something about this cover-up. Irene Merryweather meets up with Bridge and he tells her Cable's location, therefore Blaquesmith is able to contact him telepathically and wake him out of his coma. Then, Truman arrives and removes Cable from his shackles. We then find out that Belgrade did infect some of his robots with the virus, however they became uncontrollable and killed him. Now these four robots are on the loose in the SHIELD aircraft, where Cable & Truman are. Nick Fury is finally briefed on what's going on and he heads into the aircraft to help take down these robots. Fury & Cable work together to take out the robots. Then Truman finds Cable and the two have one final battle before the building collapses around them. Cable escapes but Truman is injured badly, and the last we see of him is while he is being transformed by SHIELD... we will see what they turn him into (pretty sure its Deathlok).


Meanwhile, Bridge & Irene go to the Daily Bugle and convince the man in charge to let her write a story on the real truth of this whole cover-up. Fury fires all parties responsible for the cover-up and they face charges in the Senate. The only people whose name are left out are Cable & Truman.

^Really enjoyed this whole arc.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool # 22
Deadpool is really pissed that Zoe Culloden & Monty stopped by unannounced so he punches her, and teleports away to meet with Siryn. Cable sees him approaching Siryn while X-Force is asleep and takes him outside to talk. Deadpool pisses him off, probably by insinuating that he is a pedophile, and the two fight. However, while fighting the two have a bit of a breakthrough where they understand each other, and tell their trouble. How touching...


Meanwhile, Overboss Dixon officially succeeded in sending off his right-hand man, Noah, to his death. He seems to regret it, but obviously he is going power-crazy and Zoe, Deadpool & Monty find out about it.

X-Force #83
Cannonball visits home to check on his sick mother. While getting some air, he tracks down a girl who seems to be in trouble, however she leads him into a trap and is attacked by some giant alien-like creature named Ulysses Dragonblood. They knock out Sam, and we find out that they were meaning to set someone else up. The two, Ulysses & Arcadia, are then attacked by an enemy. Cannonball defeats him, but more follow.


In San Francisco, Bedlam begins to be hunted by people he formerly worked for. X-Force stops them from taking him, and we find out these agents work for M.U.S.E. an agency dedicated to placing mutants in safer locations, basically working to protect mutants. Finally, Bedlam tells his life story, beginning with his parents death when he was five. He and his brother were split up, and he had tests being run on him until he was 15 when MUSE finally saved him. However, MUSE believes that his brother is a figment of his imagination created when all of his family was taken from him.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
This next one has nothing to do with any X-Men really, but its on the reading list so I'm just going to read the summaries of it.

Live Kree or Die #1-4 (Ironman v3 #7, Captain America v3 #8, Quicksilver #10 & Avengers v3 #7)
Apparently a group of Kree soldiers called the Lunatic Legion want revenge for the Avengers destroying their empire. They set up a deal with a business woman to retrieve a power plant. Tony Stark finds out about this and heads to the plant where he is attacked by Carol Danvers, who he'd recently pissed off calling her an alcoholic. During the fight the Kree arrive and steal the plant. Danvers flies after them, ignoring Avengers protocol to help an innocents first.

Captain America gets a call from Danvers, now known as Warbird, that she is fighting the Legion and he goes off to find her, but not before she is captured. They are basically hosting a concentration camp, gassing prisoners to death. Cap arrives and frees Warbird and the prisoners. Cap is furious when she says she didn't tell any other Avengers, but is quickly back to fighting. Once again Warbird tries to prove herself and flies off to fight, but is captured again and taken towards to moon.

Quicksilver meets with Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch, and the three teleport to the Blue Area of the Moon to find Warbird. They find out that the Kree are trying to turn all humans into their race. They split up and Quicksilver rescues Warbird and leaves her in a room, telling her to stay out of trouble but once he’s gone, she takes a drink of something which resembles alcohol and transforms into Warbird, drunk once again (I like this bytch). Wonder Man arrives and they start to defeat the Kree but drunken Carol shows up shooting wildly, injuring some of the Avengers, and forcing a retreat to earth.

Warbird receives a court martial at the hands of her fellow Avengers, the proceedings being chaired by Thor. Iron Man, Captain America and Quicksilver provide evidence against her relating to her alcoholism, her lack of professionalism and her inability to follow Avengers procedures. Before a verdict is forthcoming, the Vision receives a call from the Moon saying the Lunatic Legion is still a threat. They bring along the reserves, Justice & Firestar and head for the moon without Warbird who quits. They begin to defeat the opponent, however Carol decided to head for the moon herself, but the air gets too thin and she heads back to earth for a drink. They manage to defeat Kree, but who knows what Warbird will do now.


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
This era was my shyt as a kid, I'd goto the corner store n buy any x-men comic I could get :salute:

I didn't like when Age of Apocalypse dropped but looking back it was pretty trill, first time I saw a whole universe flipped


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #83
We find out that the people who attacked Cannonbal, Ulysses & Arcadia are Argos, Stranglehold, Zona & Pyre and they make up a group called The Sword.


Arcadia teleports the rest of X-Factor to help them. They defeat The Sword and we find out that Ulysses is protecting Arcardia because she has reality shifting powers that she still is not sure how to use correctly. There is a race of people called the Deviants who are battling each other and want to use Arcadia as a weapon against their enemy. Ulysses returns with her to their home planet, however this is not the end of that battle.

X-Men Liberators #1-4
This should be a cool little mini-series focusing around Wolverine, Nightcrawler & Colossus (3 guys who used to be good friends before they switched teams and shyt).

Wolverine & Nightcrawler accompany Colossus on a trip to Russia. While on their way we see a man named Sergei running a sort of concentration camp called Province 13 for raising mutants to use as weapons. However, one of the more viscous mutants escapes, and his touch kills. While Colossus is off at his parents grave he is attacked by Sergei's troops, but he escapes. However, Wolvering is injured in the forest by the creature who escaped Province 13 and he is taken prisoner after the creature runs away. Province 13 also finds Omega Red in the Savage Land and brings him back.



Nightcrawler is able to rescue Wolverine, though he is very weak. Omega Red confronts Sergei about why X-Men are involved with Province 13. As a team they are able to take down the whole operation, and Sergei kills himself in the process.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
These next four issues are a crossover arc involving Nate Grey & Cable, its called Blood Brothers.

X-Man #45-47 & Cable #63
Nate & Maddie are still in Ireland and he has a nightmare about destroying the world accidentally. He wakes up and sees an image of some tech-gnome casting the dream into him, but it disappears. Meanwhile, we see the guy named Ness, who has been stalking Nate, mixing it up with some strange creatures from his race known as the Hellbent. Two strange twin girls and their pet wold try to kill him, but only manage to kill his friend. Before he dies, he warns him to go to the Philippines to deal with this Tech-Gnome crisis, which is where Nate & Madelyn Pryor are currently teleporting to.


In the Philippines they find the base of the mysterious Blaquesmith who appears to be the creator of the Tech-Gnomes and the man messing with Nate's dreams all as tests to see what Nate is all about, and to prepare him for this end of the world possibility. Nate and Maddie are then teleported by him to Latveria, where a strange pyramid crashes down from the sky destroying Castle Doom (Dr Doom hasn't been in Latveria since the Onslaught arc). The Avengers are called off from interfering by Nick Fury, who says no one is to go there without word from him first.
Suddenly, the door to the pyramid opens and out comes Stryfe!!! along with his crew, the Dark Riders, ready to set up shop now that the powerful psis of the world are at their weakest.


Madelyne teleports to Scott and Jean’s house in Alaska and saves Jean from being slain. Back in Latveria, Nate reclaims his telepathy, after being attacked by Psynapse and becomes more powerful than ever. He is captured, however, by Stryfe who starts siphoning Nate’s psi-energies into himself.






As Madelyne returns to Latveria, she is reunited with Cable. Meanwhile, in Tramahoi, Ness is about to demand some answers from Blaquesmith. Next, Cable and Madelyn storm the Castle (no pun) and must fight a bunch of robots. Finally, Cable makes it to Stryfe in time to save Nate Grey, however the two are defeated after Cable loses his edge with Stryfe making jokes about raping his dead wife... lol fukked up.


As soon as the tables turn in Stryfe's advantage, Madelyn Pryor becomes a traitor and takes his side. Cable & Nate are able to escape while Maddy & Stryfe look over their newly conquered country. However, Nate Grey wakes up wanting to save Maddy, and when the pyramid starts growing, he rushes in. Meanwhile, Ness has showed up and realizes this is the place he foresaw Nate destroying the world. When Nate he rushes Stryfe and is attacked, Maddy shows her true colors and protects him. He steals much of her life energy, and Cable rushes to her side while Nate & Stryfe battle one on one. Suddenly, Ness appears in the pyramond, urging Nate to remember his vision. Nate uses his telekinesis, locking Doom’s Power Siphon device on Stryfe’s head, catching him into an energy-feedback-loop cycle, until he overloads and explodes. The crisis past, Ness, Nate, Madelyne and Cable all gather together as a new day dawns for Latveria.



May 3, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #360 & X-Men v2 #80

Okay this thread is officially all caught up with the other thread, so now anything I post in here will be issues I have just read.

As a guy who owns and has read all these comics you reviewed... READ Mutant X, it's REALLY good


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Damn really? Cuz the site I been following for read order doesn't include it, so I don't know where it fits in.